"Thank you for taking me to the orphanage. So much fun there. I like Sojung and the kids there who are very sweet," said Yujin when the two of them were in the car heading to Jinwoo's residence.

Jinwoo said nothing to Yujin and kept driving. Yujin exhaled slowly and started glancing at her watch. Two o'clock in the afternoon. She rested her head relaxed as she thought about what activities she would do after this. Her lecture just started next week, she was supposed to spend a week of her leave doing romantic things with Jinwoo. But... of course she wouldn't. It was impossible for Jinwoo to take her to romantic places. She didn't even know if Jinwoo also took time off after marriage, because the man didn't say anything since yesterday.

"Are we going back to your house?"

"We're going home. I have some business, so I have to go to the military base after this."

Yujin sighed in exasperation. This afternoon she could die of boredom in the big house because Jinwoo was going to leave her.

"You didn't take time off after marriage?"

"What for? My only time off was yesterday," replied the man flatly.

Yujin tried to take a deep breath and encourage her not to get too emotional with Jinwoo's demeanor. Just now she saw the other side of the gentle Jinwoo, and now the man has shown his true demeanor. She really had to be patient in dealing with every sudden change in Jinwoo's attitude.

"Then why am I taking a week's leave from college if you don't take time off." Yujin grumbled annoyed.

"Did I ever tell you to take time off? Starting tomorrow we will practice martial arts because I can't keep protecting you. I will be busier from next week and will often leave you alone."

"Tsk, why are you treating me like a junior soldier? Am I not worthy to be your wife?" Yujin squeaked annoyed.

If indeed Jinwoo couldn't accompany her while she was on leave, he didn't have to treat her like a soldier. Instead of practicing martial arts she could go home to her father and spend her time at home trying new recipes or doing something more fun than doing exhausting martial arts training.

"I never said that. And I don't accept rejection! You have to train independently and also be disciplined."

"Can't I go back to my father's house?"

"You just came home. Can't you be an obedient wife for once?" Jinwoo growled annoyed. Yujin looked scowled and turned her face the other way. Their conversations always ended in an argument which made her annoyed.

"Get down."

Without waiting for orders twice Yujin immediately got down and slammed the SUV door behind her with a bang. And right after Yujin closed the car door, Jinwoo immediately drove the car away without saying anything to Yujin. The man didn't even bother to say goodbye or tell Yujin what time he would be home.

"Sucks! Damn you general!" Yujin cursed angrily while kicking a small gravel in front of her.

At this time she hoped that the gravel was Jinwoo so that she could vent all her anger that had soared into the air.

"What? Back to your work. Don't mind me!" Yujin shouted fiercely at Jinwoo's boys who were looking at her with a strange look.

Yujin with annoyance immediately went into her house and threw her body just like that on the white sofa in the living room.

For a moment Yujin tried to control her emotions while closing her eyes. This afternoon she had to do something to get rid of her boredom. Suddenly she remembered that Jinwoo had given permission to change the rigid structure of his house a little.

She immediately grabbed her cell phone and contacted people who could help her redesign Jinwoo's boring house. She eagerly went to her room and changed her clothes into Jinwoo's loose shirt and Jinwoo's trousers. She should have used her own clothes, but because she was too annoyed with Jinwoo, she forgot to bring the two suitcases that were in Jinwoo's car. Now she had to return to Jinwoo's clothes that made her look like a walking rice sack.

"Hhah.. well, we'll start with the living room."

Yujin started to move the table and white sofa to the far end of the room. She wanted to make the living room not look monotonous by adding some flower vases and a small table to put the plants. At least the living room that looks gloomy will look a little alive with the beautiful flowers that she will place in the left corner of the room, near the main door.


Yujin turned her head quickly back and immediately found Hyuki looking at her confusedly with a furrowed brow.

"Hello newlyweds, how are you today?"

"Bad. What are you doing here oppa?" Yujin asked surprised.

Because she was too busy moving Jinwoo's belongings she didn't hear anything. She didn't even know when Hyuki opened the door to her house.

"Where is Jinwoo? Why did you move all the stuff?"

"He's gone, and now I'm doing a little overhaul of the house. Look, this house looks gloomy. I want this house to look warmer and livelier too." Yujin said while pointing at the corners of her living room which still had a lot of free space.

"He left you here alone? Lee Jinwoo was really outrageous. Don't you have a maid who can help you?"

Yujin shook her head. Jinwoo would never allow her to have a servant because the man wanted everything related to their household to be done only by her.

"I have to learn to be independent and disciplined from now on. In fact he will teach me martial arts tomorrow. Every day I have to get up at half to five and shower with super cold ice water in the bathroom. Oppa… that general of yours is cruel and heartless." Yujin whined like a child.

Hyuki could only look at Yujin in concern while helping Yujin arrange Jinwoo's belongings to suit the tastes of the beautiful woman in front of him. In his heart he cursed his best friend as well as his very cruel boss. Even Jinwoo treated Yujin the same way he treated his own soldiers. He really is a mentally ill man.

"I thought you wouldn't marry Jinwoo."

