Set Sail..

On a certain beach..

"Now as I said! Run faster if you don't want to be thrown into a cold, hard cell you wankers!"


"And stop complaining!"

'Now, at first this was pretty fun, kind of funny too. But the guards are a little too close for me to get the ship ready. Guess I'll try to stop them for now, or...'

She grew a mischievous smile.

"Oi crew!"

Mizuki suddenly stopped her sprint and skid on the sand.


Everyone jumped onto the sand and held their heads with their hands.

'They're actually starting to listen to me. Honestly thought it would take more for them to listen to a kid like me.'

'Well anyway.'

Taking her prototype out of her storage, she spun it in her hand and aimed down the sight.

Pulling the trigger Mizuki was slightly pushed back by the recoil and her shoulder was dislocated, while what seemed to be a beam of multicolored mana was launched from her gun appropriately named 'Streak'.

Her small smirk appropriately vanished the moment the projectile made contact.

Holding back an urge to vomit from the grotesque scene she had left on the side of the beach, limbs flying, bodies disintegrating, eyes melting, skin burning off, some imploding.

Even if she tried, it would be difficult to forget because of her skill.

Mizuki turned around and started running, not saying a word to her crew.

The crew noticing their 'captain' leaving started to follow. Few looked back at the carnage left behind, only to advise the others not to even take a glance and follow the 'captain'.

'Living in this comfortable and welcoming city really did soften me up, ha..ha. Not that I was tough from the start or at all.. To be honest with myself, I closed my eyes everytime I 'ate' any..thing.'

'Not having to digest anything to survive was most likely one of the reasons why I was so.. out of touch with this world.'

Mizuki bit her lower lip.

'I really am just a sheltered city girl who hopes this is just some sort of a lucid dream.'

'I've been trying to ignore all the death by telling myself it's a game. It's a dream. It can't be real.'

A tear fell from her face.

'But the welcoming atmosphere of that town reminded me of home, a lot.'

'I've been trying to keep up the act. For those around me, f-for myself. But it's s-so hard. Even that one orphan had a place to stay, to show his true feelings amd all that, yet here I am crying while cosplaying a damn pirate.'

She ripped off her jacket and threw it in the sand.

'The people in town. Those... they, can not be a part of some game. Classes, levels, magic, skills, this place is so much more intricate than earth. I know next to nothing of the common sense of this world.'


'Right now.. I'm just, a girl. Looking for a way home. I- I think at least.'

'... If.. If I can go home then.. I want.. I will find a way to do so.'

'I need power and information to do that...

I-I hope I won't need much else.'

Mizuki wiped her forming tears.

'These tears are so *hic* annoying.. Dammit!'

'Just let me turn them off already!'

The tears kept flowing. Showing how close to the edge Mizuki has been this entire time.

'I just want to go home. If this is some trial of god then finish it! It's done! Stop it already!'

Mizuki yelled in her own mind. Hearing footsteps behind her, she started running faster.

'Dammit stop the tears already for fuck sake!'

Making a quick moon element spell to seal her emotions in the deep depths of her soul, Mizuki finally calmed down a little.

Looking at the spell she made in haste, she wiped her tears and further strengthened and modified it.

[Abnormal Status gained (Curse): Dead Calm]

[Title gained: Curse Weaver]

[Title gained: Emotionless]

Mizukis eyes glazed over as all light in them vanished. What once was a telescope to the vast cosmos with twinkling stars and a sense of wonder was now just a violet and light blue colored void.

Viping all the tears from her face along with a few stray specks of sand, she set her hat on straight and analized the situation.

'Looking at this logically, this is most definetly not any sort of simulation. If it were there would be parts of it that wouldn't add up to each other. Even on the off chance that this is not real, finding a way home still remains my currrent top priority either way.'

'For now I should go in search of a library, one bigger than in the last town. I can stay there and search up on information, if it is impossible to stay I shall send the crew to gather what I order.'

'The guards are vary of us incase we have more bullets to shoot, which I can produce a near infinite amount of.'

Stopping in her tracks she took out the bottle from her storage, broke the container placed the ship in the water and pushed it so it wouldn't end up beached.

Standing up, she pushed her shoulder back in place so it would heal more effectively.

The crew caught up to her, most were breathing raggedly.

The one named Mason spoke up first.

"Oi lass! What the f-"

"You shall not talk to your captain in that manner, Mason."

"Captain? Captain!? A little girl like you has no qualifications to be ANY sort of captain!"


A hole appeared right infront of Masons' toes.

Using sound magic, Mizuki cancelled all sound made near the area exept for hers and walked closer.

"I know what you are planning on doing. You were planning to convince the others that I am a sociopath and bring me in to the guards. A terrible idea on three fronts. 1, you could not even catch me."

