Alfonso XII

~I got a bit better today, so I finished this chapter but this will be quite a short one because I still am a bit under the weather today, if I get better tomorrow though, I'll make up for the lack or releases for this week by releasing a decently longer chapter, Take care guys! ~


February 1886,

A few days after the liberation of the Northern Philippine Islands..

In a room filled with various religious texts and books about management and war, two men are currently having a conversation about a peculiar situation that both of them has been trying to uncover for a year with no fruits whatsoever.

Alfonso XII:

Joaquin Jovellar, I've given you a whole year to investigate the situation inside the Philippine Peninsula yet you still haven't given me anything! For a whole year! we haven't had our tributes and all forms of communication that we've received from them are perfunctory replies with no substance! You've worked as both prime minister of Spain and as Governor General of the Philippines yet why are you this incompetent?!


My liege, I apologize but I've already sent three whole fleets there numbering 10,000 men each fleet with a total combinatiom of 30,000 men, yet only one has survived to tell the tale, and I don't know if he's credible enough to be a witness, he's talking about ships made of steel that can fire at their ships from a long distance without turning!, He also mentioned something about flying mechanisms that drop explosives at our own ships and each explosive can destroy one ship at the very least!

Alfonso XII:

Then why didn't you tell me sooner?! Those words of his might not be that credible nor does he appear to be sane but don't you think that such accusations won't be formed without some truths behind it?! Didn't you think about that it might be the Americans that are intercepting our communications with the Philippine Islands?! Didn't you think that maybe they have developed new types of weaponry capable of destroying countries in the blink of an eye?! YOU WERE A PRIME MINISTER IN THE PAST FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Are you being senile because of old age?! The King fumed at the blunder of his subject, pacing back and forth angrily at the senile fool who's currently his minister of war.

"I'm currently experiencing dysentery yet here you are, giving me more stress and being much more useless than me! But I can't replace you! Because those bastards next in line for your position as Minister of War are either inexperienced or are on the opposing side of my Monarchy!"

Jovellar: I'm sorry my liege, I am turning into a senile old fool and can't perform to my full abilities, but don't worry, I'm currently grooming my successor, he's much younger and is a really great war strategist! But aside from that my liege, I want to request for funds and people for a war expedition to the Philippine Islands, I am hoping that this might help us solve our problems so I'm personally going to the voyage with my men along with my apprentice, may I ask for your permission?

The old man kneeled, obviously nervous about his proposal to the monarch

But contrary to his expectations, Alfonso is actually elated deep inside, because a huge chunk of the annual coffers of the Spanish Monarchy comes from the tributes given by the Philippines to Spain and the King is adamant on knowing the main reason behind this peculiar situation of isolation, The King is suspecting that the Americans are secretly invading the Philippine Islands or atleast funding war efforts of the Filipinos, much like what they did to the Mexican Revolution and the currently ongoing Cuban Revolution. So Alfonso immediately agreed to Jovellar's proposal and even amped up the manpower and ships that they're going to bring in the expedition as he said;

"You might encounter stiff resistance from the Americans or whichever Global Powerhouse are behind the scenes, so I want you to collaborate with the other ministers regarding this situation and form a massive expedition to either retake or secure the Philippine Islands from the natives or from invading powerhouses that are behind the scenes. This may also be a trap so don't attend it yourself, but instead send your apprentice, if he's really as good as you advertise, then he'll probably be able to do this mission."

Jovellar: "Thank you my liege! I'll arrange a whole armada to this expedition to secure it's success! I'll also order my men to take the fastest and safeat possible route to get there! I won't fail you!"

Jovellar immediately bowed and walked out of the room after the Monarch ordered him to do so, the old man walked out brimming with confidence and happiness, as if a boy that just gained his new toy from the toymaker.

Seeing the old man's silhouette slowly but surely walking out of his sights, Alfonso relaxed and took a seat, he is tired because of his ailments and he feels that he'll probably die soon, but he wants to make sure that Spain is in good condition before he kicks the bucket, as to make his future heir comfortable in his or her reign free of worries, he hopes that with pouring everything out in this expedition is his safest bet into securing his country's safety.

Alfonso murmured to himself;

"Sorry old man, I don't wanna be harsh on you because you've helped me a lot in my early years as a monarch, and you were my second father when I was still a kid, but I really need you to step up for now, because I feel like my death is nearing soon, please help my heir too when that time comes..."

Alfonso slumped into his chair and took the opportunity to take some rest, because he'll meet his other ministers for the expedition's goals and directions in this upcoming event, he closed his eyes and took a deep, long breath and took some much-needed rest.

But little does the king know, that this decision of his will lead to his country's demise, and enslavement, this is the price for poking a dragon's reverse scale.