Or So He Thought

Lea stared at Valdemar who had a stern face and was now scanning her face.

"I didn't mean to cause anything" she whispered

"You didn't, Dear... " Lola spoke first and Lea's eyes deviated to stare at Lola.

"It is Jen that is at fault. You were just trying to be nice and good" she said with a smile.

Lea's pounding heart calmed down at the sight of that smile and her face moulded into a faint smile.

All the while Valdemar stared at her. And when the faint smile came upon her face, he felt peace. He knew that his prayers of getting back in contact with his new friend were being answered and he forever remained appreciateful to nature.

"Do you mind getting back to the throne room?"

"No. " Valdemar objected and all eyes were fixed in him.

Lea's face turned extremely red when she realized how close they were.

Jesus. Can you adjust a little brother? she thought nervously.

"She won't go back to any throne room. That embarrassment from Jen is enough" Valdemar said, all the while not taking his eyes off the eyes of Lea.

They stared at each other for a short time. After a while, Valdemar stood up, still not taking his eyes of her and Lea not taking hers off his.

"The King will have to see this one in private. I won't encourage publicity with people who are aggressive"

Lola nodded. Happiness and Pride grew deep inside of her because she knew that something had hit Valdemar hard on the head.

He was taking charge of situations like a King would do when he had problems with his subjects, and she felt happy for him.

Not just because of that, but also because of his Coronation that will be happening any moment from now. Lola had a feeling that this girl might, just maybe, the one missing piece in his life.

Many female persons have come to stand in front of the Royal Family and they ran out in either embarrassment, because they were nervous, or they just wanted to get out of the palace and he never ran after them.

But Lea's case remained different. She was different. No pride, no fear that was visible and there was an accordance of respect. It all was intact. And for her brother to run after such a girl, something was going on.

"Get her to a room. A separate room from the others and make her comfortable" he said to Sir Butler who bowed down and replied;

"Yes, your Majesty"

Valdemar looked down at Lea again with cold and dark eyes. His expression meant nothing and showed nothing to Lea.

But those eyes of his... They were familiar.

"If she needs anything let me know. Take her to her room" Valdemar ordered and Sir Butler offered her a helping hand to get her back in her feet.

She was led away by Sir Butler. As Lea passed Lola, Lola passed unto her a warm and encouraging smile and Lea returned it gladly.

Lea turned to look at Valdemar whose eyes were fixed on her. She tried her best to pass unto him a "Thank you" smile, but his face still remained unpredictable.

Sir Butler led her pass the throne room and then into the row of rooms where Lea recognized as one of the rooms that they placed all the girls in. He led her to a more darker part of the Castle and the more they went deeper, the more fear that arouse in Lea.

Finally, Sir Butler came to a stop in front of one door and with pressing a key into the keyhole and turning it with a little creaking, the door opened and Sir Butler stepped aside.

"Go in, My lady" he whispered and as Lea passed by him, her sharp nose that got a dedication to the air, smelt something like perfume.

But a rare one.

The same perfume her Dad said was her late mother's own, was what she perceived.

She looked at Sir Butler suspiciously and he nodded.

He thought she stared at him that way because of the room, probably the room had no resources at all. But he didn't know it was about how he smelled.

The perfume actually smells good, but it was the same with her late mother's own. When Lea stepped into the room, it felt like heaven. Beds were in the room.

It had a mirror by each side and a mini-mirror beside the alarm clock that is set on the table beside the bed. She tried her best to close her mouth but she couldn't. It was all magnificent!

"Oh My God... " she whispered and turned back to look at Sir Butler.

"This... These are all for me?" she asked and Sir Butler smiled and nodded.

Lea trembled and regrets of not having her father with her started to grow in her.

"I'll leave you to rest, Madam. If you need anything, make sure you connect with me" Sir Butler said and Lea nodded.

He closed the door and left Lea to ponder on her life experiences and the surprise she had just witness.

But then, fear gripped her tight as she realized her father was not within sight.


"Does she like the place?" Valdemar asked when he caught sight of Sir Butler

"She was surprised. I left her while she scanning the place for valuables and probably things she haven't seen before" Sir Butler said

"Thank you, Sir Butler. Please do well to check up on her from time to time" Lola said and Sir Butler nodded and left.

Lola then turned to Valdemar.

"You like her" she said.

"No" Valdemar said with a stern face.

"I wasn't asking. I simply said the truth"

Valdemar said nothing. Neither did he turn to look at Lola. It wasn't like he didn't know how to defend himself, it seemed like there was a connection that was noticed between him and Lea too quickly.

And he didn't want it that way.

"I saw it back at when you were close to her. When you ran after her. I saw it Valdemar. I saw it"

Valdemar walked out on his elder sister and didn't look back. He had come to a stage where he could no longer control himself.

He didn't like the girl. He don't like girls. So what's the big deal with this one?

Or so he thought.