The What...

After gaining enough control of the flames to create living beings, I took on the task of designing my new pet. I summoned a makeshift sheet of paper made of flames and used it to list all the details that I wanted specifically and was able to instantly imagine different designs that would be illustrated on the blazing blueprint. I wanted something that could match my speed, or even outrun me so that I would never have to wait for it. I wanted it to be large enough to handle some of the larger demons with relative ease, yet small enough not to waste a lot of energy. I want it to be as agile as possible and yet still be sturdy enough to withstand the force of some of the strongest demons. I came up with several designs before finally settling on a large panther-like creature that had a thick snake-like body. I gave it several layers of thick muscles in its legs, jaws, back, and neck. The creature could retract its head into its body like a turtle into its shell, its jaws were powerful enough to crush solid steel armor yet elastic enough to swallow a creature twice its size. It had a skeletal structure in its midsection similar to that of a snake. Its ribs were longer to give it a deeper torso and were stretched so that they would overlap one another like plate armor. This allowed the creature to move in ways that seemed nearly impossible while yet giving it the durability to withstand insane amounts of punishment. I decided to give the creature a strong tail that was thin and long. In some cases, I found that I was only able to strangle some of the demons to death, so I gave my beast the ability to do so as well. Granted it could use its body to wrap around and crush its victims, I thought it to be a good idea to give it an emergency weapon. I created the creature though found it difficult to focus on while summoning swords and performing actions myself. If I got too focused on my actions the creature would just vanish which wasn't ideal. I began working on making something that could keep the creature from vanishing. After a few hours of fiddling around, I realized that I could force the flames to take on some of my abilities, although it may be difficult to do. Even so, this wasn't necessarily a problem. I created a stone core that I gave the ability to maintain the state of the flames after I created something out of them. I then made a sword using the stone as the gem in the cross guard and focused on making other things such as my beast from before. The sword never vanished. I let the creature vanish focusing again on the sword, and tried to make it vanish. Nothing happened. This wasn't good, if I couldn't control the beast there was nothing that could keep it from turning on me and trying to kill me. I'm not worried that it would kill me but rather the difficulty of defeating it. I designed this creature to be as hard to kill as possible thus even trying to make it hard to kill for myself. Eventually, I found that I would have to make the core vanish before I could do it to the entire thing, so I redesigned my beast so that the core would fit inside of its brain and imbued its bones muscles, and skin with the same invulnerability I gained from the hell hound. I also imbued its entire nervous system and musculatory system with my speed. Increasing not only its movement speed but thinking speed as well. Using the core made it incredibly easy to focus on specific parts of the body without having to worry about the rest of it vanishing. I could always come back to a different part of my creature and make adjustments though with the core in place it never vanished. After working for what seemed like days though it couldn't have been more than a few hours, I finally finished my creature and brought it to life. His first moments began with a roar booming through the air. I created a saddle for my beast and decided to take him out for a test ride. He crouched in preparation for a pounce scrunching his body back like a snake ready to strike. After a couple of seconds, he launched through the sky. We flew a good five to six hundred meters before we ever even touched the ground again. He moved his legs fast enough that I could barely make them out as we flew across the blazing plain, when I looked back the flames swirled into a vortex spiraling around the blackness of the expanding void behind us. It didn't take long before we ran into a lesser demon, that seemed perfect to test out my new pet. I climbed off letting the saddle vanish and told him to attack. the demon didn't even notice my monster until it was already on top of him he screamed out in terror, "What is this..." as my beast crushed its body. I decided then that I would call this creature the what, and my what was to be named Serpentine. Blazing energy flew through Serpentine to reach me, and I focused on the energy to try and determine the power I was about to receive, and I was shocked to find something new. This ability allowed me to read the mind of anyone or thing near me, though I would have to focus on the one I wanted to read the mind of as it wasn't automatic. This is probably the only reason why we were able to get the jump on the demon. He never even noticed us, let alone had the chance to try and read our minds.