The Return


It's been 8 years since Ben Tennyson/Ben 10 left the planet Earth. Ben currently has a crew called "The Galactic Guardians".

Rook Blonko is an orphan like Ben who were both being raised by Tetrax and together become the Galactic Guardians. He is a Revonnahgander from the planet Revonnah. His home planet was invaded by Vilgax; the Revonnahgander refused to surrender, so Vilgax destroyed the planet Revonnah. Ben and Rook had grown up together and learned a lot of things from Tetrax. But, after the years passed by, Tetrax left Ben and Rook with his new crew; he left because he wanted something else in life and could not keep doing what Ben and Rook did anymore.

Ester is a Kraho/Human hybrid, one of Ben and Rook's newest recruits. She dated Ben a couple of times but it didn't work out. But they're still close as friends/allies. Being part-Kraaho, Ester is able to stretch her limbs at incredible distances like the rest of her kind, as well as withstand elevated temperatures even when wearing Winter clothing.

The next crew is Titano, originally an Earth chimpanzee, trained by NASA. During his mission, something went wrong and his space pod rocketed out of control into space. He was abducted by aliens, experimented, to make him extremely intelligent and his lifespan is much longer than regular chimps. Titano was a bounty hunter, but had a change of heart somewhat after he realized there's something worth more fighting for.

Another crew member is Titano's best friend, Zeno, the Triceraton. He was once a respected Triceraton warrior, but he disagreed with Emperor Zanmoran's plan to destroy planets. He believed that there is no honor in a weapon that destroys worlds from afar. For saying such things, he was thrown into a pit and became a prisoner; when he met Titano, they both escaped from prison and worked together as bounty hunters.

Finally, Ben and Rook's mentor, Tetrax, has started working solo, due to him not trusting anyone and being wanted by a couple of bounty hunters all throughout the cosmos. Moreover, he had gone into hiding and tried to settle in a peaceful life (catching a break, after years of fighting), but promised to aid Ben's crew, but only for emergencies.

On a spaceship, Ben and Titano are co-piloting the spaceship, while Rook, Ester, and Zeno, are sitting down behind those co-pilots.

"So, where we're gonna find your Triceraton buddies?" said Ben in a sarcasm manner.

"They're not my buddies." Zeno replied, he still doesn't understand Ben's sarcastical manners. "My people are my sworn enemies, they used to be the ones I considered comrades, brothers in arms. But now, their plan is just vile!"

"On that, I can agree with you, Zeno." said Rook, while he kept his focus on his piloting. "It just doesn't feel the same without Tetrax here." he sighed a little bit.

Ester is checking on a computer hologram, about to track down the Triceratons' next move. Ben turned his head to her, "Any luck with finding the Triceraton fleet, Ester?" he asked.

"Not yet, Tennyson." she replied.

"Better be quick." interrupted Titano "Or the Triceraton's are gonna waste whatever planet they're about to attack."

"Thanks for the motivation, monkey." Ben replied

"But there's no moment to lose," said Rook, to reduce the heated atmosphere between Ben and Titano.

A few minutes later, Ester has finally located the Triceratons' armada. "Uh, Ben, you might want to see this." she said.

"You found something, Ester?" asked the wielder of the Ultimatrix.

Ben did wield the Omnitrix when he was 10 years old. The Omnitrix is a portable library of intergalactic genetic data that allows the wielder to alter their DNA at will and transform into a variety of different alien species, each with their own unique abilities. But when Ben was 15 years old, he and the Galactic Guardians defended planet Galvan from the Highbreed invasion, Ben was given a gift from Azmuth, the creator of the Omnitrix, a better device called the Ultimatrix. Unlike the Omnitrix, the Ultimatrix has the ability to evolve some of the alien species into their "Ultimate Form".

The Kraho/Human hybrid nodded, "Yeah, the Triceratons' armada is orbiting that planet there." she pointed at the coordinates and Ben was wide-eyed in shock to see this, "You familiar with that planet?" she asked.

"OMG! That….That's Earth!" replied, Ben in surprise, "Guys….I'm….I'm going home!" he added, getting ready to make a warp. "Prepare for a Hyperjump to Earth!"

"Yeah, yeah" said Titano unenthusiastically.

Then Ben and Titano co-piloting the ship and rushly flew towards Earth with a "hyperjump", capable of generating a wormhole for faster-than-light travel across considerable interstellar distances.

"If any of you puke, you're gonna wash this ship for a week" warn Titano. "A month at best!"


The ride to Earth was a little long, but thanks to the hyperjump from the ship, the team finally reached Earth. But when they arrived at the coordinates, they were in for a surprise. The Triceratons have already invaded Earth, after seeing a couple hundred Triceraton vessels are already hovering outside the Earth's atmosphere.

"Great, we're totally screwed." said Titano, knowing that they were totally doomed.

Didn't waste any time, the Triceratons' vessels immediately fired at the Galactic Guardians' ship. Ben and Titano quickly piloted the ship and dodge the incoming attack.

"Can someone please, shoot something?!" yelled Ben.

Rook on the other hand, started controlling the blasting turrets and began firing on them, *BOOM-BA-BA-BOOM-BANG-A-BANG-BANG-BA-BA-BOOM-BA-BA-BOOM-BA-BA-BOOM-BANG-A-BANG-BANG-BANG* "Take that!" he said.


As Rook fires with his blasters on the ship, while Ben and Titano are piloting, the ship has entered the Earth's atmosphere. Then a couple of the Triceratons' battleships fired with their weapons at the Galactic Guardian's ship.

"They're coming in for another shot at us!" said Ester, reporting the bad news.

"Good, I wanna kill more of these assholes!" Titano enjoys firing his missiles towards the incoming battleships.

"Don't get too trigger-happy or the gun will overheat!" Ben warned.

"Since when do I ever listen to you?" said Titano, as he shot his banter back at him.

"Wow, whoever experimented on you did succeed in turning you into a douchebag!" said Ben, bantering back.

