Chapter 6 part two: old friends

2 years later…

Seraphims mind: it's been 2 years  since razor has attacked and last i seen Kiya i wonder how he's doing

 Seraphims mind:to day i finished another easy quest i believe i've gotten stronger over the years time to go turn in this quest at the bar 

Seraphim: (walks in the bar filled with blood of monsters he killed)hey old geezer i finished the quest i took 

Bartender: well then give me the paper i'll give you the money

(hands him the paper: 

Bartender: alright then here is your 1 million in gold coins i'll throw in a extra 10k if you get me a drink haha

Random women: hey kid what's your name  

Seraphim: My name is seraphim

Arya:My name is arya.kumiasaki

Seraphim: oh that's a cool name.

Arya:You have a bow, are you a warrior? (seraphim isn't that kiyas boy)

Seraphim: yes i'm a warrior also a hunter

Arya: Do you have any connection to a man named kiya…..?

Seraphim: Whos that may I ask?

Arya: he's the prince of shadows.

Seraphim: Yeah, so why are you asking if I know him?

Arya:He spoke of a boy named Seraphim once. I was wondering if you were him…

Seraphim: and if I was him what would you do?

Arya:Nothing, just wondering...

Seraphim: alright (seraphim walks to the quest board and grabs the hardest quest) Seraphim says "i once was him but I changed"

Arya: well then goodbye 

Seraphim: okay then (seraphim mutters under this breath Light dash seraphim teleports to the hardest dungeon to finish the quest he grabbed)

Kiya:I feel it Seraphims power!!

Seraphim:  Hmm I see Kiya is here too...

Kiya:Seraphim, is that you?

Seraphim: Kiya, long time no see.