Battle Of Cebu

~ Henlo guys!!!! I just want to thank and appreciate my top fans for being patient champs and sticking with the novel, I want to thank both those who were with me from the start and those who just recently joined, I hope that I can improve more in the future to give each and everyone of you a better story to read and a great overall experience. I'd like to mention and thank each and everyone of you;

Sadboi_07, James_More_Guarino, 0Starry_Sky0, Przemo, kevinarlt, M0ntyburn5, SebaWest, MoistyWater, Nz_bd47, Cequem, Lorenzo5798, mush_sensei, KlyntarOverlord, Asala_Mayscar, MmMAaaSsSTeerr, and PingGun (lol i see what u did there)

I only hope the best for each and everyone of you, and may the Lord Of Eternal Sin bless us all! ~

The battlefield is noisy as usual, with various sounds of drums that signal the movements of the soldiers and the rhythmic footsteps of the marching Filipino soldiers coupled with the last desparate charge of the Spaniards hoping for a last ditch effort of a breakthrough, the Spanish charge rumbled in the distance, charging straight into the Filipino ranks.

Meanwhile, on the filipino side, the platoon leaders and the various commanding officers are in the rear lines, soothing and inspiring the frontline soldiers using the quotes that was given by Renaldo to them a few days prior, this is one of the brainwashing tactics that Renaldo has done to embed his image to his men. The commanding officers are psyching both their men and themselves whilst preparing their voices for the torture that they will go through later when the enemy charge reaches them. The heavy machine gun infantry stood in front, their MG42s ready to wreak havoc amongst the enemy ranks. Behind them, are the riflemen, ready to give cover when they are reloading or are being overwhelmed by the Spanish chargers.

In front of them however, is a huge mass of Spaniards wearing their blue uniforms, on the left and right wing are the cavalry, looking to flank the Filipino forces while the central forces are those chargers with their bayonets fixed and their M93s loaded for a gunfight. These men are charging their way across the battlefield, yelling obscenities and shouts of valor, as if death is their only salvation. With the weather being it's usual cloudy day, giving both sides neither an advantage nor a disadvantage, this is the best day for a slugfest.

1st Division Lieutenant General Nicanor of the Revolutionary Order is currently observing the battlefield usually, he doesn't fight in the field but his master, Renaldo wants this battle to be as swift as possible, hence he has decided to lead it personally and also fight in the frontlines because he can relay orders much more efficiently while in the field and he'll be safe inside the Greyhound that he is currently riding.

Honestly, Nicanor thought that using tanks as their frontline will be the best course of action in this battle but Renaldo reminded him that their men also needs to fight massive battles like this to gain experience, especially now that almost 90% of their forces are made up of uneducated revolutionaries who joined the war because of their passion. They were not trained and most of them are ignorant people who are mired in poverty, Renaldo is confident of his gun's superiority and if all else fails, the tigers can just come in and annihilate the enemy so Nicanor approved or Renaldo's plan, this battle will serve as a training for their men, a costly training that pays not with money but with people's lives. Nicanor thinks that Renaldo is ruthless but at the same time pragmatic about the reality of things, he's not carried away by the multiple consecutive victories and is also one who doesn't revel in riches, Nicanor is satisfied by this as it indicates that his friend has never changed, even after having this much power.

While thinking about these things though, Nicanor didn't neglect his duties as a general and held his telescope in front of his eyes as he looked at the opposite army that is currently charging towards his army's position. The Spaniards are a shell of their former selves, their formations are messy and their clothes are dirty and ragged, the war has been hard for them, especially when their losses has been continuous, Nicanor saw the desperation in their body language, some were vigorous in their charge while others were slumped and are clearly suffering some kind of malnutrition or disease. Although to be honest, their army is still better than the Filipino's in terms of experience, knowledge and combat abilities, the filipinos have compensated for a lot of these by using Renaldo's war machines and advance weaponry. Seeing that each regiment of the Spanish army are not united because of the lack of true leaders, (most are killed in action and the commanders and generals that are left are those corrupt officials that were "transferred" here as a form of exile, these people are incompetent to the point that they led their people to this useless desperation charge instead of prolonging the war to wait for reinforcements (if they have any).

Estong's POV

Estong is currently in the battlefield as a field commanding officer, he volunteered for an active role in Renaldo's army because he and Renaldo has discovered that he has a hidden talent for hand-to-hand combat and he's also a crack shot in terms of shooting the gun. This led to him being one of Renaldo's candidate in his future soldier enhancement projects

Estong stood on the battlefield while holding his weapons beside him, he is ready and he is hungry for blood.

As the various roars of both field and naval artillery crackled across the battlefield, the signal drums rumbled to indicate the position and formation of the various units under the revolutionary army. Estong looked at the enemy formation that is swiftly charging towards them, as they neared though, an artillery shrapnel shot blasted through the enemy ranks, it exploded mid air and released countless bullet shrapnels that mowed through the Spanish ranks like hot knife through butter, gaps were formed inside the enemy army but they were instantly filled and made up for by the countless desperate and raving men eager to die to escape their current predicaments. The Tigers entered the battlefield but stopped in the sides, giving the enemy army a false sense of security as it gave them the impression that the tiger tanks have run out of energy to drive themselves. They were horribly wrong though, as the huge 88mm turrets of the tiger tanks revealed themselves in their full glory coupled with some gunners manning the MG34s mounted in the tanks, both the turret and the gunners fired at the Spaniards and reaped the lives of hundreds if not thousands of Spaniards that are blindly charging to their deaths!

Estong looked at the scenery in ecstasy as he held his long beard that is currently stretching from his chin to his neck, he grew this beard for two years as to serve as a sign of how long he has been in the army. It is not allowed in the army to grow a beard as long as his but because he's Renaldo's childhood buddy, he is accepted in the ranks and the more he fought the battlefield, the more people recognized him as The Hermit Shooter, one of the best snipers in the revolutionary order.

Estong picked his Lee enfield no. 4 up from the ground that he is currently standing on and placed it in his shoulder, forming the standard shooting stance of a sniper ready to kill, he calculated the distance and checked the wind to prevent aberrations in his shot. He looked through the iron sights of his rifle and picked one of the commanding officers of the enemy army that is trying to keep his soldiers organized. He took a deep, long breath and shot the man through his face.

*Bang!* the power of the lee enfield is unstoppable as it's rear end slammed unto Estong's shoulder. The shot permeated the battlefield as the rifle's bullet soared through various places as it went above and beyomd its capabilities. Estong watched as the commanding officer was shot through the head by his bullet, the dead officer's body immediately went limp and fell down, blood and brain matter scattered across its corpse and mixed in with the ground. The soldiers around him saw this scene and their bones shivered at the sheer accuracy of such a sniper, each and everyone of them had a look of horror in their eyes.

Satisfied with his shot, Estong immediately fell back into their ranks as to prevent the enemy snipers on pinpointing his location and blow his head while he is looking for more prey to kill.

"One shot, one kill" Estong told himself as he felt prideful of his current kill and the kill's impact in the grand scheme of things. The Spaniards under the now dead officer all were shocked but when they stopped and looked at their officer's body, they were pushed by those people behind them and were immediately trampled on by the charging Spaniards who doesn't care whether if they're fighting friend or foe.