Chapter 3 shadow death match 

Seraphim: who the hell are you!?!

 Razor: my name is razor the 15th shadow hunter the light user haha

Kiya: r...razor BLACK FLASH 

razor : cancel 

Kiya: w..what he canceled my attack…

Seraphim: How did he do that?!

Kiya: I'm not sure!

Razor: that is one of my abilities cancel it cancels out all magical attacks sent at me hahaha you'll never win you idiots 

Seraphim: What about running, is that an opinion?


Razor: auto chase 

Kiya: what how did he catch up so fast!?

Seraphim: I don't know, did he teleport too??

razor : no close tho i followed your magic pressure and copied your move

Seraphims mind: now that is just cheating man thats so unfair

Seraphim: hey stupid thats cheating!

Razor: well it was fun know WIND RELEASE BONE CRUSHER HAHAHAH

Kiya: well then let's have some fun SHADOW DEATH DEMON ARGHHHHHHH

Razor: WHAT NO WAY I'VE LOST  haha just kidding cancel 

Seraphim: Kiya what did you just do?!

Kiya:just wait 

(A giant demon emerges from the ground) 

Kiya: there it is HAHAHAHAHA

Seraphim: holy what is that?!?

Kiya:That is my death demon haha you like it?

Seraphim: yeah kinda but it looks ugly *barf*

razor : shit i gotta go before this gets bad light dash 

Kiya: looks like he's gone phew

Seraphim: yup it looks like we won for now

(kiya collapse)

Seraphim: Kiya!

Kiya: i..m okay i.. Just need some magic 

Seraphim: how do I transfer magic?!

Kiya:even if i told you you don't have nearly enough to regenerate me fully 

Seraphim: come on tell me let me at least try Kiya

Kiya: say this shadow transference but be warned it will put a huge strain on your body 

Seraphim: shadow magic? o.okay, I guess I will try. (Seraphim mutters under his breath shadow transference)  all the items nearby seraphim lift into the air with intense magical force 

Kiya: i should've known you couldn't handle it  

Seraphim: I couldn't control my power there i released too much magic (seraphim faints)

Kiya: don't worry i got you shadow release  auto regeneration 

Seraphim: d.d.don't use too much magic you used too much! (As seraphim says

In a weak voice ) 

Kiya: dont worry ill be fine i'm not a prince for nothing haha

Seraphim: t.that's not f.funny kiya

kiya : pretty funny to me 

Seraphim: n.not f.for

Kiya:stop being so uptight loosen up have some fun in my 600 years i've learned you've  got to enjoy life 

Seraphim: f.fine

Kiya: We have to get to training because as you saw he was ridiculous and we only saw one move well until we can't  anymore!!!