"Ben, one day you're gonna lay down on your bed and there's gonna be something squishy in your pillow case. And you're gonna be like "What's this?" And it's gonna be because I put a turd in there!" Titano banter back again, while holding his laughter.

Ben had a glare of anger and said, "You put a turd in my bed, I shave you."

"Oh, it won't be my turd, it will be Zeno's."

"I have famously huge turds!" Zeno admits, making Ben sneer.

Ester groused in anger, making them stop. "We're about to die and this is what we're discussing?" she said. "Can't you guys just focus on the invasion for once in your miserable lives!? Dammit!"

"There goes Ester in her mommy mode as one might say." muttered Rook, as he rolled his eyes.


Then their ship got shot in the back, about to crash on one of the Triceratons' vessels.

"Hang on!!!" Ben warned them, as he activates his Ultimatrix, then transforms into Bloxx, then quickly covers up all his teammates by shaping himself into a sphere.


As the ship crashes into one of the Triceratons' vessels, they soon land on one of the crafts that was in the sky on Earth, they all braced for impact and Bloxx crashed into the hallway on the vessel.

"That's what happens when we let Ben pilot the ship!" said Titano, ranting on Ben's flying.

"Dick!" Bloxx shots back to Titano in anger, then transformed back to Ben.

"Hahahaha" laughs Zeno, "That was awesome!" Zeno enjoys the near-death thrills.

But then they realized they had crashed near a prison holding several prisoners.

When they checked the prison, they realized that the Triceratons held a couple of superheroes in their vessel. Trapped in the sphere of radiation was Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman the last son of Krypton, the next cell was Princess Diana of Themyscira/Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, who was tied up on the pole with her indestructible lasso. Near her cell, there's Barry Allen/The Flash's cell, pinned down by gravity generators, across the room, there's J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter, being held by metals that he couldn't phase through, next to Martian Manhunter's cell is Victor Stone/Cyborg, where he was being dismantled for parts of his body, the next cell was Arthur Curry/Aquaman's cell, where he dehydrated because of the heat caused from Arthur's cell. Next to Arthur's was Bruce Wayne/The Batman, and the other cell was Hal Jordan/Green Lantern's.

"Oh man, this doesn't look good!" said Ester.

Just then, Wonder Woman saw the Galactic Guardians, "Who are you all?" she asked.

"I'm Ben, this is Titano, Ester, Rook and Zeno." Ben said introducing himself.

"Can't you guys get us out of here?" asked Wonder Woman, hope that these new guys are willing to help.

"We'll gladly get you out!" said Rook.

Then, the Triceraton guards quickly notice the Galactic Guardians.

"Open fire!" said one of the guards.

Then Ben quickly transformed into Chromastone, reflected their blasts at them and a few more dropped in and Chromastone said, "I'm starting to feel like General Custer at Little BigHorn."

"This Custer fella, remind me, how did he get out of his fix?" asked Zeno, before his shoulder got hit a little.

"He didn't." replied Cyborg. "That's why they call it "Custer's LAST Stand"?"

When the Galactic Guardians are freeing the Justice League, they quickly noticed Zeno, a Triceraton species.

"What in the name of Olympus is this?" asked Wonder Woman. "A Triceraton betraying his own kind?"

"Long story." said Titano. "But can this wait?"

Even weakened, Superman could speak. "Sure. But, I'll want to hear it, after you get us out of here." he said.

"Don't worry, you shall." Zeno said, firing his weapon at the other Triceratons while Rook used his Prototool.

As the fight went on, Chromastone then started aiming at the wall, firing with his energy blasters coming out of his hands, then the blasts had created a massive hole from the wall. The blast managed to free the heroes from their shackles and Flash quickly reassambles Cyborg's body parts, then helps Cyborg to get back up.

"Please tell me that any of you can fly?" Chromastone hoping that some of the superheroes could fly.

"Only me, Superman, the Martian, Cyborg, and Wonder Woman." said Green Lantern. "But right now, big blue has been exposed to Kryptonite, so he's weakened."

"I'll carry him." said Wonder Woman, holding Superman in her arms, making him smile a little bit.

Then Chromastone pressed the Ultimatix symbol from his chest and transformed into Jetray. "This one should do it." said Jetray.

Ester stretched her arms and began thrashing them around, creating the diversion they needed. "That's taken care of."

"Come on!" Jetray said, as he hurried and carried Ester from his legs, like an eagle, while Wonder Woman carried the weakened Superman, and the rest was carried by Green Lantern thanks to his power ring. Rook had tossed something to Green Lantern, it was his power battery.

Rook tossed it to him. "I believe this belongs to you, Mr…?" he wondered.

"Hal...Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Sector 2814."

The Galactic Guardians did hear of the Green Lantern corps, but haven't met Hal Jordan in person before.

"Uhm, ok." said Jetray. "We've heard about Hal. Tomar-Re, Kilowogg, Katma Tui and Ganthet told us numerous stories about you."

"Is it true you dated Star Sapphire?" asked Ester.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna reveal too much about my relationship status," Hal said.

The lot of them all found an escape vessel and Rook then used his Prototool to override the locking mechanism and opened it up.


As they flew away to escape the vessel, Jetray was concerned about where to hide.

"Great, now where the hell are we gonna go?" asked Jetray.

As Batman is about to reply, he has received an emergency contact from Nightwing, his former Robin, Dick Grayson.

"Look, I know that I hardly ever called you for help", said Nightwing from Batman's comm "But these dinosaur aliens are out of our league, I'm gonna need some assistance."

It's kind of rare for Nightwing to call for help, especially from his old mentor, but Batman knew Nightwing never called for backup unless it was an emergency, and after seeing the Triceratons, this qualifies as an emergency. "The League and I were tied up by said aliens, but as odd as it seems, a Triceraton named Zeno had betrayed his own kind and helped a human, a talking simian, a hybrid of human and I'm not sure what species and a Revonnah."

