Break out, Break down

It was the middle of the night.

The ships Soulless Pearl and Flaming Heartache both had multiple pirates on patrol, awaiting their new Commander Hinami to return from the city known as Tosided.

Some time back..

When the crew of Flaming Heartache were still following their captain Tana, they had entered a skirmish with an enemy ship.

Part way through the battle, multiple strong individuals emerged from below deck.

Their leader then went off to shore and returned with the dead body of their captain Tana and a partly naked beastkin girl with 3 tails.

The beastkin girl didn't have a scratch on her while Tana had lost most of his head.

Hinami proceeded to let the crew bury their captain while placing the beastkin in the brig.

Some crew members wanted 'a piece of that' when they saw such a beauty wearing so little getting placed in the locked cell but could not even approach due to Hinami herself locking the cage with a spell.

Besides the beastkin, some others were thrown in with her, much to the displeasure and envy of a few unruly fellows.

After questioning a few surviving crew members, Hinami declared herself the new commander of this 'fleet' that she plans to make.

No one dared to disobey, after all she was the one to defeat their last captain who was one of the pirate lords. What choice did they have?

After a 2 day long celebration, the new commander headed to the nearest city named Tosided to get some info on the current situation of the 4 continents after a day of rest.

She has been in the city for 4 days now and she had no idea. That she would be overthrown without even being there to witness it.


My name is Lin. I just so happened to join the pirate crew of the ship Burning Heartache last week with my 2 childhood friends Sam and Ronald.

It had only been a week and yet the crew already treated us as family.

It had only been a week and it seemed as though Sam had already fallen for captain Tana.

It had only been a week and me and Ronald had finally reached peak tier 3. Almost tier 4.

It had been only a short week.. and half the crew has been slaughtered, the captain killed and us now under the beck and call of their murderers.

'Teacher I hope the next time I see you won't be at my funeral.' was what I thought at the time.

Me, Sam and Ronald have been spared.

'Honestly this is worse than the suprise humanoid dungeon raid boss from back then.'

I was currently on patrol with Ronald on the ship that had the prisoners on it. One of the prisoners had almost caught Ronalds heart a few days back. I think her name is Natair or something similar.

Me and him were left on this ship as some of the only male patrol guards. The new commander picked us because 'we seem like the type to not try any illegal activities'. That was strange to hear from a pirate.

Oh right. There was this stunning beauty thta the commander brought back along with our captains corpse. The beastkin girl seemed somewhat familiar..

Right now, me and Ronald are just sitting near the helm and talking about stuff. I hope we don't have to change our allegiance again so soon.

"Oi. Lin. You hear me?"

"Yeah yeah I hear you."

"Okay. I'll tell you again. Remember that humanoid raid boss from that dungeon?"


"And the way you told us your teacher taught you how to measure potential from aura?"


"Then what about the commander?"

"Hmm. Less."

"So not as good as Tana?"


"Thought so."

While the raid boss had a scary amount of potential, Tana had more. A lot more. Compared to him, the commander has about 3/5 of the raid boss's.

"Anyway, Ronald. What do you think about the prisoners kept here?"

"Well. The Natyr lady is nice. Strong, commanding and protective of her crewmates. Especially the beastkin one."

"That one has been sleeping for quite some time hasn't she?"

"Yeah. But no need to worry. Natyr told me that not even Tana could kill her without going all out."

"Do you think she has some sort of unique skills?"

"I don't know man. I didn't pry."


A moment a silence.


With a ripple in space, a single void black hair appeared right above the wheel.

What followed. Was darkness.


'It seems to be nighttime.'

Mizuki thought as she stood straight and still in the cell, naked.

Her appearance had changed drastically.

Mizuki conjured an ice mirror after minimizing her aura to check her new looks.

