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It's my last week here in the Philippines. Next week, I will go back to Paris.

Moving to Paris is not bad. My two years of living there were great and peaceful. Also, I already accepted the fact that maybe love is not for me.

Unlike my love life, I'm having the best time in my career.

I never knew that I would be in this industry. But I'm glad I did because I will need a crazy schedule to help myself move on.

Though surprisingly, I haven't seen Gavin and Sheena together or even news about them.

Maybe they are taking some time off? So that media will not bug me? Or perhaps they were both busy?

Bree, will you stop? Just let them be. Please don’t bother yourself about them. You are just torturing yourself.

I was back to reality when I heard my phone rang.

It's Gavin!

"Come to my office, Bree. I need to discuss something with you." He said in a formal tone.

"Sure. I'll be there in a minute." I told him in the same tone.