"What the hell is a simian?" Titano knew the word "chimp" or "monkey", but never been called a "simian".

The Dark Knight raised his eyebrow, "It's an alternate name for monkey." Batman replied.

"Oh." said Titano, "Well, I like the word."

"And they called you the smartass." Jetray replied, as he gave his payback.


As the Galactic Guardians are close to the ground, Batman has pinpoint Nightwing's location, Nightwing and some of his old friends, Red Rapid, known as Wally West, the former Kid Flash, Troia, known as Donna Troy, former Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman's sister, Arsenal, known as Roy Harper, former Speedy, and Tempest, known as Garth, former Aqualad, are surround by bunch of Triceraton armies.

But Jetray fired his neuroshock beams from his eyes, knocking a few of them away and the heroes aided the former Titans members. Ben switched to Water Hazard and shot some water blasts at them, Tempest and Aquaman mused at this and decided to help him out.

"Allow us to assist!" said Tempest.

"Sure thing." said Water Hazard.

"For Atlantis!" Aquaman roared, as he charged at them with his trident, injuring the Triceraton's leg. "Glad that was not that Zeno guy," he said.

Aquaman personally is half human, half Atlantean, and he was born on the surface world. So he cares about the surface world just as much as he cares about Atlantis.

Then Batman and Nightwing threw their tear-gas to blind the Triceratons and retreat away. It was then that Ben had reverted back to his human form, making the lot of them all gasp in surprise. "So where are we going to hide?" asked Ben, wanting to know.

"I know a place," replied Nightwing.


After they had escaped from the Triceratons, Nightwing led the Galactic Guardians, the Justice League, and the rest of the former Titans members in the Titans old warehouse hideaway in the city Nightwing protects, Bludhaven, New Jersey.

Years ago, the Titans didn't have an official headquarters, and Titans was not an official team either, but rather just a hangout club for young sidekicks to get away from their mentors. Plus, they didn't have the funding for their own headquarters and rather have their mentors to stay out of their way.

Unlike Nightwing, who's able to contact his former mentor, Batman, Arsenal couldn't contact his mentor, Green Arrow. The last he heard is that Green Arrow was at his turf, Star City, along with his girlfriend and partner, Black Canary. Arsenal didn't show his "worry" side towards anyone, but tried to stay cool to end this war.

"Well, it'll do for a while." said Titano.

Ben then sat down to take a breather and Wonder Woman sat down next to him. "Okay, now while we're hiding here, I'd like to know a few things, who are you guys, what happened and how did the Triceratons invade?" he asked them.

The Kryptonian had enough strength to answer, "I am Kal-El, the last son of Krypton, but to the public, I am known as Superman." he introduced himself. "These are my teammates, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and you've already met Hal Jordan of the Green Lantern Corps." he pointed to all of them, "And right here is Nightwing, Arsenal, Red Rapid, Troia and Tempest, formerly known together as the Titans. Me and my group are the Justice League."

But, Titano doesn't seem impressed. "That's a corny name."

"I told you it's a corny name." Flash agrees with what Titano just said.

Ignoring Flash's and Titano's criticism, Wonder Woman then asked, "So, who are you?"

"We're the Galactic Guardians." Ben started off, "These are Rook Blonko, Ester, Zeno, Titano and I'm their leader, Ben Tennyson. But everyone in the universe knows me as Ben 10." He then unveiled the device on his wrist.

"You guys are humans right?" asked Flash

"Just me." Ben replied

"Revonnahgander." said Rook.

"Triceraton." Zeno said, making Batman squint.

"Retards." Titano replied

"You done?" Ben shot back at him. "He's a chimpanzee."

"And I'm Kraho, by the way" Ester told them, "But half of me is Human."

"So how did you transform into those alternate monsters?" asked Cyborg.

It was then that Nightwing got a look at the device, "You used that device on your wrist to turn into a different being." he said, "A very powerful device no doubt."

Ben showed them, "It's called the Ultimatrix, it has the DNA of over a million aliens." That sort of news made them all gasp.

Then Batman was suspicious with the appearance of Zeno, a Triceraton who helped the league escape from his own kind.

"Why did you help us?" asked Batman, in his dangerous tone, as he didn't trust any strangers, currently Triceratons, that easily.

Zeno then revealed about himself, "I betrayed my species because I could not abide by their plans to destroy and or enslave any form of life." he started. "It made me sickened and so I renounced all ties to them and now, I am on the run from them."

Zeno reveals his past a bit to earn the heroes' trust. "I was once a respected Triceraton warrior, but I disagreed with my Emperor's plan to destroy planets. Because there is no honor in a weapon that destroys worlds from afar."

"Our ship picked up a signal before it got destroyed when we saw the Triceraton armada heading here, but it seemed we got here a little later than anticipated," said Ester.

Ben began to tell them why he came here, "Earth was my home, I've been away from here for 8 years now ever since my parents, Sandra and Carl Tennyson died in a car wreck when I was 10." he said to them, feeling some tears flow down his face. "I came back because I missed my Grandpa Max and my cousin, Gwen. I haven't seen them in years"

Even though Ben was controlling his emotions, Wonder Woman understands that some people are hiding their pain, including Ben. So she holds him in a comforting hug. "I'm sorry about your parents, Ben." she said.

Nightwing then spoke up "Alright, now we need to know what do the Triceratons really want other than enslaving the entire human race."

"Don't bother," Zeno continued, "I know exactly what they want. They're building a Black Hole Generator that will swallow up the entire Earth."

"But why Earth?" asked Nightwing.

"Because the Kraangs did hide on Earth for years hoping that they could conquer Earth." said Zeno.

The Justice League knew about the Kraangs, they teamed up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to fend off the Kraangs and defend the Earth.

"After the Triceratons knew that the Kraangs were hiding on Earth, they won't hesitate to destroy the Earth until not a single Kraangs survived." Ben finished that sentence. "They don't care if they have to eliminate innocent humans in the process."

