"General Lee..."

Yujin kissed her husband's earlobe and teased him a little to wake up.

Today Jinwoo got a day off from the president so the man chose to laze around on the place longer than usual.

Yujin, who had been awake since earlier, then took the initiative to wake her husband because today she had to go to campus. She couldn't take the same vacation as her husband, because she was in her last year of college. Soon she would graduate and get the master's degree she had been waiting for for a long time.

"What time is it?"

Jinwoo asked softly while turning his body to the left, facing his wife who looked neat in a knee-length shirt and short skirt that displayed her beautiful long legs.

"Seven. Come on down and have breakfast together. I know you are very tired after completing your mission at the Chinese border. But don't you want to have breakfast with me? We haven't had breakfast together in a long time." whined Yujin spoiled with an adorable face.

Jinwoo raised his eyebrows briefly then removed the thick blanket to descend. He's not usually a lazy person like this. Usually he would wake up earlier than Yujin and wake up his wife after completing several laps of running around his yard. But today he was lazy. Today he really just wanted to stay at home all day with Yujin and do hot activities in bed that they hadn't done in a long time. Looks like they haven't done it in a month. Yes, he remembered. The last time they did so was last month, before he left for China and was separated from his wife for a month. But seeing Yujin who was ready with a bag hanging from her shoulder, made Jinwoo give up his intention to attack Yujin this morning. He tried to convince himself that he still had plenty of opportunities to invite Yujin to have fun in bed.

"What is wrong? Thinking about something?" asked Yujin in surprise when she saw Jinwoo was frowning dreamily. The man without saying anything immediately walked to the bathroom to wash his face. It's not good to linger in bed because it will further cloud his insane mind.

"I'll take you. When are you coming home?" Jinwoo asked while drying his face with a towel.

Yujin started glancing at him watch and calculating the time she would spend on campus. Usually her lectures finish at half past two in the afternoon, but since today she will be looking for books in the campus library with some friends, maybe she needs more time on campus.

"Call me at three. I have to go to the library this afternoon to look for materials for my thesis," said Yujin wearily.

She was actually tired and bored because almost every day she had to struggle with her thesis assignment. But in order to get a master's degree and soon graduate from university, she is willing to put all her ego aside and continue to dwell on her boring thesis.

"How long will it take you to finish your thesis?"

"Why? Are you impatient General Lee?"

Yujin suddenly stood in front of Jinwoo's body and wrapped her arms affectionately on Jinwoo's sturdy shoulders, which was quite high. She with her flirtatious gaze teased Jinwoo and gave a brief kiss on Jinwoo's lips with a mischievous grin.

"Can't wait for what? You're weird." Jinwoo's comment was flat.

Yujin wanted to scream in annoyance at Jinwoo's behavior, which was sometimes still cold in front of her. The man sometimes still shows his arrogant side which is so annoying that Yujin feels angry. But luckily Jinwoo was no longer as rude as before. He never her him again after he promised to give all his loyalty in exchange for the love he couldn't give her.

"Tsk. Are you normal general? We haven't done anything romantic together in a long time." Yujin squeaked annoyed.

"Romantic? Did we ever do that?" Jinwoo asked flatly with a pale face that irritated Yujin even more.

Why is it so difficult for her husband to understand the hidden meaning of her words. She thought that Jinwoo was not that idiotic to understand the meaning of her words which led to a husband and wife relationship that they had not done for a long time. But... suddenly Yujin wasn't sure if Jinwoo wanted it the same way as she seemed because she had always been the one who looked aggressive. Only on the night when she returned from his father's house did Jinwoo show his brutal aggressive side. The rest, Jinwoo was always flat and just followed the games she created. Because of that sometimes she feels like a cheap woman who is very disgusting because she seems to be flirting with another man who is actually her own husband.

"Forget it! I'm already late to go to college."

Yujin snorted in exasperation and immediately removed both her arms from Jinwoo's shoulders. But Jinwoo immediately held her waist and devoured Yujin's lips greedily with a passionate kiss. The man looks like a thirsty traveler in the sahara desert. He didn't give Yujin the slightest gap to adjust or breathe because the man continued to lick her lips until he was completely satisfied with the sensation of pink lips that always tasted sweet to him.

"I want you." Jinwoo whispered hoarsely.

