The next day Yujin never saw Jinwoo again. The man steadfastly left after crushing her heart to pieces of dust. Without telling her, Lee Jinwoo accepted the task of becoming a leader for peace in the war country in the middle east area. And that man's duty to be her bodyguard has been replaced by someone else. But Yujin had asked her father to stop guard because she was sure she would continue to be fine without a guard like before. After all, the person who hurt her has left. For what else is she protected?

From the start they were just acting to cover up Jinwoo's terrifying madness. So Yujin was sure that she would be fine without any bodyguards around her.

"I don't need bodyguards anymore. Besides, I also want to focus on my wedding in three days. So I will spend a lot of time with my friends until my wedding night. You don't have to worry, father, I'll be fine."

"But I don't want to take risks like I used to. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Father, believe me. I can take care of myself. This time I'll really be fine," begged Yujin earnestly.

Minister Im can't say no when his daughter has given him a pleading look. He reluctantly nodded his head and allowed Yujin to be free from his guards.

"Very well, you won't be followed by bodyguards anymore. But you have to be careful and don't worry me."

"I promise, father. I'm not going to have you have another heart attack," joked Yujin while chuckling softly.

Im Jaehyuk stared at his only daughter without thinking. There was one thing that had been bothering him since a few days ago. He felt that his daughter was a little different since Jinwoo resigned as her bodyguard because the president gave orders to become the leader of an elite force in a peace mission.

Now Yujin looks more gloomy and lackluster. Even though all this time he saw his girl was always passionate and full of ambitions that she wanted to do in the future. But now Yujin looks more obedient. She did not argue much about his desire to speed up her wedding day with Minwoo.

In addition, Yujin often spends her time at home when she doesn't have a task on campus. Whereas in the past almost every day Yujin followed him wherever he went. Whether he was going to the Blue House or attending other state events, Yujin would definitely insist on joining with the reason of wanting to make more friends.

But ever since Jinwoo left, Yujin has changed. Her daughter became more reserved and seemed devoid of zeal for life. Is it because of General Lee? He had thought that Yujin liked that cold and arrogant general. But he immediately brushed off his own thoughts because he didn't want to burden Yujin who looked even more gloomy.


The day before Yujin and Minwoo's luxurious wedding took place. Since morning the Kang family residence has been busy with decoration staff as well as caterers who want to perfect the Yujin and Minwoo couple's big day tomorrow.

Flowers from various parties continued to come and go until they filled the spacious courtyard of Kang Hyunjeong's luxurious house. The President who is still at the Blue House also continues to receive various kinds of congratulations from various state ambassadors for the marriage of his youngest son to Minister Im's daughter which will take place tomorrow morning.

Besides that, today the president also looked happy because the peacekeeping force led by Jinwoo had successfully carried out the mission well. They succeeded in brokering peace between the two warring countries and now the troops led by Jinwoo are monitoring the process of restoring the infrastructure of the two countries which have been very chaotic since the war. At least the two countries have reconciled and their citizens have begun to work together to build their country to be better assisted by soldiers from South Korea.

"Jun Shinjung, please tell my driver to pick up Jinwoo at the airport. Today he has returned from middle east."

"Yes sir. Did General Lee come home on purpose to attend his brother's wedding? "

"It seems so. Even though he always looks cold and indifferent, he loves his family very much. I can feel it from every action he does. He really never disappoints me," said Kang Hyungjeong proudly.

Jun Shinjung just nodded his head and immediately excused himself to ask President Kang's private driver to pick up Jinwoo at the airport.


This afternoon, Yujin looked lackluster. Tomorrow is her wedding day, but she thinks of Jinwoo instead and hopes that the man will suddenly appear in front of her to prevent all the nightmares that will happen to her.

Yujin leaned over the bed without intending to go downstairs and joined her servants who were busy cooking and decorating her house to look beautiful on her wedding day tomorrow.

Ever since Jinwoo left, Yujin felt empty. That man has left a lot for her. Sadness, pain and happiness. Through Jinwoo, she became aware that there were a lot of people out there who were not as fortunate as her.

