I, Detective (Gavin)

Today I am going to make a variety show adapted from real events, and I have asked Gavin to come on as a consultant. Gavin arrived while I was on site preparing for the shoot.

Renad: Good morning, Gavin.

Gavin (Smiling): Morning.

I looked at the casual clothes Gavin was wearing and frowned.

Gavin: What's wrong?

Renad: Gavin, don't you think what you're wearing is too casual for the shoot?

Gavin: It doesn't matter what I wear. It's what I'm going to say that's most important.

Renad: But it would be better if you change to fit the overall vibe of the show.

Gavin: Is it really necessary?

I nodded firmly.

Gavin: ...Alright, what should I wear?

I asked the costumer to select an outfit for Gavin. Gavin is kind of cute as he grudgingly obliges. I couldn't help chuckling. Gavin showed up in a well-tailored suit. The shirt fit him perfectly. I couldn't help staring at Gavin. He looked confident in the suit but somehow gave off a look of unruliness. After going over the script with Gavin, shooting was almost ready to begin. I'm doing final checks now.

*** I, Detective 1 ***

I got Gavin to be the consultant for an escape-room show based on real cases. We're making promo posters today.

I need an assistant to keep track of all the equipment for the photo shoot. Spine is detail- oriented and oversees everything properly.

I need a gaffer to brighten the lights on the set. Punkilles sets up the lighting perfectly to cut down production time.

The images come out great and I'm pumped about the show!

*** I, Detective 2 ***

I shoot a scene in which Gavin takes a swing at the camera and it becomes one of the highlights.

I want someone to create a unique opening sequence. Dingle Daisy plans an eye catching opening that helps to drive ratings.

I tremble in fear at the files of real murder cases that Given brought. Gavin notices I am uncomfortable and calls for a break.

I got a great opening sequence. Now on the feature presentation!

*** I, Detective 3 ***

Mental Note: Separate Gavin and the rest of the guests, since he can solve the mystery in three minutes!

I need someone strong for physical labor around the large sets. Karyu moves everything around quite easily.

Me and Gavin are reminiscing my high school days to a campus background. I chat with Gavin for a long time about the warm, fuzzy time I had.

It's difficult to shoot such a large-scale show, but I'll take it as a challenge.

*** I, Detective 4 ***

The taping is coming along nicely, except for one little accident...

I need the scriptwriter to fix a gaping hole I noticed in the plot. Lens Liz patches the plot hole up before the taping has to be halted.

I want a stylist to make Gavin's hair stand out more. Jade fiddles with Gavin's hair and makes him look energetic.

The taping's done, and everyone deserves a pat on the back!

*** I, Detective 5 ***

Gavin calls to invite me over to watch the show on television with him in the police station.

I need someone to restore the power in the police station after a blackout. Spine fixes the circuits in time for me to catch the program without missing a beat.

I see a scrap of paper on Gavin and, without thinking, take it off him. Gavin looks at me sideways until I show him the scrap, then he laughs.

I spent the evening with Gavin and felt the time went by too fast...


It was 1 o'clock when we finished watching the show back at the police station. Gavi Still had some work to do so I prepared to leave

Renad: You don't need to go with me. I can go back myself.

Gavin: Are you sure?

Renad: Yeah. I know you have a lot of work to do.

I waved to him and then walked away. It was dark that night, and there were only a few people on the street. I felt a little bit uneasy. I noticed that there was someone following me. I turned around to see a shadowy figure dressed in black. He turned the other way when he saw me turning around. I was terrified, and I tried to walk away quickly, I could hear that the man was also speeding up. I break out into a run to try to lose him. Suddenly I feel someone tap me on the shoulder.

Renad (Terrified): Oh my God!

Gavin: It's me.

I saw the shadowed figure take off his cap and go off in the other direction while talking to someone on the phone. He was just a passerby after all.

Renad: Thank God. Gavin, what are you doing here?

Gavin: I've already put off my work till this late, I figured a little more couldn't hurt. Let's get you home.

I walked alongside Gavin. The night road was dark, but I was no longer scared.