So guys this is just to clear any confusion about the ranks
They are the most common, all sense of humanity have left them. They are usually the ones seen with rotting flesh . They are entirely dumb, have little to normal strength, really sluggish but they are persistent and only give up when they lose sight of their potential meal. They are usually known to move in groups or hordes of large numbers. Most people that get bitten fall into this category. They are everywhere.
This group is known for their speed and endless amount of stamina, they can easily outrun anyone and anything, not because they are really fast but for their stamina . Everything has to slow down and rest but not the bolts . Their endless stamina allows them to catch up to anything, with time. They aren't the brightest around and have a little above normal strength. They are common in some areas and uncommon is some .
As the name suggests they are predators , they are very fast and their sense of smell is nothing to be matched with, they are extremely fast. They are dead silent since they usually have to ambush their prey, they don't like to face them head on. Their strength is like times three of a body builders, but they lack stamina, they can't keep at something for too long. They are incredibly smart and strategize before doing anything. Their sense of smell is their strength. To find them can be one in a thousand
They are at the top of the zombie food chain, well that's what everyone thinks. They have an insane amount of strength, loads of stamina and their eyesight can be compared to that of an eagle, their sense of smell isn't the greatest but they make up for it with an insane amountnt oatstrength and unbelievable speed. There's not much to say about them because they are extremely rare. To find them can be one in a million.
Also known as Xavier, this is the only host of the virus and is at the top of the zombie food chain. By being the host to the virus it's self he has the ability of all the ranks. But he is mostly mistaken for a nightmare zombie, that is until he shows his true eye color. He is a long distance stronger than the nightmare, with an advanced eyesight and unbelievably fast. He can can't his tactics to that of any zombie at any point in time, which often confuses other zombies. His eye color is a glowing blue which increases brightness depending on his mood. At night he a predator and is ruthless. He despises the syntax facility and is being hunted.
These are genetically modified zombies, in other words they are not really zombies but normal humans with a tiny little bit of zombie abilities. They are made by the syntax facility and as thief name suggests they hunt other zombies for the syntax .