"But what's the history between the Kraangs and the Triceratons?" asked Red Rapid, wanting to know.

"The Kraangs and the Triceratons are their sworn enemies, they did have a war towards each other until the Kraangs manage to destroy the Triceratons' home planet." told Rook. "So the Triceratons swore revenge towards the Kraangs to destroy every single Kraang, even if it means to destroy a Kraang-infested planet."

"This is very bad." said J'onn, fearing that this is bad.

"I agree with J'onn," said Batman. "There has to be a way to stop this."

Ben thought about it long and hard, and then he got an idea, "Hmm, the Triceratons are trying to to find you guys, but they don't know you're civilian identities, and I've been away from her for the past 8 years, so disguise yourselves to avoid their sensors."

J'onn thought about that. "Hmm, you have a point Ben." J'onn then began turning into a man with short brown hair and looked like he was in a trenchcoat and such. "So, we'll have to keep under the radar. Then what?"

"Then, find the Black Hole Generator located, destroy it, and bring the fight to the Triceratons." Ben replied.

Batman raised an eyebrow, "Sounds reckless and stupid."

Nightwing however agreed, "Yes, but you gotta admit, it sounds crazy enough to work." he said.

"Hmm, alright." said Batman, reluctantly agreeing with this. He personally doesn't like to reveal his secret identity to strangers he hardly knew, but didn't have much of an option right now to hide from the Triceratons. "But we keep a low profile, as our civilian identities." he said, "That means, Barry Allen, Diana Prince, Detective John Jones, Clark Kent, Victor Stone, Arthur Curry…." he then began to take his cowl off. "And Bruce Wayne."

"That also goes for us too." Nightwing added, "Dick Grayson, Wally West, Roy Harper, Donna Troy and….Garth."

Ben then realized, "Ah shit, I forgot, you guys don't have any aliases!" he smacked himself in the forehead.

"Do not worry, I brought a holographic disguiser with me." said Rook, placing it on his wrist, and giving one to Ester, Zeno and Titano as well. The pressed the switch and it made them look human, Rook looked like he had dark skin and short black hair, Ester looked Caucasian with purple eyes, black hair with an indigo streak in it, Zeno looked like a mechanic with a triceratops logo on his hat and Titano looked like a mountain climber with a helmet and had a shaved head of hair.

Ben smiled, "Okay, that works too." he said. "And when we are better prepared for taking down the armada, It's Hero Time!" he said.

The lot of them were a little confused as to what he meant. "That's his signature phrase." Ester whispered.


On one of a massive Triceratons' mothership, Captain Mozar has made a report towards the Emperor of the Triceratons, Emperor Zanmoran.

"Emperor Zanmoran, we have a situation." reported Captain Mozar.

"What is it?" Emperor Zanmoran was not pleased with any situations or delays, especially when victory was almost on his grasp.

Then Captain Mozar the holographic computers showed that the Justice League had escaped by the help of the Galactic Guardians. But the one that the Emperor caught his attention the most is Ben Tennyson, as Chromastome, shown on the holographic computer footage.

"Ben Tennyson." said The Emperor, sneering at Ben's name, knew that Ben Tennyson is a very formidable foe as long as he wields the Ultimatrix.

The Triceratons and the Galactic Guardians did have a history, the Galactic Guardians have been a thorn to their sides for years after failing to conquer planet-to-planet thanks to the efforts of Galactic Guardians.


"Attention to all Earth monkeys!" as Emperor Zanmoran is introducing himself from a holographic figure. "This is Emperor Zanmoran speaking. I am sick with all of this resistance!! My vessels are all expensive and hard to repair. What part of "resistance is useless" did you not understand? The Justice League has escaped from our prison facility and will be dealt with on sight! Anyone who dares try to aid or hide will be punished! Got that?!!! "

Ben, the Guardians, the League and the Titans all hear it over the intercom. "Man, sounds like the Emperor is losing his temper." Ben remarked. "But since they don't know your secret identities, you'll be able to sneak under their horned noses." he added, before turning his head to Zeno. "No offense dude."

"None taken, Tennyson." Zeno replied. "It was a good joke though."

Wonder Woman smiled at this, as did her sister. "Agreed." said Diana. "So, how do we cover more ground?"

"We'll split up into different teams." Ben began strategizing. "Rook, you go with Barry, Hal, Wally and Victor and take to the alleyways. Zeno, you take to the sewers with Ester, Roy, Arthur and Clark. Diana, Donna, Dick, you and Garth are with me. And Bruce, you go with Titano and John through the woods."

"Great strategy Ben." said Rook. "But, one question, where do we go?"

Bruce was reluctant to answer this, but he got it figured out, "We head for the Batcave."

This made Wally and Roy gasp a little bit, "THE Batcave?!" they said in unison.

Neither Wally and Roy had ever been invited by Dick to the Batcave before, because Batman won't allow strangers to come to the Batcave in order for it to remain a secret.

Roy's mentor, Green Arrow, did go to the Batcave a few times for a specific mission, but never got a chance to be invited to the Batcave.

Ben looked a little bit puzzled, perplexed even. "And where is this "Batcave"?" he asked.

Batman normally would never answer that question, he did not want anyone to figure out his true identity no matter what, it could put the lives of everyone he cared for in danger. But, given the circumstances, he had no other option. "It's under my house, Wayne Manor."

At first, Ben was a little baffled, "Interesting place to put it." he said. "But, why not just call it "The Garage"?" he asked.

"No." Bruce said it with a quick response.