Hyuki suddenly spoke after they had been silent for a while. Yujin lifted her head while occasionally patting the fine dust stuck to her shirt. Honestly, she didn't expect Hyuki to say that to her because Hyuki had always known how much she was crazy about Lee Jinwoo.

"We are bound by the stupid pact made by General Lee's adoptive parents and my parents."

"Not. It's definitely more than that. Don't you know how cruel Jinwoo is, I'm afraid he will lose control one day and hurt you again. There's no guarantee he'll be as lenient as he was back then."

Yujin looked at Hyuki sadly. She honestly didn't know why she loved Jinwoo so much to this extent. All this time she had never thought about the man's cruel demeanor, she was just following her heart, which was very sure of Jinwoo. She was sure that Jinwoo was her destiny that would give her happiness someday.

"I can take care of myself, oppa. General Lee will definitely not be rude to me again after we get married." Yujin said soothingly.

But those words were more like they were meant for themselves. To strengthen her doubting and indecisive heart after hearing Hyuki's words.

"If Jinwoo hurts you again, tell me. I'll definitely teach him a lesson if he dares to hurt you, even if it's just a fingernail."

Yujin laughed at Hyuki's promised words. She knew Lee Hyuki really loved her, and she was really grateful that she had known Lee Hyuki all this time.

"By the way, didn't you guys do anything today?"

"Huh, what do you mean? If you think General Lee will do romantic things with me, then forget it! But today we went to the orphanage."

"Oh, so Jinwoo started showing his past." Hyuki commented flatly.

"Have you ever been to the orphanage?"

"Yes, several times. You must have met the talkative girl Sojung."

"I met with Sojung and talked a lot about their past. Do you know Kim Nara? Sojung told me that in the past the four of them were residents of the orphanage, Sojung, Kim Nara, General Lee, and also Cho Jeno. But Cho Jeno has died, so there are only three of them left."

Hyuk looked thoughtful. He didn't know who Kim Nara was, but he himself was also familiar with the name. Like he had heard it before, but he forgot where exactly he had heard that name. And as far as he remembered, Jinwoo had never told him anything about Kim Nara. Sojung was the only woman he had ever been introduced to.

"I don't know, I seem to have heard of that name, but I don't know where. What's wrong with that woman named Kim Nara?"

"She was one of General Lee's friends. I thought you knew her because you were very close to General Lee."

"Actually not really. There were things that Lee Jinwoo didn't tell me about. Even though we seem close, Jinwoo always has a secret that he doesn't share with anyone."

Yujin nodded in agreement confirming Hyuki's words. Lee Jinwoo was the most mysterious man she had ever known. And she might need a lifetime to get to know the real Lee Jinwoo.


Jinwoo walked quietly into a classic European-style cafe in a shopping center in Seoul. The man with straight eyes and sharp eyes roamed the entire cafe area to look for the whereabouts of someone who wanted to meet him.

This afternoon he got a message from an old friend who asked him to meet at a classic European restaurant. It had been a long time since they had seen each other, and he thought this would be a good opportunity to meet her.

"Lee Jinwoo."

Jinwoo nodded his head faintly when he saw a woman waving at him. The woman in jeans, a leather jacket, and a black hat that hid her face smiled broadly at Jinwoo who was walking towards her.

"Hey, you're finally here," said the woman relieved.

She handed him a cup of americano that she had ordered earlier because she knew that Jinwoo really liked americano.

"Long time no see Nara-ssi," said Jinwoo with his cold signature style but always managed to captivate whoever he was talking to.

"Congratulations on your marriage to Im Yujin. Why didn't you invite me?" Nara grumbled annoyed.

Jinwoo took a sip of his americano before he answered Nara's annoyed tone.

"Sorry, the wedding was sudden and I was not involved in the preparations at all. My wife and my host family did it."

Nara seemed to understand, then she took out a medium-sized box from her bag. With a smile, Nara gave the box to Jinwoo.

"Your wedding gift. If you had invited me, I would have come."

Nara suddenly held Jinwoo's hand and forced the man to accept her gift. But behind Nara's cheerful look, Jinwoo knew that Nara was actually just stealing an opportunity to touch his hand. He had always known that she was attracted to him.

"Thank you for the gift."

Jinwoo pulled his hand away from Nara and placed the black box next to his cup of americano. If Nara hadn't been one of his best friends, he wouldn't have come to see her. Moreover, he had lied to Yujin about this meeting. He felt a little guilty about this, though he wasn't completely lying to her because he was on a mission.

"Aa… how is the orphanage doing now?"

"Good. Come to the orphanage, Sojung really misses you." Jinwoo said as it is.

Nara smiled wryly, shaking her head slightly. Even though she still cared about the orphanage, she couldn't go back there anymore. Now she has a life of her own. Her life is glamorous and also perfect. Now she is no longer Kim Nara, an orphan. Now she is a talented Korean singer and wife of a wealthy man, owner of the number two largest company in Korea and a member of parliament.

"You know how well Sojung and I are, I can't possibly go there."

"Why not? The longer I don't know you, Kim Nara." Jinwoo hissed sharply full of satire. Nara smiled faintly as she looked closely at the handsome man's face in front of her.

