Daisy Oak

Pushing open the door of the personal lab, Gary saw his Gramps had already finished arranging the papers in neat stacks and were looking back and forth between the four stacks of paper and the shelf, seemingly thinking about how to transfer them in one go.

Shaking his head, he picked up two of the stacks and approached the shelf, "Where should I put them?"

"Oh, the one in your right hand, in the compartment R3 and the other in the one just below it."

While depositing the remaining sheets himself, the Professor continued, "Now, its 7:15 am, so there's more than enough time for us to discuss your future plan. Take a seat."

The Professor sat in his revolving chair behind the desk while Gary took a seat opposite to him.

"So, have you decided on what do you want to be?"

"Of course, a trainer, gramps. Besides when you have a chatterbox like Ash continuously going on about a pokemon master, then one's interst will automatically grow. Speaking of the devil, I have not seen him since I started training under you."

Hearing this, the professor was silent for a moment.

"Hm, you can go visit the Ketchum Residence once Daisy comes back. She will have to go there. Both of you can go together. But what kind of trainer do you want to become, a type specialist or a generalist?"

"I prefer being a generalist over a type specialist."

"I commmend your choice. But I am warning you to be a true generalist, you will have to learn thoroughly about every type and your lessons will get harder!"

"Gramps, since I have decided, I will stick to it."

"Sure, you should know that I sponsor the top three of the license exams, right?"

"Yes, Gramps."

"I want you to aim for the first spot. Because usually, the 2nd and the 3rd places gets a starter of Shallow Gold Potential while the 1st place gets a Deep Gold Potential and sometimes even a Pseudo Platinum pokemon."

Gary realised that if he took the first place, he would get a Pseudo Platinum pokemon from his Gramps.

Taking a deep breath, Gary replied, "I will try my best."

"Now that you are aware of the geographical details and the history behind the details of the League, we can start upon the pokemons one by one. First, we will start with the native pokemons of Kanto and once we finish them up, we will move to the other regions. We will concentrate of their typings, their hidden abilities and the moves they can learn.

Onto moves, Silph Co. is conducting deeply hidden research on learning pokemon moves artificially. By the time, your journey will begin, they will be ready and full circulation in the market. Again, I will not have to repeat to you to conceal this news."

"No gramps."

The senile old man completely chose to not mention the fact that Alakazam has placed a psychic seal in his mind over all insider information young Gary gained. Such is the beauty of psychic power.

"Anyway today's your holiday, so rest."


At around 10:15 am, the lively hurricane named Daisy Oak invaded the Oak household. The door flung open with full force and came into view a 12 year old young and pretty girl came into view. Raven black hair falling upto the waist, slender waist, long legs and the budding weapons signified that once the beauty fully matured, she will turn upto a beautiful fairy.

At that time, Gary was fully immersed in the TV where Lance's challenging battle against the final Elite Four was being broadcasted. If the Dragon Master won, then he will automatically take up the seat of Champion of Kanto that had been vacant since Samuel Oak stepped down voluntarily from the throne after his very short two month tenure.

Plopping herself on the seat beside him, she looked back and forth between Gary's face that was calmly ignoring her and was concentrating on the match, and the TV, she snatched the remote and turned it off.

Gary was at first dumbfounded at the sudden turn of events and as he turned his head to complain, he came face to face with his pretty sister's face which was deeply scrutinizing him from top to bottom.

He was momentarily taken aback at the burning gaze of his sister.

Daisy squinted her eyes, "Why do I feel like my little Gare-bear has changed a lot?"

Ethan was inwardly sweating and was surprised at her sharp intuition. He tried to change the topic. "Don't call me by that idiotic name, SIS!!!"

"I will call you whatever I want and don't change the topic. I heard from Grandpa that you have taken up training under him?? My rude and arrogant brother would never ask help from anybody."

Clutching his shoulders, she continued, "Which ghost are you possesing my little brother?"

Ethan was frantically trying to come up with an excuse and was getting ready to run with all his little life.

Suddenly, Daisy burst out laughing and started rolling on the floor clutching her stomach. "Hahahaha..... You should have seen your face in the mirror now, it was truly one of a kind..... hahahaha..."

Heaving a sigh of great relief inwardly, he shouted, "SIS!!! You have started on your antics again, today I will take my revenge!"

The brother-sister pair began a game of cat and mouse all throughou the living room, dining, etc.

What they failed to notice was their maid Alice watching them from the first floor and as if thinking something, a soft smile spread out on her otherwise emotionless face.

After a round of mischief, the pair sat reclined on the sofa breathing heavily.

"From .. when.. did.. you.... began... to... possess...such... stamina?" Between catching her breath, Daisy inquired.

Proud of his achievement of taking down Daisy for the first time, as the previous Gary was unable to catch up with Daisy, Gary said, "I have been training every morning to increase my stamina."

Suddenly, the door of the house opened, and after the sound of footsteps, the Professor came into view.

Seeing the state of the room and the two seemingly half-dead bodies on the sofa, the Professor was able to imagine what the room had to endure.

Releasing a sigh, he called Alice and asked her to clean up.

"Let's go, both of you, we are going to the Ketchums. Delia called me and invited us to lunch. By the way, how did she came to know that you are coming today, Daisy?"

Pulling herself up with great reluctance, Daisy replied, "I called her yesterday from the school."

The odd trio consisting of an aged Professor, a teenager girl and a small kid soon departed from the house and walked towards their destination.

The Pallet Town being a small town in the outskirts of the Kanto Region was bordered by the mountains in the back behind which was the sea.

Every resident of the small town were acquainted with one another. So, the lively older sister chirped her greetings to whoever they came and the Professor greeted them with a head of his nod.

Since this was Ethan's first time out of the house, he was soaking in the sight from all directions. After a short walk of ten minutes, they came across the Ketchum Residence and a lively restaurant with 'The Retreat' calligraphed on top.

According to Gary's memories, this was the restaurant run by Delia Ketchum. Ash's father used to be a Senior Pokemon Ranger posted in Mt. Silver who passed away in a Pokemon Raid when Ash was 4 years old, just one year before Gary's parents' death.

Pushing open the wicket gate, the trio entered the compound and Daisy ran upto the door through the steps to ring the bell.