"Fine." said Ben. "So, let's get a move on." he added. And with that said, they all began to get into their civilian identities, Diana was dressed in what looked like a business suit and put her black hair in a ponytail. Donna went into her usual dark wash jeans, sneakers and a red tank-top, Victor used his hologram projector to show what he had looked like before, he was dressed like a football player, Hal put on a beanie hat and a bomber jacket that did not have his nameplate on it. Barry was now in his CSI uniform, Bruce was in a tuxedo and Clark was in his usual work suit when he was at the Daily Planet. Dick was now in motorcycle racing gear while Wally was in his usual jacket and a turtle neck, Roy looked all bad-boy styled and and Arthur looked like he was a fisherman, he had disguised his trident as a fishing rod, Garth looked like a surfer, J'onn was in his usual disguise and Ben still doesn't make changes on his outfit, still wearing his black jacket, white shirt beneath his jacket, with blue jeans, and a pair of black and white sport shoes.


The Triceraton patrol vessels were hovering around the city, but they could not fit through the alleyways of Bludhaven. And Rook (in his disguise) walked with Wally, Barry, Hal and Victor to avoid the patrol routes of the invading force.

As they begin their hike to Wayne Manor, Wally spoke with Rook and his uncle, Barry. "I still can't believe Bats' is really Bruce Wayne," he said. "I thought a billionaire like him would have his hideaway on a yacht or an island in the South Pacific."

"Not every rich person lives that kind of life, Wally." said Barry to his nephew.

"Indeed." said Rook. "But right now, let's get to Mr. Wayne's mansion."

"Lead the way, Rook." said Hal. And so they followed him.


Zeno walked with Ester, Roy, Arthur and Clark through the sewer system of the city and Clark felt a little bad about the idea of doing this. "Lois is gonna hate the smell of sewer on my clothes." said Clark.

Zeno and Ester turned around to ask, "Who?"

"Oh, his girlfriend, Lois Lane." replied Roy.

"Roy!" glared Clark to Roy, who doesn't like the idea of his relationship revealed too much.

"Nah, it's alright with us." Ester replied. "To be honest, I dated Ben before. But it didn't work out."

This made the three heroes look a little shocked and yet stumped at the same time. "Long story." Zeno said.

Arthur then put his hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry Ester, I am sure that you will find the right boyfriend someday." he reassured her. "I think my wife and I can set you up with someone."

Ester smiled at that, "Sure, that'd be fine with me." she said.

Zeno continued to lead the way, "You're a really lucky man, Arthur Curry." he said to the Atlantean Hybrid. "So, when you helped Ben against those soldiers, you said Atlantis. Is that where you're from?"

"Yes." Arthur confirmed. "Atlantis is an underwater city here on Earth. For years, I never knew my birth mother, but when I found out her name was Queen Atlana, I was amazed. But she was killed by my half-brother, Orm, or as he is called now, Ocean Master."

"I am sorry for the loss of your mother." Zeno said, showing his sorrowful side.


Meanwhile, we now see Ben, Diana, Donna, Dick and Garth walking around and they see a report coming in on a local news channel. It showed a man with dark brown hair dressed in a gray jacket and black shirt, holding a microphone. This was Lucas 'Snapper' Carr, a reporter who covered the League's missions from time to time and he was showing where the Triceraton's were searching next.

They went inside a diner and sat down at a table to make sure that their escape was well hidden from the Triceratons and their patrolmen. "We should be safe in here for a while." Ben whispered. "So anyhow, Diana, when you asked what was going on back at the prison ship, you mentioned Olympus. How can that be?"

Diana whispered, "You see, I myself, like my sisters on Themyscira, were born of the Olympian Gods."

After hearing this, Ben was shocked, "You're an Amazon?" he asked. "I heard that they are the tallest and most beautiful women on Earth."

Hearing that made Diana and Donna blush a little bit, "That's very flattering of you." they said.

"Yeah, despite being away from Earth for 8 long years, you certainly know how to impress a woman." Donna added, stroking her hair in a flustered way.

"Thanks." said Ben.

Dick began admiring how Ben did it. "Hmm, Ben, you said your parents died in a car wreck a few years back." he said to him, bringing that subject up, before he put his hand on his back. "I know how you feel. I lost my parents too."

This made Ben a little confused "Really?"

"Yeah, my parents were murdered by a mobster named Tony Zucco." Dick felt solemn. "It was during the time my family performed in the circus run by Jack Haly."

"You were born in a circus?" Ben asked, getting a nod from Dick. "Wow, when I was 5 and a half years old, a scary clown got in my face and I've been afraid of clowns ever since."

Dick and Garth were stunned a little bit, "Yeah, some clowns were never funny."

"On that, we can all agree." said Diana. "Especially the Joker. But still, I wish we had Steve here to help us out."

Diana remembered several things about her first boyfriend, Steve Trevor, who had been on her side during World War II when the Justice Society of America was sent there to stop Vandal Savage, an immortal tyrant who sought to take the world for his own, who's in charge of the Nazi's worldwide invasion. History said that Adolf Hitler died because he suicide, but it was Vandal Savage who killed Hitler, believed that he's unfit to lead the Nazis. Diana is an Amazon, who has lived for hundreds of years, unlike Steve. He sacrificed his life in order to prevent the Nazis from invading America. It was an act like that which made her fall in love with him.

"Sister, I know you miss him, but he's gone." said Donna, putting her hand on her sister's shoulder in comfort. "He'll always be remembered as a hero."


As the heroes finally reach the Batcave, the heroes see an old man with his neat tuxedo on, stand ready.

"I take it you're the ones who are taking shelter?" asked the butler.

"It's alright Alfred, they're with me." told Bruce to his butler.

"Very good sir." replied Alfred. "Are you certain this was wise, Master Bruce?"

As the remaining heroes arrive at the Batcave, they're amused with Batman's large personal computer, couple of his "souvenirs" he's collected from the villains he's fought. But the ones that caught the heroes' attention is the large T-rex statue.

"Now that's a cool looking T-rex's statue" said Ben, who's amused by the sight of the T-rex statue.

"You got that right." said Wally.

"And I thought Batman was the detective." said Alfred sarcastically.