"Miss, your wedding dress delivery has arrived."

A servant entered her room and put a large box containing her wedding dress. She didn't seem that interested in the dress and just let it sit on the floor. To her the dress means nothing if she is not happy with her wedding day tomorrow. The dress feels like it will never be perfect without the happiness of the wearer.

"Huh... General Lee..."

Yujin sighed softly while imagining the face of Jinwoo who kept dancing every day in her brain.

"Why do you have the heart to hurt me?"

Again Yujin shed tears whenever she remembered Jinwoo and their last conversation at the man's house. The feeling of tightness that rose in her heart she could not endure and made her always shed tears whenever she remembered Jinwoo's words to be happy. Until whenever she will never be happy if not that man is the source of her happiness. After this it might just live as an empty shell that only looks beautiful on the outside, but inside it is dead.


Jinwoo walked into the mansion he hadn't visited in a long time. The man, with his usual cold face, passed the guards manning the front of his adoptive father's house and looked down respectfully when he saw him coming.

"Minwoo is in there?" Jinwoo asked one of the guards. The guard nodded his head stiffly.

"Mr. Minwoo just came, it looks like he just had a bachelor party with his friends. Meanwhile, Mr. Kang and Mrs. Kang went to the Blue House to welcome guests from various countries who will attend Mr. Minwoo's wedding tomorrow morning."

Jinwoo nodded in understanding and immediately walked into the house to meet his youngest brother. He wanted to congratulate him as a brother. During this time he realized, he could not be a good brother and was never there when his younger brother needed him. Because of that today he took the time to come to his adoptive father's house specifically to congratulate Minwoo and also apologize for not being able to attend his brother's wedding tomorrow. His troops needed his presence to lead a peace mission that was not fully completed.

The sound of his footsteps that was quite loud began to fill every corner of the room that seemed lonely. In the living room, Jinwoo saw a lot of bouquets sent to his brother's wedding.

Instantly Jinwoo thought of Yujin. How is that woman today? And is the woman happy? That's the kind of questions that lodged in Jinwoo's mind. However, Jinwoo didn't want to think about it any further. He must not let his common sense be controlled by Yujin, because he cannot love that woman.

Jinwoo arrived in front of his brother's room and was about to open the wooden door to surprise his brother. But he was actually surprised by the strange noises coming from his brother's room.

Logically began to think hard to deny the negative things that started hanging around in his head. But he was not an innocent man who didn't know what kind of voice was coming from his brother's room.

With a feeling of angry, Jinwoo immediately broke the locked door of the room with his foot and he found Minwoo doing a very disgusting thing with one of the servants who worked at his adoptive father's house.

"You go out and take all your belongings before I report your actions to my father and kill you!"

The woman trembled with fear and immediately picked up her clothes which were scattered on the floor of Minwoo's room. Meanwhile Minwoo looked surprised and immediately grabbed his clothes to explain to Jinwoo what really happened.

But Jinwoo's entire body was filled with an aura of anger that was so thick that without thinking Jinwoo immediately showered Minwoo's face with punch that made Minwoo overwhelmed and fell on his knees on the floor with blood dripping from his nose and torn lips.

"Your deeds are truly like an animal! Father will definitely be disappointed to see you like this."

Minwoo never thought that his lecherous act would be discovered by his brother. What's more, her brother caught him the night before his wedding. He will definitely get into trouble because of what he did tonight.

"Cancel your marriage with Yujin. She doesn't deserve to marry a bastard like you!"

Jinwoo looked really angry and also disappointed in Minwoo. What he had thought about his younger brother had been wrong. Minwoo is not his innocent little brother anymore. His life in Canada and a lot of pressure from his father made Minwoo an immoral lecherous man. He felt sorry that he had told Yujin to be happy with Minwoo because in fact this woman would actually feel in hell if she married his brother.

"Hyung... I can explain."

"I don't want to hear anything from you. I will tell father to cancel your marriage with Yujin. Yujin doesn't deserve a damn shit like you!"

