Chapter 8: a siege on the shadow palace

Kiya: oi seraphim wake up time for training for,

Seraphim: I don't need training in I have more potent than you have

Kiya: kid, you don't know what you're dealing with.

Seraphim: sure, I don't.

Kiya: you know, kid, you've become a proper dick head since you've been gone.

Seraphim: well, I have learned more than I should have.

Kiya: about?

Seraphim: about life and trust

Kiya: we have to go

Seraphim: why should we?

Kiya: the shadow palace has a magical gate that gate cannot break that goes up soon, so to raid it, we must get there before the said gate closes

Seraphim: hmm, said who is coming threw?

Kiya: you me, my sister, and 2,000 of my shadow soldiers

Seraphim, let me go right now ill take care of this

Kiya: that would be impossible without me. You cannot get in.. you need a shadow of my caliber to enter; I am your only ticket in.

Seraphim: who said that?

Kiya: the shadow palace is not in the human realm. It is only accessible to shadows like me, so you need me to transport you through the shadow realm if you want to get in.

Seraphim: hmm, well, I'm not normal. Just show me where the portal is.

Kiya: again, I am the only person you can open the portal

Seraphim: you want to bet that?

Kiya: you can't open it

Seraphim: just show me I don't care.

Kiya: ill open it for you ill send you to the front, and you'll take on the first wave, and the rest of us will go thru the back, ok?

Seraphim: that's going to be too easy

Kiya: alright, I'm sending you in. Good luck, PORTAL OPEN

Seraphim: finally, I'm able to have some fun

Once Seraphim enters the portal, he sees over 30,000 shadow soldiers

Then he sees the commander in the back of the army.

Seraphim: I see, so he's the most powerful

(sees a man on top of the palace)

Seraphim: who is that

(Seraphim feels intense magical energy coming from the top of the palace)

Unknown man: hello boy, how did you enter your not a shadow

Seraphim: just some help from the prince

Unknown man 2: what!! Is he talking about that traidor Kiya!!!

Seraphim: oh, you know him. I guess he's famous.

Unknown man 2: of course we know him. He used to live here serving as the prince of the royal guard!

Seraphim: oh, that's cool. Now can we fight? I'm itching for some fun

Altogether: if you think you can take us all, then bring it on, you bastard!!!!

Seraphim: you guys first

Men: haha, that's a mistake. I can't sense even a bit of power from you, hahaha, you weak little shit!

Seraphim: that's the best part of hidden magic.

Altogether: black magic death beam!

Seraphim: cancel. Well, you guys are pretty weak


Maki: what the hell, seraphim is that you?

Seraphim: light teleport, and if I am?

Maki: Well, I'd be happy because, to be honest, I hate all these shadow bastards' minds if I join in your little siege?

Seraphim: no, I'm good. These guys are nothing.

Maki: ok, well, just saying if I were you after you kill them to go to the bottom of the palace, you'd find the shadow core. You blow that up, and the castle will blow up, haha.

Seraphim: thanks, I guess, for the inform

Maki: oh, in return, can you tell me where to find Kiya?

Seraphim: in the real world, good luck on finding him

Maki: thanks knowing him. He'll pick up my power and come in to see me, haha

Seraphim: mm hmmm

Arya: So you've already arrived seraphim great

Seraphim: oh, hi Arya, just let me take care of these little guys

Arya: don't worry, I'm not here to fight. I came to take back kiyas actual shadow prince sword. He can't fight in here without it

Seraphim: that's interesting

Arya: yeah, I guess also is there any weapons you want I'm planning on breaking into the vault

Seraphim: bring me the sword of light and destruction

Arya: what the hell? Do you know that thing is bigger than your whole body??

Seraphim: it getts to a better size when the right person is holding it.

Arya: ok, well ill try my best for you!

Seraphim: thanks

Kiya: still haven't beat them. Your slow sera speed up hurry!!

Seraphim: fine dark magic beam of death (A beam of pure darkness rains down from the sky, killing thousands of the soldiers )

The man at the top teleports in front of seraphim too fast for seraphim to notice

Seraphim: how did he teleport so fast?!

( pins seraphim to the floor with one hand)

Seraphim: what do you want!

Man: I want to kill you HAHAHA

Seraphim: I see. If you want to do so, I will have to use my full power

Man; oh, you don't understand, do you? You won't be able to power up here without a shadow, haha

Seraphim: how do I get a shadow then?


Seraphim: good idea, light dash

man: as I said, you won't be able to move from under me with weak power like that

Seraphim: light and death magic