They're Shiny!

Mitsuna took a minute to calm herself.

Seeing an Eldritch being normally makes people need to take a minute or a few to catch their breath.

After grabbing the strange crystals and booking it out of the deserted city, all she could do was hope that the smaller Sandwyrms couldn't grow as large as that behemoth.

Thinking about how a single one of those titan beasts could, as far as she knew, easily wipe out a continent, she wasn't feeling properly motivated to even try and fight the thing.

Back on the surface, skating along the dunes of sand, she remembered that story about there once being a Sanctuary here in the west that was cleared.

'I wonder if that beast came from there?'

She thought to herself for a moment before dismissing the possibility.

'Shigoto was probably just exaggerating the story. Probably. Though, I do wonder if that greedy turd is still alive?... I hope Maryse is dead.'

With a light 'Ugh' she jumped over a dune, a bad memory resurfacing.

'I need to find my dead body at some point, there are some bloodlines that I'm missing. If the blood is still where I left it.'

Throwing all the thoughts about her previous, previous life away for now, she took out one of the crystals from her inventory and started examining it.

A fascinatingly beautiful crystal.

Pink Isolation Rhodochrosite.

'Well they weren't exactly 'inside' the obelisk but whatever.'

Flipping it in the air like a coin, she poured a bit of mana into it.

The crystal absorbed the mana and nothing seemed to have happened.


Mitsuna voiced out, backflipping over a small dune while still observing the crystal.

Tapping at it, a moment later, it let out a stable stream of mana until it no longer had any.

Mitsuna slightly tilted her head as she looked at the mana the crystal had let out.

It was exactly the same as the mana she had just provided it. Exactly the same. Same flow, same speed, exact same amount as if she had just saved the mana inside the crystal to let it out later.

'I wonder if it actually does 'isolate' the mana that is inserted into it? Kind of like a storage or a memory of some sort?'

Slowing down her speed, she provided the pink crystal with fire element-infused mana and wind element-infused mana followed by a mixture of both. The flow of mana she provided was like pieces of thread.

After a few seconds, she tapped on the crystal lightly and just like that, the crystal let out fire mana, wind mana and a mixture of both. The exact same amount, element and method.

None of the fire and wind elemental mixture mana had been absorbed by the completely fire or wind elemental mana amount.

The crystal 'saved' all the mana it absorbed only to release it after a small 'tap'.

A rather simple thing. But it was a crystal, a mineral so some may see the value in it.

Mitsuna here, had stopped in her tracks, clearly seeing the value in the crystal. With the right testing and experimentation along with a little bit of gusto and determination, with this mineral, she could create many new and fun 'items'.

A working phone, computer and so on. Even a reusable nuke could be possible

(but dangerous and unneeded right now).

The problem with it was that the application of the crystal would be difficult. The limits of what it can hold and the 'type' of the mana information it could hold were unknown.

Where in a phone could she place a chunk of the stuff? Where could she get a chunk of the stuff anyway?

All she could do right now was further study the crystal and learn about it.

Deciding on that, she started to move again while observing the second treasure she got.

White Dissimulation Calcite.

After observing the thing, it seemed quite similar to the pink isolation crystal. It absorbed and stored mana but unlike the previously discovered treasure, it didn't 'save' the state and flow of it and would rather just disperse all the mana into the air.

It seemed more like a downgraded version.

Flipping it in the air like a coin, much like she did to the pink crystal, she caught it and was about to give it more mana for further short tests.

Yet it only took a portion of the mana it previously could.

Frowning slightly, Mitsuna scratched her head as she let all the absorbed mana leave the crystal and disperse like it naturally did when leaving the crystal.


The crystal suddenly shot out of her hand like someone flicked it forward.

Catching it before it could hit the ground, Mitsuna then caught herself from falling to the ground.

Looking closer at the white crystal in her hand, her eyes glazed over in curiosity as she held the crystal in her hand and flicked it rather hard.

After a second, without inserting any mana, she attempted to let everything in the crystal dissipate as it had done before.

And voila.

The crystal let out the kinetic energy from the flick.

"It doesn't just absorb mana but kinetic energy too?"

She voiced out in surprise before blinking twice and thinking for a moment.

Again letting everything stored in the crystal dissipate outwards, she could hear a distorted noise very similar to her own voice that escaped the crystal all at once.

"Not just mana and kinetic energy but sound too? So it possibly can store 'all' types of energy?...


Mitsuna yelled in glee. With these two crystals, she could essentially make... who knows? Anything? She didn't know.

And That is what made her excited!

Rushing back to the city with a gleaming smile on her face and theories and thoughts rushing through her head, she teleported straight to the city walls that she could see from a distance and right into her room and behind her table where she started tinkering and experimenting with everything that came to her mind.

She hadn't been this excited since she experimented with magic circles and their language back when she was Mizuki in her Dungeon Home. Even if she didn't quite perfectly remember how she felt at the time.

'I wonder what I could make out of these? The gizmos I've made already were all fun and stuff but with these, my options are f*cking Skyrocketing!'

'And they're shiny on top of that!'