Kiro's First Day on Set! The Same Cotton Candy He Bought Sold Out in 1 Hour

Author: The Handsome Feynman

During yesterday's Plan X, the cotton candy featured in superstar Kiro's mission was all sold out within one hour today. The boss of the shop said in all his years, he's never seen such demand. You can never underestimate the effect of star power, especially if it's Kiro!

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Kiro is mine: omg | must join the queue too!

Liked: 999

KiroAngel: this cotton candy is freaking expensive now, over-hyped tbh

Liked: 857

KirolsMyBias: who cares about the price?? I'll eat anything oppa likes <3

Liked: 772

PotatoNYam: I feel closer to my idol after having this cotton candy hehe

Liked: 693