Chapter = 15 ( The past 2)

There are two types of past first where you want to live and you can recall that but some past are those which have pain, sadness which you don't want to recall, this past became a nightmare for your whole life

" Ok, whatever this case is not easy and Be careful " as a lady say young harry ask " who this guy anyway, whoever he is he have lots of money " as young Harry was was saying he check out of the window if there was anyone " why you think that " as young max asking harry he take out one big box form piles of boxes so no one can what is inside " well think, he rent the whole hotel for just a meeting and have you seen the security it everywhere, miss sunny who this man " as harry was saying he hangs a bog on his back which is given by max from the box " that why you both should read the file before going somewhere ok now hear me 'this man is the owner of the red group they are famous in the underworld for there diamonds smuggling and dung but mostly diamond from the information no one has seen this man face but, but form information today he is the one who deals with dealers, your mission is to stop this deal "as miss sunny done saying " it ok miss sunny from here we can handly this "as harry done saying he cut the call and look at max who was opening tunnel "so " as harry ask max his hand as on his watch " this time let's make it 1 hour , because is tunnel only gose to 25 floor and meeating room is on 30 th floor "as max say they set there watch for 1 hour and climb in tunnel

3 Hour later

" Max ..... max ....... max are you alright, can you hear me " miss sunny ask max who lie on her laps with his arm bleeding " miss sunny what is happening, where I am, " max ask in half close eye " it ok max we get you out of there just try not to close your eyes and tell me what " as miss sunny ask max sit while holding his bleeding arm "who did you get here and where is Harry "max ask with a dry voice after max ask miss sunny try to ignoring mas question but this time max ask with an angry voice " where the hell he is ", " he send to the hospital immediately he was shot two times in the chest and loss of blood that why tell me what happened " miss sunny ask max with sad voice " they already know that we ere coming " as max say miss sunny stop the car on the road in shock " what you mean they already know "

{ don't worry car was stopped in sideway }