After being satisfied cursing Minwoo, Jinwoo immediately left the house with an angry face that had not completely disappeared from him. He then contacted his father and asked his father to cancel Minwoo's marriage with Yujin because he would be a very sinful person if he let that happen. He hurt Yujin too much all this time, and he won't let Yujin hurt any more.

"Why do you suddenly want to cancel your brother's wedding? I will be very embarrassed if the wedding is canceled."


Kang Hyunjeong was stunned. This was a father's call that Jinwoo had not spoken to him in a long time. Since the man was part of the military, his son called him more often with formal nicknames and never again called him father. Is Jinwoo currently talking to him as a son and a father?

"If father keeps letting Minwoo marry Yujin, Yujin will be hurt. Minwoo had done something inappropriate with one of the servants in the house. You have to cancel the marriage plans or you will regret not keeping my words."

"Then what about the marriage? Your mother and I have promised Yujin's late mother to marry Yujin to one of our children so that Yujin has the right protector if her parents are gone. I can't break your promise."

Jinwoo heard a tone of frustration in his father's voice. Making promises is very difficult. And he feels responsible too with that promise because he asked his father to cancel his brother's marriage to Yujin.

"Do you still think of me as your son?"

"Of course. You will forever be Kang Hyunjeong's eldest son even if you refuse to change your surname to my surname, but you are still my son."

"Then I will replace Minwoo, after I complete my mission."


Jinwoo ended his cellphone connection and immediately turned off the square object before he stepped into the airport.

Tonight he also had to fly to middle east to complete his mission. But he was quite relieved because he had saved Yujin's future before she was crushed with his brother. Now he hopes that Yujin is still willing to wait for him until he actually completes his assignment in this conflicted country. But if Yujin decides to marry another man if he doesn't come back, then he will accept that woman's decision.


That morning the Seoul air looked so bright and beautiful. Since early in the morning minister Im's residence has been busy with preparations for Yujin's wedding which will be held in a few hours.

In her room, Yujin is preparing to attend a blessing ceremony at the most historic church in Seoul. While grooming herself in front of the mirror, Yujin saw her face looking very charming wearing a long wedding dress specially designed for her.

Yujin took another deep breath and tried to steel herself so that she didn't think about running away before her blessing ceremony began. This is Jinwoo's wish. The man will be happy if his sibling is happy. Then she will try to make the man happy through his younger brother. It doesn't matter if right now her heart is holding back pain, but she has to keep trying for Lee Jinwoo's happiness.

"Are you ready?"

Mr. Im poked his head from the corner of the door, looking at his daughter full of emotion. Finally he can keep his promise to his late wife to lead Yujin to a new life that will bring more happiness to Yujin. Even though it feels hard to let go of the only daughter he has, but feels quite relieved because he will hand over Yujin to the right person.

"Come on, we're almost late."

"Sir, President Kang wishes to see you downstairs."

Suddenly a servant came and interrupted the emotional atmosphere that occurred in the midst of the father and son. A little confused, Im Jaehyuk immediately went downstairs to meet his prospective in-house.

Meanwhile Yujin chose to peek from upstairs because her dress felt heavy to be used for walking.

"What's wrong, Hyunjeong-ah? We were just leaving for church."

"Jaehyuk-ah, I'm sorry."

President Kang looked so sorry about the news he was about to deliver. But he had no other choice but to say it because it was for the good of his best friend's daughter.

"We canceled Yujin and Minwoo's marriage."

"Why are you suddenly like this? Actually what happened?"

Yujin could no longer hear what her future father-in-law and her father said down there because right now she was crying because she was happy. It felt like that feeling of relief began to creep into her heart little by little and made her almost unable to breathe because of the joyful excitement that she could not express in words. Some of the maids who saw this were concerned because they thought Yujin was crying over the fate of her canceled marriage. Even though honestly the woman was crying happily because finally God answered her prayer.

"Miss, be patient."

"I am happy." Yujin replied indifferently and immediately walked to her room to remove the heavy dress that tormented her body. But even so, the happiness that Yujin felt was still incomplete because the woman couldn't get Jinwoo's heart.

"General... wherever you are now, I will still be waiting for you...."