"And I thought you're John Hammond." said Ben sarcastically towards Alfred. John Hammond was a fictional character who found Jurassic Park in the Jurassic Park movie, one of Ben's parents' movies that they enjoyed years ago.

"If you're done finishing your tour, we got business we need to take care of." Bruce wanted to go straight to work, and doesn't like to waste time. Then Bruce immediately activates his Batcomputer.

As Bruce is typing on his computer, more heroes have arrived at the Batcave.

"Your guests have arrived sir." Alfred introduced Bruce's new guest from the stairs at the Batcave.

Bruce and the rest of the heroes are looking at Batcomputer. Earlier, neither Bruce, Dick, or Alfred are able to contact Tim Drake, known as Robin, or Barbara Gordon, known as Batgirl and also known as the police commissioner's daughter. The last time Alfred heard from Barbara and Tim, they went out protecting Gotham, but hiding as well, since Gotham was also being invaded by the Triceratons.

"We've found the location of the Black Hole Generator" Bruce found it after he typed his Batcomputer, and it showed where the parts of it were hidden. "One part is right there, in the Sahara." he pointed to one of them. "Another is over….there in Ivy Town….And the last one is in New York City."

Ben was shocked to hear that. "That….That's where I lived until I went into space." he said, feeling like he was gonna choke up a little bit. Donna patted him on the back and embraced him as if he were her brother. "We gotta destroy it."

Hal then brought up, "But how do we do that without being detected?" he asked.

It was at that point, Zeno said, "I can create a diversion for you, but I think it's best if I do it alone." he relayed his plan. "While you guys prepare, I will sneak aboard the mothership, divert the scanners from detecting you and allow you to slip under their horns."

"Hmmm, sounds crazy, but it's crazy enough to work." said Dick, agreeing with this.

"Seconded." Wally added, as he gripped hands with Dick. "So, we'll have to divide and conquer against them."

"For once Wally, you and I are in agreement." said Bruce, making Wally a little surprised. "Clark, you go with Diana, Hal and Donna to the Sahara Desert and wreck the one there."

"You'll get no complaints from me." Diana said. She began spinning around and then, in a bright flash of light she was once again in her Wonder Woman outfit.

Ben was amazed by the way she did that, "Whoa, now that is a quick change." he said.

Batman then instructed, "Flash, you and Red Rapid go with them." to the Scarlet Speedster.

"Got it." said Barry.


As the team is heading to space, Zeno, disguising himself as one of the Triceraton soldiers, is piloting the Triceraton battle cruiser, heading towards the mothership.

"This is shuttle number 74997-Alpha Niner Beta, confirm docking code". said Zeno, while pushing the button on the battleship.

"The docking code is 41997.8" said the computer. "Docking code granted You are cleared to come aboard Alpha Niner Beta".

As Zeno's shuttle made its way inside the ship,


As soon as the team was on board the Triceraton's ship, a few Triceraton guards approached the battleship.

"Sorry guys." said Zeno. He quickly fired the Triceraton guards with his blasters, Ben, then transformed into Diamondhead to use his crystallokinesis powers to knock down the Triceratons as the other Galactic Guardians shot down any drones that came their way, whether they were sentry's or something else.

Then the team get seperated, Ben and Rook are heading towards the commanding panel to face off against Emperor Zanmoran, while Zeno, Titano, and Ester are heading towards the

Zeno, Titano, and Ester almost reached towards the control panel, but Captain Mozar is waiting near the control panel.

"Zeno." Captain Mozar was sneering at Zeno's name.

"Mozar." Zeno sneered back.

"Titano, Ester." Titano and Ester introduce themselves sarcastically. "Great. Now we know each other, so do you mind if you move so we can-".

"No." Mozar made a quick response then quickly fired his gatling gun towards Zeno, Titano, and Ester.

While Zeno, Titano, and Ester are taking cover towards the wall, Titano quickly has a plan.

"Keep him busy." said Titano.

While Ester is taking cover and Zeno is using his gun to shoot and to distract Captain Mozar, Titano was climbing above the ceilings, while getting close towards Captain Mozar. Once got closer, Titano pulls the pipe and freezes Captain Mozar.

"You will pay for defying the Triceraton Empire!" yelled Captain Mozar, while his body was frozen.

"Yeah, yeah, we've been defying a lot of people. So deal with it!" Titano shot back.

Zeno, Titano, and Ester finally reach the control panel and divert the scanners, in order to make the heroes on Earth undetected.

Then Titano turns on his comm "You're up Super-dweebs".


After receiving Titano's message, the heroes began their assault. Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Troia flew towards the Black Hole Generator, while Flash and Red Rapid ran with their super-speed, towards Black Hole Generator.

No time to do stealth, the heroes charged towards the Black Hole Generator. But it didn't take long for the Triceratons to notice, they quickly fired with guns towards the heroes. Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Troia easily dodge them while Flash and Red Rapid run around to create a sand tornado to blind the Triceratons. Then both speedsters ran and quickly confiscated their guns with their superspeed, which allowed Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Troia.

Finally, the heroes reached for the generator part and destroyed it. Without the parts, the Triceratons have no chance to activate the Black Hole Generator.


Meanwhile, the heroes arrived in New York, consisting Batman, Cyborg, Martian Manhunter, Arsenal, Aquaman, Tempest and Nightwing. They began avoiding the Triceraton patrols as they took to the rooftops and such.

"Man, these guys seem really persistent." said Arsenal.

"Yeah, the tech they got is nothing like the kind that was used for my armor." Cyborg said, denoting that to be true.

They all looked around, and then they spotted some sort of fight happening on a rooftop. Batman used his grapple gun, as did Nightwing, Arsenal shot one of his grapple arrows, Cyborg used his boot jets and Aquaman uses his trident to able to uses his hydrokinetic powers to lift him up, while Tempest also did uses hydrokinetic powers too (without a trident) and what they saw was something they never thought they'd see.

