~ This world will know pain ~ Yahiko Pain
I have to say my cooking skills have improved over the years of being alone, the taste of the fried cow meat dissolving in my mouth, heavenly, and the look Camilla is giving now is so nice to see.
" How is it? " I ask her putting another piece of the meat into my mouth.
" It's okay " She replies with a stuffed mouth.
I give her an annoyed look " Just okay!, nothing like oh, you're the best cook in the world "
" Your cooking isn't that great " She says with a huff, taking another piece of the meat " I could probably do better. "
" Then you're cooking tomorrow. "
I continue to dig into my food when something began to scratch the door. Startled Camilla jumps back and lets out a snarl, knocking the chair backwards, her eyes a bright glowing red.
" Calm down " I tell her " It's not a threat. "
She looks at me from where she was and her eyes start to dim, she now knew there was not point in being stubborn.
I get up from where I was sitting and walk towards the door, opening it only to ne tackled by a huge fur ball. Camilla let out a growl at the furry monster on top of me, and it returns the growl with it's own.
" Is that a dog? " She asks.
" No, It's a wolf, and he's harmless unless provoked. " I push the huge wolf away only to be tackled again to a lying position, the furball atop me.
" Camilla meet Chavos " I say from underneath, my voice somewhat muffled but I'm sure she can hear me. " Chavos behave , got to the kitchen, there's food " At the mention of food he rushes into the kitchen scattering the place in his search.
Camilla's heartbeat invaded my ears , it sounds like she just ran cross country at full tilt, her eyes wide staring at the oversized wolf in the kitchen.
" Are you scared of dogs? " I also her.
" No " She replies too fast, her heart beat speeding up.
" Are you sure? "
" No.... I mean yes " She says in a hurry. " Beside that's not a dog it's a freaking wolf. "
I couldn't hold my laughter any more, I doubled over and burst out laughing at her clenching my stomach. This is going to be fun.
The sun had gone to sleep a few hours ago and I'm currently doing a perimeter check around the place with Chavos tagging along, the normal zombies aren't a problem, most tomes they tried to see if you were a zombie by swiping at you with their blunt claws given the fact that most sane zombies walked like humans and my aren't a glowing red Lime the others, but a snark would set them straight. It's the hounds and nightmares you have to worry about, they always try to challenge whatever is stronger than them. Stubborn much.
The forest is quiet except for the sound of Chavos paws on the dried leaves and his panting, there were a few normal zombies staggering around and I didn't pay them much attention, during times like these, I usually tested my limits mostly by running around.
I increase my pace to a slight jog, Chavos having no problem keeping up, then I increase my speed until I'm sure I'm a blur dodging through the forest, past trees. I never feel more in the moment than now.
Aproaching the cabin I see Camilla sitting on one of the tree stumps gazing around nonchalantly, whoever said zombies couldn't stay still was very wrong, but not all of us are fighters, being a zombie dosn't mean you have to be insanely good at fighting . Hearing my footsteps she turns around and looks at me with a smile and then frowns at Chavos.
" You can't be mad at a wolf can you? " I ask, sitting on the ground beside her.
" No, but... " She says and turns to look at the wolf that is currently sneaking up to an unsuspecting rabbit " ... He is really oversized, I mean he is huge. "
" Yeah. "
We continue to gaze at Chavos happily chowing down on the rabbit. It is peaceful now but it dosen't last long, nothing lasts.
" Do you want to go back? " I ask out of the blue, still gazing at Chavos.
" Where, I have no where to go. "
" I meant to the community "
" Sometimes, yes, I want to but how do you explain to nitwits that the biye you had is gone and you're not infected. " She says.
" Simple, don't tell them. " I say getting up and dusting my jeans " They would just do a check up, that's all. "
" Would you follow if I go back? " She looks up at me with a hopeful look. Did I want to go, I mean zombies hate contact, throughout her stay I've given her space for both our sakes but.
I try to touch her face, she flinches back instinctively but remains calm, the texture of her hair is so soft. No zombie allows you to touch their head, it takes a huge amount of trust to let another touch and she trusts me.
" What was that for? " She asks
" Oh nothing " I reply, a smirk taking over.
" Why are you smirking? "
" Looks like we're moving to a community "