Yujin blushed in front of Jinwoo while shifting her gaze to another direction because she couldn't stand to see Jinwoo's passionate eyes that always looked on fire. She did not expect that her temptation would succeed in awakening the wild side of Jinwoo that had been buried in the man for a long time.

"But I have to attend class this morning," said Yujin argued. To be honest, she had already been burned by the fire of passion that Jinwoo had sparked, but this time she wanted to test whether Jinwoo would just give up or try his best to get her.

"I want you now, and I don't accept rejection."

Jinwoo looked forward and wanted to scoop up Yujin's pink lips again. But his movement was suddenly stopped by Yujin and made the man growl stifled with the sound of his throat.

"I have to go to campus, my lecturer is waiting for me." Yujin warned.

Jinwoo squealed in annoyance and immediately got rid of Yujin's curly fingers that imprisoned his lips.

"Do you think I care? They have no right to forbid you to make love to me. You are my wife and I am in control of your life now. Fuck your professors, I want you now. After all, you awakened my wild side. You must take responsibility for your actions this morning." Jinwoo said firmly and did not want to be denied.

The man then kissed Yujin's lips greedily and carried Yujin's thin body to their bed. The snuggling sound generated from the link between the two sounded so chaotic, enlivening the fairly quiet morning atmosphere at the Jinwoo residence.

Deciding to live with Jinwoo since four months ago would indeed be like this. She must always be ready for Jinwoo's sudden change in nature and also Jinwoo's undeniable desire which sometimes sounds annoying to her. But what is she going to do? This is what she wanted from the start. Married to Lee Jinwoo and lived with Lee Jinwoo until death would truly separate them. No matter even though Jinwoo had a thousand and one unpredictable personalities, he still loved that man as much as she could give him.

"Hmmpphh… I have something I want to tell you." Yujin whispered in the middle of their hot kiss.

The clothes and skirts that were previously neatly attached to her body were now scattered on the floor in a pathetic state. As for Jinwoo, he also looks as confused as Yujin because he has been trying to control his passion so that he doesn't play rough and end up hurting Yujin who is too soft under him.

"Later. I'm in no mood to hear anything from your sweet lips other than a delicious moan and a sigh of my name."

"Ohh... You, so sweet." Yujin commented before Jinwoo licked her lips again and stripped off all their remaining clothes until they were completely naked, ready to fight on the hot bed.


At one o'clock in the afternoon Jinwoo took Yujin to her campus to look for references for her thesis in the library. After their hot romance that took hours, Yujin started whining to go to the library because she really had to find additional material for her thesis. It didn't matter that she wasn't in class this morning, but she still insisted on going to the library because she really had to get the book she was looking for.

"Pick me up at three, this time I won't make you wait anymore." Yujin said as she unbuckled her seat belt.

Jinwoo nodded slightly in agreement to Yujin's request and didn't say anything after that. He only hoped that this time Yujin would really come out as soon as he picked her up because he had always been toyed with by this woman. He was once the meal of flirtatious women at Yujin's campus when he was waiting for her in front of his sports car.

At that time he— who had just returned from headquarters, looked so conspicuous in the uniform of the soldiers of the South Korean people's pride that his presence there immediately became the center of attention. Some of them even openly approached him to ask for his phone number. Really sucks! But even so Yujin was never deterred from making him wait. She always makes clichéd excuses about her lecturer who is too busy giving lectures in class or her friends who keep talking to her until she loses track of time. Sometimes he is really angry and wants to just leave Yujin on campus so she can go home with Hyuki. But still in the end he couldn't bear it and chose to wait even though he would be the food of the hungry women on the Yujin campus.

"Oh, I already heated the food at home. If you're hungry, you can eat it right away." Yujin said before going down.

"Today I will go with Hyuki. This time he's in trouble."

Yujin's movements suddenly stopped. He got back into the car and looked at Jinwoo with a curious look that looked worried.

"What happened to Hyukki oppa? He's not under the terror threat he used to be, is he?" Yujin asked getting worried.

She was reminded of the incident two months ago when Hyuki almost died due to a suicide bomb attack from a terrorist who was suspected of having a grudge against Hyuki because Hyuki had been the leader of the anti-terrorist squad a few years ago. And because of that incident, several of Hyuki's men were seriously injured. Fortunately at that time Hyuki managed to save himself by taking shelter under a pillar of a building made of concrete. But still, as a result of the explosion Hyuki suffered minor injuries and had to get stitches on several of his bodies. And now Yujin is afraid that it will happen to Lee Hyuki, because after all he has considered Lee Hyuki as her own brother.