It looked like four humanoid turtles fighting against some Triceratons and what looked like ninjas. One was wearing a blue mask, one in a purple mask, another in a red one and the last turtle was in an orange mask. Batman recognized them before.

"Are they enemies?" asked J'onn.

Batman shook his head, "No, their allies." he said to them. "We have to help those turtles!" he said, racing over to the spot. And without hesitation, they all rushed to help the humanoid turtles out.

They kicked one of the ninjas to the side, Aquaman fought against a Triceraton and knocked him down with his trident. "Okay, now that feels good!"

Just then, as the turtle in the blue mask was fighting against a Triceraton and a ninja, Batman sweep kicked the ninja down and tripped the Triceraton down. He thought he saw him as a threat, but then recognized who it was. "Batman?" he asked.

"It's been a while." said Batman

"Likewise." said the turtle, now known as Leonardo. "You escaped from the Triceratons?"

"Yes, and so did they." he pointed to his allies, as they began fighting against the villains. "It seems your brothers are in trouble."

"Yeah!" said Leonardo.

Cyborg was using his Sonic Cannon on a Triceraton, but was about to be ambushed by a ninja, however, the turtle in the red mask struck down the ninja, Cyborg saw this and noticed that the ninja was not a human, but a robot. "Damn, a robotic ninja? Who knew?"

"They pretty much come out of the woodwork." said the turtle in the red. "So, I take you're Cyborg?"

"Yeah, and you are?"

"The name's Raphael, but you can call me Raph if you want." said the Turtle in red, now called Raphael.


Nightwing helped out the turtle in the purple mask, as did Arsenal. "Whoa, first the Triceratons, then that Tennyson guy and his Galactic Guardians and now humanoid turtles?" asked Arsenal. "What's next?"

"No clue." said Nightwing. "Let's just get rid of these Tricera-Creeps and these ninjas!"

"Right!" Arsenal agreed to that, shooting some of his arrows at the Triceratons, and at the same time, it knocked them out with a concussion. The turtle in the purple mask used his bo staff to trip the ninja down. "Nice shot."

"Thank you." said the purple masked turtle. He then looked up and saw who they were. "Hey, hey you're….You're Nightwing!?" he said, feeling awestruck. "And, you're Arsenal, right?"

"Yeaaaaaahhhh….." he said, feeling confused. "How do you know who we are?"

"Me and my brothers' saw you on the news before." said the turtle in purple.

Just then, another ninja came jumping at them and brought two more with him. And they all blocked the ninja's weapons. However, the turtle in the orange mask hopped on the back of a Triceraton and made it ram the ninjas down, smashing their robot bodies.

"So, the ninja's are machines," said Nightwing. "Then we don't have to hold back!"

"You got that right!" said Arsenal.

And just like that, they took down the mechanized ninjas with ease and they tripped up all the Triceratons as well, knocking them out. "Mikey, you okay bro?"

"I'm fine Donnie!" said the turtle in the orange mask. "High-Three!" and they did their equivalent to a high five."No doubt that these ninja bots were made by The Foot Clan." he added.

Hamato Yoshi/Splinter and Oroku Saki/Shredder are brothers and grew up together. Saki was a baby orphan when a rival clan, Hamato Clan, found him. Hamato Yoshi's father, Hamato Yuuta, took him and raised him along with his son, Hamato Yoshi.

Hamato Yuuta did send Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki to Nanda Parbat, where they met Bruce Wayne, Sandra Wu-San, Ben Turner, and Richard Dragon, for more experience and training. After the training is complete, Bruce Wayne decided to go with Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki back to Japan to go to the Hamato Clan, hopefully to learn the art of ninjutsu.

After Bruce Wayne left Japan, Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki had a crush with a girl named Tang Shen. However Saki discovers that Tang Shen chose Hamato Yoshi, which makes him heartbroken and grows his hatred towards Yoshi. Things got worse when Saki found out about his origins; Saki was actually an orphan from a rival clan, the Oroko Clan. So Saki decided to get revenge towards the Hamato Clan and even killed Yoshi's wife, Tang Shen. Fleeing to New York, Hamato Yoshi wanted to have a fresh start while Oroko Saki quickly became the new leader of the Foot Clan, all the while becoming the boss of all the criminal underworld in Japan. He soon established a base in New York and used a mutagen that fell into the sewers of New York as Yoshi had been down there with these four baby turtles. After he found them in the Mutagen, the Turtles began to grow in size and then one of them spoke, however, Yoshi had begun turning into a rat, due to him being around them for so long.

After he had fully mutated into a humanoid rat, his new turtle 'sons' nicknamed him Splinter after seeing their humanoid rat father chopping wood with his hands. Then Splinter named the turtles after his favorite Renaissance painters, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michaelangelo. And so, they became known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Batman and the others all met up with Nightwing and Arsenal, and they relay what they were doing in New York. "So, the Triceratons are looking for you, huh Batman?" asked Donatello.


As there are some Triceratons guarding the Black Hole generator, a green-colored arrow is fired on the ground, then it releases gas which knocks out a Triceraton soldier. The gas itself is powerful enough to knock out Then another green-colored arrow was fired towards another Triceraton soldier, encasing it with a high-density polyurethane foam effectively restraining the Triceraton soldier. The green colored arrows were fired by Green Arrow.

The attack from a fired arrows earlier did alert the guards. Then something from above was with a lightning bolt smash to the ground and knocked off several, creating a large carter. It was revealed to be Shazam. It didn't take long for the Triceratons to fire their guns towards Shazam. But the Triceratons got pushed away from Black Canary's cry. Above from the Sky

Then Hawkman and Hawkgirl join the fight with their Nth Metal mace to knock off some of the Triceratons. Hawkman and Hawkgirl did try to bash with their mace, but the Triceratons were able to withstand the mace bash with their thick head and horns. So Hawkman and Hawkgirl both strike with their mace towards their bodies instead.

While Shazam and Green Arrow are fending off the Triceraton soldiers, Black Canary found the part for the Black Hole Generator and destroyed it with her Canary Cry.


