Chapter One

Yujin Pov

He is the coldest man I have ever met. His stiff face always showed a smile that couldn't be said as a smile. Every time I saw him my heart felt like it wanted to jump out of my chest cavity. I don't know what that guy did to me, but he managed to make me fall in love with him when I was eighteen years old.

He is my first love. It has been five years that I have admired this man from a distance. Watching him from afar, wishing if one day I could side by side with him on the altar.

If he were an ordinary man, maybe I would find it easier to embrace him. Unfortunately he is an unusual man. Very unusual! He is the general of South Korea, the leader of the presidential security forces who sometimes also escorts my father who is a minister. But according to rumors, the man was actually the adopted son of the president.

In the past, according to a story I often hear from gossip women in the Blue House, the president found the man when he was running away from the orphanage and accidentally hit the president while he was out with his wife. Because at that time Mr. President— ahh, it's better if I call him Kang Hyunjeong uncle. Uncle Hyunjeong didn't have any children yet, so he decided to adopt the man as his son.

But as long as I followed my father in state functions, I had never seen that man return to Uncle Hyunjeong's private residence. It is precisely what I know that he has a house where he lives alone with some of his men who guard around his house.

Besides that he still has a lot of things that he always closes from other people. And he is also the only man who has never looked at me with eyes full of admiration like the others. When everyone praises my beauty, admires my intelligence, and likes everything that is in me, he just looks flat and seems to ignore me.

Once, I asked him to chat while I was waiting for my father who was chairing a meeting with other ministers, but the man was silent beside me without the slightest response to my words. Really it feels very annoying. How could he possibly ignore a beautiful woman like me?

Sometimes I think that Lee Jinwoo is gay because all this time I know he is very close to one of his subordinates, who was also a teammate in training. His name is Lee Hyuki.

Unlike Lee Jinwoo, Lee Hyuki is very friendly and also has a great sense of humor. Several times we were involved in exciting chats that made me not feel bored when I had to accompany my father on duty. Unfortunately I don't have any feelings for Hyuki oppa, he is more like my own brother, so I always feel comfortable when with him.

But I think the two men are just as great. When they are in charge, they will be a very terrible team. Their resilience in serving and protecting the country has spread throughout Korea. There is no doubt that they are the figures of great men who will make women scream out loud because of their manhood. Oh Damn! In fact, I really wanted General Lee to be my protector. Truly a protector who will protect me until I die, to be more precisely my life partner.

This afternoon I returned to accompany my father to meet uncle Hyunjeong at the Blue House. From a distance I can see General Lee securing the area around the Blue House because lately a lot of news says that some radical groups from abroad or terrorists have spread in South Korea. The guard for uncle Hyunjeong has been tightening recently. But in the midst of Korean people's concerns about the terrorist issue, I just feel happy. With that issue, my chance to see General Lee up close was even greater. In fact, in almost every state event, General Lee is always present to ensure that the president is safe. This is truly a miracle for me!

"Miss Yujin, you were asked by the minister to wait in his room."

"No need, I'll be waiting here."

Of course I don't want to leave here because I'm still chill with handsome General Lee. Oh my God... I love those sharp and firm eyes. He really is a very hot, sexy guy! Omo[1]! General Lee saw me. The man looked at me intensely with his eagle eyes that made my body tremble. Geez. I can melt with that sharp gaze.

"Miss Yujin, aren't you tired?"

Suddenly someone who I didn't expect his presence stood in front of me and prevented me from seeing my handsome general Lee. Ckk... Hyuki oppa is a damn man!

"My dear Captain Lee Hyuki, please get out of my sight right now because you are blocking my eyes from seeing—"

"Handsome General Lee?" cut Hyuki oppa with a strange smile.

I grumbled in disgust in front of him and immediately shifted his body forcefully with my hands. But when Hyuki oppa's body was completely aside, General Lee had disappeared.

"Oppa, you made me unable to look at him. Look, now he's gone." I grumbled irritably.

Hyuki oppa laughed with satisfaction then decided to sit next to me.

"He has another assignment today. He ordered me to replace his job to secure Mr. President."

"He goes? Where?"

I don't know since when this feeling appeared. But I always feel worried if Hyuki oppa starts telling me about new tasks that General Lee has to complete. Every day I always ask God to protect General Lee because he risks his very dangerous job. I don't want to lose him. Not before I confess my true feelings.

"He went to arrest some criminals. There's no need to worry about him, he'll be fine."

Hyuki oppa always knows what I feel. Looks like Hyuki oppa deserves to be my brother because he always understands me more than I understand myself. Especially since I was little, I didn't have a mother.

My mother died giving birth to me. I grew up without getting a touch of love from a mother. When my friends share stories with their mothers, I just have to keep it to myself because my father is too busy to listen to every babble that comes out of my mouth.

