.~ I am the predator of predators ~ Serial

It had been a few hours since my encounter with syntax. Our encounter. Unfortunately Camilla took a heavy hrit when she fell and is still unconscious, she will be for a while. When zombies take a hit to the head it puts us into some kind of trance, a heavier hit and you'll be unconscious for a while, a bullet to the head would kill most zombies and if you're lucky you'll be out for a fee days or months.

I jad come off the highway a few hours ago and was now walking through a deserted town. The houses were nice but it looked like a bloodshed had happened, the sidewalk and the road is decorated with blood and various body parts at different areas. There are a few zombies staggering about, moaning into the air, as far as my nose can tell there is no living human being here , the only sound is that of my boots, the moans and w shuffling of the zombies.

I would have made it through without any issues but with Camilla on my back a few of the zombies have set their sights on me and are teailing behind me, I would have copied their stance of bent backs and slow walking but with extra baggage I can't. One of the zombies further up the street saw me and is already making it's way towards me, there is no escaping thise one, I have to face it head on. To be honest thiws town is just a few settlements on a long road, just up ahead marks the end of the houses anwwwwrt

wwd the road continues to go on and on as far as my eyes can tell, which is pretty far. I have to pick one of these houses to settle in for a while.


The that was ahead of me stops directly in front of me, causing me to halt. It circles around for a while, we every part of my body. My scent was that of the virus mixed with a few chemicals due to the fact that I bathe regularly, but that wasn't enough to convince it that I am no human. It inches closer, chattering it's yellow decayed teetwwh together in anticipation that I or what I am carrying would make a good meal. The appeared to be a teenage boy and I would have said he was goowd looking before the outbreak but with the glorified bite marks that decorated his face that was a no-no. All ideas of good thoughts about this zombie went out the window the moment he opened his mouth and tried to bite, I jumped back forgetting the person on my back and sparked at him, my eyes glowing brightly showing it perfect canines. It closed it's mouth and tried to stop in it's tracks but ended up falling to the ground, the sight of it trying to get back to unsteady feet was a funny sight but letting out a laugh would cause it friends to investigate me further. Walking away from the zombie towards a house to the right end, it is the only house that has no scent of blood or rotting flesh and the sound of moans in it, a one story that would have been a nice feature of a magazine but the overgrown lawn and blood splatters around it said otherwise.

The porch protested against the added weight on it and squeaked when I moved towards the door, trying the handle, it was unlocked. At least I didn't have to smash a window to get in. The inside of the place is dusty but neat, using the scent of clothes I made my way towards what appeared to be a bed room, clothes everywhere, drawers left opened, the room was a mess but the bed was still in good shape. Makikng my way over to It and laying Camilla gently I walked out of the room. Walking into another room which is the sitting room, I can really look around , the floor decorated with a rug and a glass table, sofa's surrounding it. It is really beautiful. I can smell rotting food from an area probably the kitchen. With a sigh, I walk towards one of the sofas and plop myself on it, I close my eyes waiting for Camilla to wake. I slip into a light daze.


I am woken up by the sound of a gunshot.


Gunshots I mean, scrambling up from my lying position on the sofa I rush to check up on Camilla, who wapparently is still sleeping. How much sleep does she need?. She only took a little hit to ewqwww head. Sheesh.

Bang! Bang!!

The sound of the gunshots filled the silence again, whoever this person was, they needed to have a brain check cause no one in their right mind would bet off shots like that, especially with the amount of zombies swarming the outsde. Well it is none of my business. Then i percieved it, it's sweet scent overpowering my senses, the need to taste it. I bolted out of the house following the scent, the scent of blood.

What I saw definitely brought me back to my senses, the zombies were surrounding some people, four people to be exact, the person in front rounds upon rounds on the zombies but the only downside they didn't die, their bodies enveloping the bullets as they came, they would die soonnner or later. One scent was prominent in this area though, it was the scent of fear. The zombies stumbling past me to where the gunshots came from, they were turning into a horde. I turned around trying to find anything that could produce noise and I found what I was looking for, cars littered the road, testing the air with for the smell of gasoline, diesel or petrol. Most of them were dried out but I only needed one with a functioning battery. Running to one , a white sedan that was parked in the middle of the road, all windows were coated in blood, whoever that owned the car didn't make it. I opened the door to find the driver in his seat, bite marks decorating his body, his formerly white work shirt dried in his own blood. Just what I needed. I honked the horn and the blasting came after, as if on cue the driver jerked forward snapping his jaws at my face but the seat belt held him in place, the blood in his mouth spraying all over my face. Yeah why not.

Grabbing the base of his head, I slammed it down on the steering wheel, a little to hard, his head scattered on impact, the remains of his head sticking down on the steering wheel, the pressure honking the horn for me. The steady sound echoing through the entire place, without a doubt all the zombies would head here. Looking back into the car I muttered a "thank you" to the corpse. The moans and chattering of the zombies came nearer, soon after the rotting bodies came into view, stumbling past each other and weaving through the abandoned cars, they rushed to get here, too bad there was nothing to eat for them. Moving away from the car I casually walked towards the horde and soon after I am lost in the bodies.

The people from earlier were still where I last saw them, I could see them better now, they all looked young around their twenties, the two womenn lay on the road , one hunched over the other, she laid in her own blood, just the sight of it tempted me to rush over and take a bite, to savor the blood running out of her stomach, hell it was tempting. Focusing back to the matter at hand, she did look deathly pale, she had lost a lot of blood but where ever she got injured wasn't infected, if not I would have gotten a whiff of it. As I got closer the two men aimed their weapons at me not that it would cause any harm, they were surrounded by a couple of dead bodies.

"What are you?" one of the guys asked. What an odd question to ask.

"What do you mean?" I replied with a question of my own.

"Your eyes they're glowing" He says, pointing the gun with more energy. Scratch it I'm wary of the gun.

Wait!, glowing eyes. The scent of the blood overpowering my senses again, no wonder they are glowing.

"I'm not a threat" I say moving closer "Your friend, she needs help"

"S-stay where you are" the other guy says aiming the gun at my head. Wrong move.

"The zombie will be here soon" I tell them "That horn won't last longer and the blood will surely bring them back."

I take a step forward trying to get a better look at injured woman. Bang!. The gunshot echoeing through and the scent of find powder filled the air mixing with the scent of blood.

I feel a stinging pain around my shoulder and then I look down to see blood trickling out of my shoulder. He shot me!. The idiot shot me!. I feel the bullet list out of my skin and the sensation of the wound healing. Looking back at the people in front of me, they look like their eyes would pop out of their sockets.

" What the fu--" before the big guy finished his sentence, I am behind both of them, holding their necks and extracting my claws in the process, the feel of it puncturing their necks. My instincts running high, urging me to snap their necks. He shot me!.

"If I wanted you all dead" I whisper out "I would have done it since."

The scent of fear rolling off them in waves, it would have been nice to kill them, to taste their blood but they were helpless at the moment. Retracting my claws, I move away from them.

"If you shoot me again, I'll have your head" I say flashing a canine "Come on, the house is just down this road."

The house is silent, the only sound to be heard is that of Camilla. The scent of her breath filling the air.

"There are most likely rooms upstairs, I didn't check" I turn around to face them.

" Take your friend" I say pointing to the injured one "There should be first aid kit upstairs."

They all make to move upstairs, making their way aruond me. I guess they're still wary

"Wait" I call out. They turn around to face me, the fear rolling off them. "When you're done attending to your friend, which one of you knows how to cook?"


Sowwy for the late update, exams are still on and I'm not supposed to be using ma phone 😁😁 so bear with me.