
With every step, my blood became cooler and cooler. If it weren't for the fever, I'd probably have started to shiver. Actually, I might have been shivering still.

And before long, I reached the door of room 402. The familiar door and familiar walls. 

Sweat poured, heart raced.

I did not want to be here.


One minute went by. 


Another minute went by.

Something felt off.

So I kept on knocking. 

'Is this locked from the outside?'

I used my keys and I was right. It was locked from the outside. I hadn't noticed it before. 

I felt stupid but also relieved.

There was no one inside. Not mom, not Elsa, and definitely not Merin. 

I sighed in relief. 'So she went back?'

I put the letters in their place, the table. I wanted to put them in the dustbin but, oh well.