Before they could even do anything with the two energies, they felt a powerful energy coming from the Northern part of the inner district.
They both looked at the direction of the energy clash to see a black and white energies clashing. It was so powerful that they lost control over the energies in their hands. It got released from their grasp and sped forwards.
Before they could regain control over the energies once more, the almost black energy slammed into the crimson red energy. The two energies formed a powerful force field that push them both back a few steps. In the next moment, however, the energies disappeared in a second as a cloud of black and crimson mist formed covering the whole perimeter.
Whenever the black mist touched an object, it would melt. Be it skin, flesh, rocks, or even the concrete ground. On the contrary, when the crimson mist touched the living things, they would heal back to their original forms at an incredible rate.