"I am no longer the innocent Kim Nara. The orphan girl Lee Jinwoo. My life has changed, so it's only natural that you don't know me very well now. It's better if we discuss other matters, I'm lazy to discuss our dark past," said Nara changing the conversation.

Half of her heart was annoyed with Jinwoo's sarcasm, but the other half of her heart was trying to calm herself so she wouldn't lose control and let out all her emotions in front of her childhood friend. She had to look fine in front of Lee Jinwoo, although at this moment she wanted to get rid of the table between them and jump into Jinwoo's warm embrace. To be honest, she was quite tormented by a life that never brought her satisfaction. Even though she was rich and had everything, she felt like an empty shell just waiting for it to self-destruct with age.

"By the way how did you get to know minister Im Jaehyuk's daughter and decide to marry her?" asked Nara after they had had an argument because of their complicated past. But actually only Nara was disturbed and had time to show her emotions, while Jinwoo looked like usual. Cold with no emotion imprinted on his face.

"Is it important? We'd better talk about your problem since you asked me to come." Jinwoo replied coldly.

He was really embarrassed by the question. What if he got married? After all, he had always been a normal man. He just avoided a commitment such as marriage because he realized that commitment in a marriage relationship would make him weaker so that he could thwart his steps as a general.

"My problem? Oh, my problem is that I can't be happy. Just so you know Lee Jinwoo, I've never been happy even though I've become a successful singer, married rich men and managed to extract wealth from my husbands. I always feel empty. It's like there's a big gaping hole in my heart."

"That's because you never followed my advice. I asked you to stop and start your career on a clean path, but you ignored me and continued on with the path you chose. So what should I say now about your problem? Next time you should think about it carefully before deciding to meet me because to meet you I have to leave my wife alone at home."

Nara smiled bitterly behind the black hat that hid part of her face. The man sitting across from her was not the kind of man who would easily pick up on the hidden meaning behind her words. But never mind, she didn't want to think about it anymore. Her heart will be more and more torn if she continues to wallow in the same sadness.

"You must really love your wife. Why did you finally decide to choose Im Yujin after you always rejected any woman who tried to approach you, including me." Nara whispered at the end of the sentence.

The news about Lee Jinwoo's and Im Yujin's marriage really made Nara shocked and grumpy all day long. Since the first time she has always shown signs of interest in her handsome friend, but the man never see at her. Lee Jinwoo never glanced at her for a moment and only positioned herself as a storyteller after she actually got out of the orphanage. All this time the only friend she had was Jinwoo.

If in the past Sojung was very close to Jeno, then she was very close to Jinwoo. Unfortunately Lee Jinwoo was not the type of man to be easily conquered.

That afternoon before she decided to leave the orphanage, she tried to tell Jinwoo that she liked him. But Jinwoo was silent and told her to get rid of that stupid feeling as soon as possible because he would never reciprocate the feelings of any woman. After that she decided to leave the orphanage and live with her boyfriend who is the owner of the bar where she works as a singer in the hope that she can forget her love for Jinwoo and also forget her sadness because of losing Jeno.

More or less she blamed Sojung for Jeno's death because all the disasters really came from Sojung. If Sojung didn't suspect her and asked Jeno to spy on her, then everything would be fine. Plus the stupid feeling that grew in her heart for Jinwoo made her unable to stay in the orphanage any longer.

"Get back on track Kim Nara. You have no right to control my feelings."

Jinwoo warned for the umpteenth time. But Nara was not at all affected by the warning. She actually laughed sarcastically while looking at Jinwoo sharply.

"Now I know, you don't really love your wife do you? What's wrong Lee Jinwoo? What is the real reason you married Im Yujin, hmm?"

Jinwoo was silent. He didn't seem the least bit provoked by Nara's provocation.

"You're right, I married Yujin not for love but to strengthen my position. By becoming minister Im's son-in-law, my position as general will be even stronger."

Nara smiled in satisfaction. The analysis is correct. Lee Jinwoo would not be able to do anything without bringing profit for himself. And all this time she was doing what Jinwoo did. She approaches wealthy men in power to strengthen her position because the world of entertainment is a cruel world. If she is not good at taking advantage of the situation, then she will slip back into her miserable life.

"I know you never loved anyone Lee Jinwoo. You only love yourself, just like me."

Jinwoo smirked at Nara and took a sip of the rest of his coffee in a classy snobbery. The woman seemed to have entered into his game.

"I have to go. Take good care of yourself Nara."

Lee Jinwoo then just got up from his chair and immediately walked away leaving Nara.

Meanwhile, Nara's eyes could not escape from Jinwoo's sturdy back, which began to disappear behind the tall brown door that separated the cafe and other shopping center areas. She hopes to meet her childhood friend again so that she can fill the gaping hole in her heart.

"Oppa? Yes, I'll be home soon. Wait for me at home, oppa."

She turned off her phone and immediately got up from her comfortable chair. Before leaving she had time to smooth out her disguise a bit and tuck a few bills under the coffee cup she ordered. Now it's time for her to return to her dramatic life again with her stupid moron husband.