Mizuki released her aura that she was keeping under check.

"2, I could escape any 'prison' cell and 3, this does not excuse you listening to my orders moments prior."

Turning to the town that was barely visible from beyond the horizon, Mizuki pointed in that direction.

"On that scene down the beach are exactly 19 survivors who were able to dodge most incoming damage. All who can accurately describe you listening to my orders out of your own free will."

Masons' face paled as he looked at Mizukis' cold eyes.

"But I am a fair captain. If you wish to leave then go. I will not stop you from leaving Mason."

Mizuki cancelled her sound magic spell and did the shoo gesture with her hand.

Hesitating for a moment, Mason turned around and started walking.

After two steps he looked back to see if any others would join him, looking towards Tomi and Maryse who were too terrified to move for some reason while Eric was just quietly studying Mizukis' every move.

Mason frowned, but could not fault them.

Turning back towards the city, he took out his coin from his pocket. And after one more step.



This time instead of the ground infront of him being shot, the back of his head got shot. Masons' entire upper body disintegrated, with only a pair of lone legs left behind.

Glancing and making brief eye contact with Eric who was seconds away from saving a life, Mizuki placed her weapon back in storage while Eric looked to the side while biting his lower lip.

"Now the rest of you are most likely wondering why dear Mason had to meet such a terrible end. It's simple really."

Mizuki said as she walked over to the corpse and took a half melted platinum goin from the sand next to it.

"A crewmate was lost along with the coin he held. If I remember correctly, I stated that you die the moment the coin is lost."

Using the [Create] skill, Mizuki copied the coin and printed it out. A perfect replica. She placed it in her storage an turned to the crew who were all sweating much more than just buckets.

"Now it should be time."

Turning away from the crew with her 'normal' monotone voice, Mizuki looked towards the sea in time to see a ship rising from it, pushing her now dislocated shoulder back in place for a second time.

She took a step forward.

"I kindly hope you have a way to get on board."

Calmly taking a step on the water only for it to be frozen over, Mizuki was having a light walk towards the ship.

Stepping on the ship, Mizuki received a notification.

[Abnormal Status gained (Curse): Soulless Death]

While Mizuki was skimming through the description of the ships' curse the others finally arived at the ship and climed on.

They all then received the same notifications.

[You are now part of a cursed crew]

[Title gained: Cursed Crewmate]

[The Abnormal Status Effect [Soulless Death] has been gained]

[The negative effects of [Soulless Death] have been removed by captain [Mizuki Murasaki]]

[Your soul can not be damaged while the title [Cursed Crewmate] is a part of your Status]

[Captain [Mizuki Murasaki] has taken all the negative effects of curse [Soulless Death] upon herself]

Confusion struck the crew.

Most were thinking: 'Why would this heartless killer take on the burden of the entire crew and why doesn't she seem suprised?!'

'Did she plan this? Why and how would she?'

'Does she have some sort of incurable disease and want to go on one last adventure before dying?'

'Is she suicidal?'

'Is this her way of atoning for her sins? What a terrible way to atone.'

All these thoughts ran through the crews' heads.

Exept for one, Eric.

'What is she thinking inside that head of hers?'

Reaching the main deck after checking the contents of the curse, Mizuki went below and took everything that she made back in her room out to the main deck.

Making a quick book with instructions, Mizuki turned to the still dumbfounded crew.

"Eric, Natyr and Tomi."

The three stood up stiff at the mention of their names.

Pointing at the heavy machinery on deck, Mizuki said.

"Install all this to the boat. Fail and get thrown over board. Instructions reside in here, finish within the hour."

She then threw the book she made to them and turned to the remaining two.

"Maryse, Salon."

Seeing them nod warily, Mizuki was too lazy to educate them on manners so she just slightly frowned before stating.

"Raise the anchor, lower sails and set sail. The modifications I have made should be installed within the hour to help with the lack of manpower. I expect to see us on the open seas within an hour and a half in the least."

"If we still reside here within that time you shall be drawing lots to see who gets thrown over."

"I'll be below deck checking the durability of the vessel. Call me when a kracken or something attacks."

Heading below deck and leaving the crew no idea where to get started at, a few seconds after, Eric yelled.

"Well then crewmates. Let's get to work if we don't wan't to end up like Mason. That captain is a scary one."

Opening the book and being suprised by how detailed it is, with every minute detail written down, Eric started to instruct Natyr and Tomi on how to install these 'modifications' as the captain called them.

When the group of three started working at an extreme pace, Maryse and Salon also realized that this task will decide the rest of their lives and started to raise the anchor.

Meanwhile Mizuki was under deck, sitting on the last step of the stairs, listening.