But since I got to know Hyuki oppa, I can tell him all my problems. There is nothing I hide from him. Even I confess my feelings for General Lee to him. And maybe General Lee actually knows about my feelings. It's just that he chose to ignore it because I was no match for him. He just thought of me as a spoiled little girl who always followed behind my father wherever my father went. Well... that's what I am like.

Yujin Pov End


"Miss Im Yujin, the car that will take you home is ready in front."

Yujin turned her head quickly at a woman in a black coat who was a member of state security. The woman who wore earphones in her ears seemed to invite Yujin to go to the front door because the car that was going to take her was ready.

"Go home? Did father tell me to go home?" asked Yujin did not understand.

The plan is for the day she will accompany her father until the meeting is over then go to lunch together to celebrate her father and mother's anniversary. But it looks like the father cannot fulfill his promise now. Evidenced by the presence of a car that had been prepared to take her home. Maybe his father won't come home tonight.

"Mr. Im Jaehyuk asked you to go home first, because after this meeting is over Mr. Im will fly to Taiwan to handle some of work there."

Yujin let out a small sigh at the woman's explanation. She knows her father is very busy. She cannot expect much or sulk like a child to make her father keep his word. Now she is an adult. She knows how difficult it is to be her father who has to divide his time between his family and his many jobs.

"Come home. Next time you can still go with your father." said Hyuki quietly.

The man smiled reassuringly and patted Yujin's shoulder twice so that Yujin would not look gloomy because her plan to have lunch with her father had to be canceled.

"I am alright. I know how busy father is. Then I'm going home now. Take care of yourself."

Yujin smiled sweetly at Hyuki and immediately walked away with the woman in the suit who was assigned to escort her to the front door.

While stepping her feet in the hallways of the vast Blue House, Yujin kept wondering who tonight would be assigned to guard her. Usually if her father did not come home, her father would assign a few additional guards to accompany her at home. Unfortunately sometimes she got annoyed with the guards because they never treated her warmly. They all kept their boundaries too much with her that it felt like she was living alone in the midst of dozens of guards guarding her house.

"Please miss."

The woman in the suit opened the car door in front of her wide and bowed her small head as a form of respect for Yujin.

"Thank you." Yujin said kindly and bowed back to the woman. She knows that the woman is older than her. She felt she had to bow back like what her father used to teach her when she was young.

"Miss Im, please use your seat belt."

Yujin froze on the spot while staring at the rearview mirror in front of her. The dark eyes that she had always watched silently were now staring at her with a calming gaze. Even though the man's eyes were sharp, Yujin actually felt warm when Lee Jinwoo's two black irises collided with her caramel iris. It was as if she felt small electric vibrations that ran through her eyes and then spread throughout her body. The longer the vibrations made her body feel hot, until she felt her cheeks also heated up as the man's gaze became more intense. But soon Jinwoo turned his gaze to the road in front of him and started driving his car leaving the large courtyard of the Blue House.

"Have you fastened your seat belt?"

Without looking at the rearview mirror in front of him, Jinwoo asked Yujin again so that the woman would not forget to put the seat belt on her to keep her safe.

"Yes." Yujin replied softly.

She looks so nervous in the car that she looks like a statue because her sitting position is really not relaxed. But she tried to calm down as she exhaled slowly. Times like this were an opportunity for her to talk to Lee Jinwoo more. If usually she was only satisfied with looking at Jinwoo from a distance, then now God had given her the opportunity to make the man take a little glance at her.

"Are you the one assigned to look after me tonight?"

Yujin felt a little strange with her own words. Like she was asking her lover. Even though the man was supposed to look after her because her father didn't come home tonight.

"That's right miss, I will guard your house with my other men."

Yujin subconsciously snorted in anger at Jinwoo's overly formal style of speech. Actually the man was right, because he was working so he put his professionalism first. But can he just act normal in front of her? She doesn't like to be treated too much like that because she is just an ordinary woman.

"But why did Hyuki oppa say you have another task? Ahh... he must have tricked me."

Yujin muttered softly while imagining the face of Hyuki, who was probably laughing with satisfaction because he tricked her.

"Captain Lee Hyuki is right, because this is my job."

"Can you use informal? I feel uncomfortable when I hear it."

Jinwoo glanced at Yujin from behind his rearview mirror with an expressionless cold face. Through his face, Yujin knew that Jinwoo did not agree because this man highly upheld professionalism at work. But she really didn't like it. It wasn't just the man she asked to be informal with her. All the guards in her house and the other guards she would ask for the same thing because she was so sick of hearing those stiff sentences around her.

"If that's what you want, I'll do it."

Yujin smiled with satisfaction as she glanced at Jinwoo who had returned to focus on the road in front of him. Although she was a little disappointed that she could not look at those shady eyes anymore, she was determined to do everything she could to get closer to that cold general. This time she had to win the man's heart.

[1] Oh My God in korean