Your Guide to Homecoming Festivities At Loveland University (Breaking News)

Author: Editor Wukong

It's homecoming season in Loveland, a time for students to return back to campus. The LU Alumni Association has arranged exciting homecoming celebrations for freshers and all uni students, including the dress-up relay, all-you-can-eat buffet contest at the uni canteen, and the homecoming dance party. Invited graduates all poured into the uni canteen for familar tastes and their old classrooms for open lectures, taking this as a great chance to reconnect. A student who graduated 30 years ago accidentally fell off the second floor, as he was reportedly overly excited at the dance party and was sent to the hospital by the Loveland police in time. Breaking News would like to remind you: Work out more often and take care of yourself during the seasons' shift.

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Is ThePic_Finished_Today?: Our alumni are all so smart and intelligent! I look forward to becoming one of them after graduation!

Liked 1002

MelonSeed_MilkTea: Each year this is like a family reunion for me, bc we're all LU graduates lol

Liked 764

Against_ExtremeFans: How could the canteen food become ediblw all of a sudden? I've been eating for 2 hours straight!

Liked 383

DarkAbuzou: Come to think of it, I met my first love at uni. After so many years, things have changed indeed...

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