After reaching the commanding panel, Ben and Rook finally face-to-face with the Emperor of Triceratons himself, Emperor Zanmoran.

"Ben Tennyson! I should have known you would come here!" Zanmoran said. "At last, I shall have my revenge on you for causing my empire so much trouble and making me lose my best soldier!"

Ben sounded cocky, "Sorry, Emperor douchebag, kicking the Triceratons' asses were pretty much of my hobby."

"Why do you even care about this planet?" Zanmoran asked, wanting to know what his obsession was with Earth. "This planet is already infested by these parasites, the Kraangs and you've already forsaken this planet."

"Uhm, hello? I'm human and human's home planet is Earth. No matter where I go, I'll always be a human. And don't forget that these humans are innocent! So yeah, I do give a damn about Earth!" Ben replied.

"I may not be human, but I do care about every living being in this universe." said Rook.

"Then you both can die with them!!!" yelled the emperor, as he took out his battle hammer to smash Ben. But Ben quickly backflips to dodge the emperor's attack. Then he uses the Ultimatrix to transform into Humungousaur.

At the same time, Humungousaur and Emperor Zanmoran strike together. Humungousaur with his spike tail, while Emperor Zanmoran with his war hammer. Both strikes are deflecting each other.

Then Rook strikes the emperor with his prototool. He fired with his blasters towards the emperor. Emperor Zanmoran grunted, leaving Humungousaur for an opening to attack.

To make things more unfair for Ben and Rook, more Triceratons soldiers came by and attacked Rook with their battle swords, maces, and axes. Likely, Rook's prototool are capable to transformed into any kind of weapons, including an energy staff. Rook spun his staff then attack the Triceraton soldiers with his martial arts skills with his staff.

Seeing Rook have things under control, Humungousaur loses his focus, which allows Emperor Zanmoran to charge with his horns to knock off Humungousaur. Then Humungousaur got hit towards the computers. Didn't Humungousaur any chance to counter, Emperor Zanmoran quickly strikes him with his hammer with combos, then knocks Humungousar again. What makes matters worse is that the computer was smashed earlier allowing the ship to crash towards Earth.

Humungousaur grunted and really pissed off. "Enough of this, time to go ULTIMATE!" as soon as Humungousaur pressed the Ultimatrix dial from his chest, then grew bigger, ticker armour, stronger than regular Humungousaur, and claws and barrels on his fingers.

"Now, where were we?" Ultimate Humungousaur grind, anxious for a payback.

Emperor Zanmoran quickly charges with his war hammer and strikes him, but Ultimate Humungousaur effortlessly catches the emperor's hammer bare handed. Then Ultimate Humungousaur hurls the emperor away while his hammer is disarmed.

"Give up." commands Ultimate Humungousaur

"Never." The emperor refused to surrender as he kept charging towards Ultimate Humungousaur. But Ultimate Humungousaur spun his spike-tail then smacked the emperor, sent him flying, hit the wall creating a large carter, then it shook the whole mothership.

Ultimate Humungousaur saw Rook able to beat the Triceratons Soldiers. But more Triceratons Soldiers are heading towards Ultimate Humungousaur and Rook. But Ultimate Humungousaur easily beats the Triceratons soldiers by using his hands as a missile gun, fires towards the soldiers and knocks them off.

"Rook, get over here!" commands Ultimate Humungousaur to Rook.

Rook rans towards Ultimate Humungousaur "I need you to take control of the ship." told Ultimate Humungousaur.

"But the computers are smashed." replied Rook.

"There's a steer on this ship." Ultimate Humungousaur points towards the steer on the ship. "We can't stop the ship from crashing, so we're gonna crash it towards the ocean."

Rook immediately steers the ship, while Ultimate Humungousaur is fending off some of the Triceratons soldiers. After easily defeating the Triceratons, Ultimate Humungousaur tap towards the Ultimatrix to contact Zeno, Titano, Ester.

"Guys, get outta here now!!!" commands Ultimate Humungousaur, talking on his Ultimatrix dial on his chest

"But what about you?" asked Ester from the Ultimatrix's comm.

"That's an order! Rook and I will follow you as soon as possible!" Ultimate Humungousaur commands again.

While Zeno, Titano, and Ester are hijacking one of the Triceratons' battleships for an escape, Ultimate Humungousaur and Rook are still on the ship.


"Anytime now…" Rook is still steering the ship; when the mothership is almost close to the ocean water, Ultimate Humungousaur immediately presse Ultimatrix dial on his chest then transforms into Ghostfreak. Ghostfreak grabs Rook, making him and himself intangible to quickly escape the mothership which is about to crash to the ocean.

"Now, how do we actually head back to land?" asked Rook while being carried by Ghostfreak in the air.

"That's… a very good question.." Ghostfreak had no idea, since both Ghostfreak are floating in air on the surface of the ocean while carrying Rook. Then a Triceraton battleship hovers near Ghostfreak and Rook.

"You two need a lift?" asked Ester.

"Much obliged!" said Rook.


After the attack from the Triceratons, The Justice League's headquarter, The Hall of Justice, located in Washington D.C., was destroyed while the Titans never have an actual headquarters. The Justice League members are having a meeting along with the Titans in the Wayne Manor, Tim Drake and Barbara Gordon are looking over towards the Galactic Guardians.

Ben is telling stories about his adventures with the Galactic Guardians. He even mentioned his mentor and father-figure, Tetrax.

"That sounds cooler than school." said Tim.

"School taught us proper education too, you know." said Barbara.

"Boring." said everyone except Barbara.

Then Alfred came. "Excuse me, I'm afraid the Justice league requires the Galactic Guardians' presence at the meeting room."

"Good luck." said Barbara to the Galactic Guardians.

Then the Galactic Guardians arrived in the meeting room where both teams, the Justice League and the Titans are waiting.

"Now, what to do with you guys?" said Superman.