Class 9A

"Bro, did you bring back the comic book?" Julian asked Shawn with an annoyed look on his face. Clearly, this was not the first time he had asked his friend this question.

"Ah, right…I forgot it again." Shawn replied with a realisation that he had forgotten it at home.

"Bro! This is the fifth time you forgot it at home! Really?"

"Yeah, my bad. I'll try to remember."

"I want to read my Calvin and Hobbes comic so badly dude…"

"Don't you have the entire collection? Can't you read the other books for now?" Julian was an avid fan of the comic book, Calvin and Hobbes. Sometimes, Shawn can see the resemblance between Julian and the little boy in the comic book.

"I could, but my favourite book is the fourth edition and you are holding on to it!" Annoyed, Julian turned back and started to doodle on his notebook again. The young teenager loved drawing from a young age and even as he grew older, he still dreamt of becoming an artist. For his age group, Julian could be considered to be very good at drawing. Just last year for his Art subject, he had easily achieved an A grading. Out of 60 students, he was one of the five students that had gotten an A, whereas Shawn who did not try for a single work, had gotten a D.

"Alright, I'll record on my phone to remember to bring it to school. Don't be mad." Shawn relented in the end and decided to make an effort to bring it back for him. The dumbest part was that Julian had lent the book to him and he did not actually read it. At home, Shawn was too busy watching Anime to care about the comic. It was the reason why he was usually sleepy as he would sleep at 3 in the morning and go to school the morning after.

As the first morning bell rung, morning form class began. The form teacher, Mr Bialik, who was also their class's Drama class teacher, placed up today's school news. Everyday there would be form class, but there may or may not be news for the secondary students. Today, the main information that was spread about to everyone was that there was going to be a school play soon and that students of all year levels can audition for a spot.

Since Mr Bialik was their form teacher, the big-sized man had been informing the class about this since day 0. "Is anyone here planning to sign up for the audition?"

With his question, three students raised their hands and all three came from the same clique, the Cool Kids gang. The Cool Kids gang also comprised of students from three different classes, but surprisingly, the most popular ones were all in 9A. There were four in this class, Emilie Williams, Taylore Launer, Lawrence Cavallaro and Poppy Smith.

The three that raised their hands were Emilie, Taylore and Poppy, the three most popular girls in the year level. It shouldn't be said that all three were school belles of the year level, but more that they were very active in the school. Taylore and Poppy have been in the school since they were six and has participated in numerous sports extra-curriculars in their time. In addition, they are very positive and boisterous, resulting in many teachers and students loving their presence. For Emilie's case, the girl was truly pretty and ever since she had entered RIS, many guys in the year level secretly had crushes on her. In addition, she was comparably as outgoing as Taylore and Poppy.

"Hey Mr Bialik, Emilie, Poppy and I would like to sign up for the audition." Taylore, with her hand raised, called out for her trio.

"Oh? The Three Musketeers of my drama class has decided to step up on the platter." Mr Bialik said expectingly. He had the highest hope for the three girls. He wrote down the names while calling out again, "Anyone else would like to sign up for the audition?"

Behind at the back table, Kenny and Alli were busy looking at their phones to care about the audition, while Julian was devising a devious plan. He turned to look at the napping Shawn and whispered into his ear, "Hey Shawn, Mr Bialik is asking if you would like to be exempted for your drama performance. He said raise your hand if you would like that."

Hearing this, Shawn did not bother to raise his body up and just chose to lift his arm up. When Mr Bialik realised that the person that had chosen to sign up for the audition was none other than the laziest guy in the year level, the drama teacher's mind almost exploded from shock.

"Okay, it seems that Shawn would like to sign up too." The class turned around immediately after hearing what Mr Bialik had said. Everyone was shocked and surprised by the turn of events. Who would have thought that the man who tried to skip every drama assessment would like to go for the drama play audition?

With the form class finishing on a surprising note, the students streamed out of the classroom as they made their way together to their first class of the day, English. On the way, many students came up to Shawn and asked him if he was crazy or he had changed entirely as a person. Obviously, the poor boy had no clue what they were saying until Kenny and Alli explained the situation to him.

Furious, Shawn turned to stare at Julian who was the instigator of all of this, "Did you really have to do that?"

"Hahaha! I can't believe you fell for that." Julian was laughing so hard that he was almost about to roll on the ground. Kenny and Alli also could not help but laugh at the situation. Shawn, on the other hand, did not know what he could do. There was no way he could go back to the classroom and ask Mr Bialik to cancel out his name. The teacher already did not have a good impression of him and backing out now would just make it worse. As a result, Shawn would now have to go through with the audition.