Chapter 116

Fares watched the body of the Dragon fall from the sky and into the waters.


With a loud splash, the water rose up considerably, due to the total surface area and weight of the Demon King, before falling onto the Demon King's body. From afar, one would think that the water had swallowed the Dragon's body.

Even though the Demon King's body fell limply into the ocean, Fares did not tske his eyes off of the waters, instead he focused more intensely than before. That was because he could already see the Demon King's energy with his own energy vision.

And true to his expectations, a few seconds later, the surface of the waters raged as a large monsterous body emerged from the surface of the waters.

The Demon King emerged from under the water with a slightly different look. Its eyes were shining red, its horns were longer, its scales much thicker, and its cut off tail grew back.