"Not. This is not a terrorist issue or anything related to his work. But it's a matter of marriage. Last week Hyuki got a call from his mother that his mother had prepared a bride-to-be for him at his house. Hearing his mother's plan to match him made Hyuki go crazy. He was really at a loss as to how to reject his mother because he wasn't ready to commit yet."

"Is that so scared Hyuki oppa to get married? Really weird. Maybe later I should call him and explain to him so as not to refuse his mother's request. Hyuki oppa's age is more than enough to start a family."

"Why should you contact him?" Jinwoo asked suddenly.

Yujin raised her eyebrows in confusion and looked at Jinwoo in disbelief. Wasn't she used to contacting Lee Hyuki and sharing her problems with the man? But why does her husband now seem to jealous when she will contact Lee Hyuk?

"He's not a kid who needs advice from a snotty girl like you. Lee Hyuki is a grown man who can solve his own problems."

"Why do you say that? After all, I'm not a snot girl anymore. Remember, this snotty girl is a woman who often satisfies your lust," said Yujin annoyed.

She then stepped out of Jinwoo's SUV and slammed the door loudly in annoyance. The man always thought of her as a runny little girl who couldn't do anything. Even though now she has turned into an adult who will soon become a mother.


Yujin suddenly stopped her steps and turned back to look for Jinwoo's whereabouts again. Unfortunately, her husband's silver SUV was speeding away from the large campus grounds. Even though earlier at home she wanted to tell Jinwoo if she was pregnant.

Two weeks ago she accidentally tried a test pack that she bought at the pharmacy and got the shocking news that she was pregnant. Then when she checked herself into the hospital, the doctor also said that she was two weeks pregnant. Unfortunately at that time Jinwoo had not returned from China and she did not want to tell the happy news over the phone. And this morning when she was about to tell Jinwoo, she just forgot because she was too busy drowning in passion with Jinwoo.

Yujin let out a small breath and immediately entered the campus to look for books. Maybe she'll tell him later when she's done with her book matter in the library.


Yujin turned to the side when a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts about the baby. Instantly, a bright smile appeared on Yujin's face when the man who had called her was sprinting closer to her.

"Mino, what are you doing here? How was professor Cha Doohyun's lecture today?"

"Boring." Mino answered short. The handsome-looking man walked hand in hand with Yujin into the campus while lightly embracing Yujin's shoulder next to him.

"Why don't you take professor Cha Doohyun's lectures?"

"My husband came home yesterday."

"Then?" Mino asked with a frown on his face.

As a friend who often sees Yujin's interactions with Lee Jinwoo, Choi Mino is sure that the reason for not attending lectures is because Jinwoo's return from his mission is not the real reason. Plus the marriage relationship that occurred between his best friend and the greatest general in Korea was not like the relationships that often happened to other couples. They rarely make physical contact and are seen together. Only occasionally did Jinwoo pick up Yujin at campus when he was out of work. The rest, Yujin always looks independent by bringing her own car when she goes to campus.

"Then? Then I greeted him. Why do you have to ask such an unimportant question. Every now and then not coming to professor Cha Doohyun's lecture is okay right?"

Mino frowned in surprise and suddenly brushed Yujin's long hair to the side. Since earlier something had been bothering him that he felt the need to do it to prove his conjecture. And sure enough, when he removed Yujin's hair strand after strand, he could see some red kissmark-like spots pinned around Yujin's neck area.

Instantly Yujin pushed Mino's body away and quickly straightened her hairdo so that other students wouldn't see the purplish red spots that Jinwoo had left there after they made love.

"What are you doing Choi Mino!" whispered Yujin annoyed.

Several students looked at him strangely curiously. Meanwhile, Mino looked relaxed while showing his mischievous grin.

"So that's why you didn't attend professor Cha Doohyun's lectures? Hm… he must be very good at beds."

"Choi Mino!" Yujin hissed warningly while glancing left and right as several students started to overhear their rather ambiguous conversation.

"Relax, I promise I won't pass it on to anyone. It's just a secret between you and me."

"Damn you Choi Mino. Shut your mouth and forget everything," shouted Yujin annoyed and immediately walked away leaving Mino who was still grinning mischievously behind her