Life of Red Wine (Victor)

Today, I am going to make a documentary about red wine. I'm standing in Victor's winery. It's so big.

Renad: Victor, thank you for...

Victor: You're welcome.

Renad: Okay...

I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous to film in front of such a grim investor.

Victor: If I didn't let you film in my winery, what would you have done instead?

Renad: ... Maybe change the topic?

Victor gave me a look.

Victor (Frowning): I may have to reconsider the pulled funding...

Renad (Trying to explain): In fact, we have a lot of back up topics prepared!

Victor: You actually still have another choice.

Renad: well?

Victor: Persuade me and make me change my mind.

It may be harder to convince you than to work out more backup topics.

Victor (Looking at me): You've persuaded me to call off pulling the funding before. Don't you have the confidence to do it now?

*** Life of Red Wine 1 ***

I must lay the proper ground work on a documentary about making red wine so I'll earn Victor' respect.

I need an expert to brief the crew on red wine for the documentary... Spine demonstrates the steps for assessing red wine in detail.

I need some one to buy the crew 20 bottles of red wine for research purpose... Cherry carefully delivers a selection of red wine.

Hey, now I know the process for making red wine! It's never too late to learn.

*** Life of Red Wine 2 ***

I want to film Victor' private wine cellar for the documentary.

I need someone to find a way for me to reach Victor, who's away on vacation... Spine has friends in high places and easily tracks down the hotel he's staying at.

Victor isn't amiable to my idea, but maybe if I play the old flame card... Victor roll his eyes and consents, then brushes me aside.

Finally, got the permission! What a hard egg to crack that guy is!

*** Life of Red Wine 3 ***

I'm about to start filming the winemaking documentary when Victor unexpectedly cuts his vacation short and returns.

I need someone to talk to Victor about hogging the camera... Spine convinces Victor to stand aside and let them do their job.

I break Victor' favorite bottle. Victor just gives me a stare and doesn't say a thing.

The first half of the filming proceeds uneventfully. Victor, though, tells me some of the wines are worth more than me...

*** Life of Red Wine 4 ***

The documentary is about to wrap. Here's to ending it without any problem.

I need an organized person to return the bottles to their original order... Sersi rearranges the bottles back in order quickly.

I need someone to write ad for Victor' vineyard to be inserted post-credits... Spine whips up a great ad copy.

Phew, there were some miscues along the way, but at least we got it done!

*** Life of Red Wine 5 ***

The show gets good ratings. Victor wants to do another joint project, so I decide on exclusive interview with him.

I seek someone to dress me up for my meeting with Victor... Fanks picks a light yellow dress that is both pretty and lively.

During dinner, I flashback to an encounter with Victor and recount it to him... Winter looks at me and says "That wasn't me. You got the wrong person."

The longer and more I get to know Victor, he becomes less and less the cold, aloof guy he appears to be.


The dinner is almost over. The dessert has come. I watched as the waiter served me an exquisite piece of cake. The frosting on it shone under the light.

Victor: Don't you like it?

Renad (Startled): It's Not Like That…

Victor: Constantly looking over at the dessert on the table next to us is not exactly proper behavior.

Renad: I… I'm sorry.

Victor: Try some of the red.

Renad (Surprised): Excuse me?

Victor: I said try the red wine. Don't you like red wine?

Renad: So, are you an expert on red wines?

Victor: I wouldn't say I'm an expert. I just enjoy them, is all.

Renad: So you built a big winery.

Victor: If you hold the glass like that, the heat from your palm will ruin the taste of the wine.

Victor 's eyes lingered on my glass. He reached out, and his hand touched mine.

Renad: I see.

Victor: For me, there's really no big difference between an expensive red wine and a common red wine.

Renad: Why?

Victor: Because in the end it's all just grapes, fermented and filtered. The expensive one is only so because of some other added value.

He stopped smiling. His eyes looked misted under the dim light of the restaurant. He seemed to be so different from the cold boss I've known. He looked more like an elegant gentleman.