Mizuki now only had the slightest ounce of babyfat left on her face, which made her look mature and beautiful but still have cheecks that you can't help but want to pinch yet she still wore her black cloth face mask. She had grown about 12cm or so. Her bust had increased in size from B to D. Her hair was now fully midnight black with strands of gold. Her sheep horns, although you can't see them because Mizuki has them retracted are now a light grey colour that you can almost see through that also come with a barely noticable glow. Her pupils were void black and her iris white. A golden clock symbol could be seen reflecting in her pupil, almost like a tatoo in both eyes, yet it still moved. Consistantly. Her three tails were now back to one fluffy cat tail which was the same colour as her hair, the spade tip was gone looking as if it was cut off and in it's stead floating right above the tip of the tail was a seethrough golden clock symbol. Tickin away, there were 4 hands that all rotated at different speeds. Around the clock was a golden ring almost like an outer edge that slowly encircled around the moving clock symbol like the ring of Saturn. And below the stem of her tail, it could be seen that not only her bust and height had grown.

'The class is 'Strider of Time'. The clock symbols in my eyes and the tip of my tail are symbolizing my attunement with the time element I guess.'

While thinking so, Mizuki turned her head to her tail, and focused her attention at it.

'The clock at the tip of my tail does not have a physical form and it's not made of mana or any other energy, currently it only seems like a visual effect that stands out too much. If I'm lucky then only people with the [Time] element can see it.'

'At least I won't have to worry about hiding 3 tails anymore.'

Focusing her attention back on the ice mirror, she made some clothes with [Create] after a few final thoughts.

'The increase in height will now let me use more punches and kicks while fighting thanks to my increase in reach but my chest and bottom size could now halt my battle style. Clothes ripping could also be bad if I have any concealed weapons in my pockets. Although that won't be necessary considering I now have [Item Box] and the second option of [Dissolve].'

Finishing her clothes and putting them on, it could be seen that her style had not changed much.

With a plain black zip-up hoodie that had a golden clock symbol on it's back that covers pure white sports underwear and a black tanktop, her legs had grey stockings and short jeans and her feet normal black leather shoes while her head carried a grey flat cap.

Although she didn't want to stand out, her hoodie still had a golden clock symbol because she couldn't get it's inconveniences out of her head.

The rest of her outfit was fine and good for sneaking around at night time.

But sadly her tail was difficult to hide due to the clock tip making an uncomfortable sensation when shoved in her pants.

When Mizuki was all good and ready, she took a final look at her new skills that she was checking while changing clothes.

[Item Box - A Spacial skill that lets the user insert any object within a locked dimension. Capacity is based on Lv.

MP cost per item: 2% of max MP]

[Horizon - Instantly teleport to a location that you are looking towards.

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Cost: 50,000 MP]

[Sever - Cut space to either break an object or sever flesh and bone.

Cooldown: 1 minute

Cost: 5% of max MP]

[Cut - Store any enemy attack into a special space. Cost depends on the stored attack. Only one attack can be stored. If skill is used while an attack is already stored, the stored attack will be replaced.]

[Paste - Paste a stored attack. Attacks can be pasted once.

MP cost: Enemy attack MP cost+1% max MP]

[World of Silver and Obsidian - Enter a personal world where time is stopped for everything exept you. Mana can not be used in this world. Use of this skill will place a burden on the body.

MP cost: 20% of max MP for every second.]

[Reverse - Change back time for enemy spells and make them backfire.

MP cost depends on enemy spell strength.]

[Spacial awareness - Passively feel any change happening in space. Whether that be a spell from behind or a sword hitting the ceiling above you.]

[Interdimensional Queen - A being with near perfect mastery of both [Time] and [Space].

All spells and skills of the Time and Space categories will receive a cost reduction of half. A step away from becoming a Monarch. Obtain a large increase in stat gain per Lv.

Condition for Title evolution: Become the only Interdimensional Queen.

Activate Title? Y/N]

'It seems that there is a choice to make. If I activate the title, it will most likely enter me to the list of Interdimensional Queens and that only means more enemies for me.'

'But since I have yet to hear or read anything referancing any queens I guess that this world does not have any, or the ones it has are in hiding.'

Pressing Y and preparing herself for the future, Mizuki looked at her sleeping crew and started testing her new power.

First sending a strand of hair a few meters up, Mizuki felt it hit the wheel with [Spacial Awareness] and switched places with it.

All that was left in the cell was her crew and a single black strand of hair.