Your whiteness is awfully familiar

My head throbbed as I opened my eyes. There was light everywhere.

'Where am I?'

That was my first question and as my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked around, covering my eyes with one hand. I was in some sort of white room and I was wearing some sort of white cloth which covered me from head to toe. This sure didn't look like the nurse's office. So where was I?

There was nothing inside the room apart from the bed and a stool. There wasn't even a door. Come to think of it, I didn't even see walls. Everything was just… white.

'Where am I?'


Time flew by. "Is anyone there? HELLOO!?" Screaming or yelling didn't help. My voice echoed in this room, or perhaps this space.

One hour, then two. It'd been two hours but nothing. I didn't feel cold, I didn't feel warm and I didn't feel hungry either.

'Am I even awake?'