
The buzzing rang through the hall way  indicating that they were back , they had found him .

He was dragged through the hallway by two men in armed overalls , his breathing was ragged , he could barely keep his eyes open , he was starving . Exhausted , almost to the point of death he couldn't do anything to help his present situation .

The clicking of heels reached his ears before he saw the person , a woman , looked to be in her early twenties .

" Ah .... You found him ! " She exclaimed " very good "

" There is nothing good about it " one of the men said " he killed most of my mates , I -"

" You will get your revenge , but so not hurt project x for now " she cut him off .

" He is still in his early stages , we have to see it through and for now take him to cell b-3 "

" Yes ma'am " they both replied .

They headed the other way they came passing through corridors , taking corners . He was overwhelmed with everything , his sense of smell was stronger , he heard what he didn't want to hear , see in the dark ,. But he only had one question , why ? .

They arrived at a reenforced steel gate , the first man dropped his hold on him to input the code on the number pad .

On a normal day he would run , but what good will he get if they always catch him .

A buzzing sounded as the door opened , the lifted him and threw him into the room and left .

The room was bare , plain colored white with a hospital bed . What had his life turned to .

Three years ago he was on a mission with his team to extract a doctor from an enemy stronghold , they were told that it would be an easy job . But their informant was wrong , they were captured and tested on with a particular virus , torn apart and put back together, they called it protocol x .

For three years he was tested on , he never saw or heard from his team , the army left them for dead . He should have been killed years ago for his incompliance , but they left him , they said he was special , he had a compatible gene with the virus .

Why him ?

His ears perked up as he heard sets of footsteps approaching the door , heavy footsteps . The guards .

The buzzing came to life as the door opened , four men marched into the tiny room , two if them picked him off the ground , roughly .

" Get up you little runt , time for your session " one of them said laughing , followed by the laughter of the others .

He wanted them to stop , it was too loud , he felt as if his brain would melt at any moment . But what could he do , he was too weak to fight .

They exited the room dragging him with them , they dropped him on purpose knowing it would hurt , kicked him in the ribs , broke his bones . But what was the use knowing it would heal in minutes . They neared ' the place ' , he hated that place , they would torture him on and on for hours all for the sake of creating a virus .

He was dragged into the room , it looked more like a lab , strapped to a bed like a rat . The woman from earlier walked in smiling , she was dressed in a white overall , and a plastic surgerical mask covered her face , but he knew it was her , he could smell her .

" Ready are we " she said to him , the British accent faint but noticable . He could have sworn she was smiling at him .

A few other people , walked in , wearing the same clothes . They proceeded to hook different wires into him , plastic tubes and a gas mask . They were all connected to huge cylinders behind him . And they all left him , they were watching from the outside .

The hissing sound echoed as fluids were being pumped into him , black dots clouding his vision and the last thing he heard was .

" Let protocol x begin "