Why did it have to be stairs!

  There were men in suits everywhere. This island had all sorts of people from all over the world. I thought I was used to seeing people from different places, but this was a totally different experience. 

Normally at the academy, people mostly spoke in English but in here, language was all over the place. I myself knew four languages, and yet, I felt so out of place right now. 

There were other types of people here too. Men in tights, some in lab coats while others with Holo armor. Though the numbers were smaller, women were here too and doing very much the same stuff as men, just walking around, being busy. 

The age range was adult and up. Teenagers were pretty rare.

"I thought this was some sort of a clubhouse," I mumbled and looked around. The exterior was sparkly clean and there were all sorts of fancy stuff in here like hovercrafts, Large Holo screens, flying skateboards, and so on.