The Audition 2

Shawn and Emily were scheduled as the last two people for today's audition. And so, the two got to watch everyone else's performance. Between the 20 people auditioning, there were 10 people that auditioned for the male and female lead, while 6 auditioned for the male and female characters that Shawn and Emilie wanted, and the other 4 just wanted minor roles. The competition wasn't very fierce according to Emilie who would continuously whisper to Shawn that they were definitely better. Such comments just made Shawn's face paler.

The last person left and now, it was Emilie's turn, introducing her herself and what role she was planning to audition for, the girl started her performance. One second, the girl was smiling, the next, Emilie was in the zone and her eyebrows frowned into a glaring tone. The page she was acting out was the scene where Jacelyn was grabbing onto the female lead's hair as she spits out lines of anger.

"Do you really expect me to believe your words? You liar! You fake disgusting liar!" Emilie screamed vehemently as her eyes remained in a chaotic state. She looked like a psycho as she imaginably grabbed onto the female leads hair.

The drama teachers that were watching her performance could not help, but nod agreeably. Emilie's performance was too good and even Shawn could tell that she would surely get the role of Jacelyn.

"That was very good, Emilie. We look forward to working with you on the play." It was decided there and then by Mr Bialik. This normally wasn't the case as he would usually have to think about it after the auditions. However, the man had full faith that the girl's performance could not be beaten and so, he simply revealed her results on that day.

With that, it was now Shawn's turn to step up to the chopping block. This performance was not something that Mr Bialik expected at all. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that this boy would sign up for an audition, much less audition for a middle-level role. Shawn introduced himself clumsily as he did not really want to be here. Yet, with the signal of the judges, Shawn closed his and focused on his character that he was portraying. Just like Emilie, the sloppy and quiet looking boy had instantly changed his persona into a strong and overpowering character. A smug was written clearly on Shawn's face as he articulated the spiteful words that were targeting the male and female lead.

"You know that I could easily make the rest of your school days into a miserable hell, correct? Do you expect me to just sit here and watch you scuttle along the corridors? You're pathetic just like the rest of those suckers! You know that?!" In the play, Robert had come clean about how he did not want to be a jock in the school football anymore to the captain, Raymond. The way Robert spoke about it sent Raymond into a fit of anger, to which Shawn portray it perfectly.

When the lines were said finish, Shawn, in the blink of an eye, switched back to his normal tired self. The performance had sent waves of surprise at Mr Bialik and the other two teachers, Mr Kane and Mrs Circa. The 180 degrees switch in personality for Shawn was more surprising than seeing Emilie's switch in personality. After all, Shawn had never once shown this side of him to anyone. The boy had become one with Raymond and totally abandoned his normal persona. It was scarily good, but it had also made Mr Bialik very mad at the boy. After all, if Shawn was so good at acting, why does he never do his assignments that he gave him?

"That will be all, thank you." Mr Bialik gave the signal that Shawn could leave now. With that, the boy walked to the door and left. There wasn't a hint of nervousness leaking from him.

Outside, Emilie waited for Shawn to come out of the audition room. She asked curiously, "So, how'd you do?"

"Not sure. I just performed it like you told me to." Shawn said normally.

"Ah, then that means you will get the character! Yay! Let's go celebrate!" Emilie stretched as she turned around with a grin while walking backwards.

"Huh? Celebrate what?"

"Celebrate that we got into the play! I'll buy you chocolate milk as a treat!"

"Ah whatever." Even though he sounded like he didn't care, Shawn smiled a thin line.

The next day, in the Drama room, the teachers were sitting down, discussing the remaining characters for the play. The second round of auditions had finished and as of now, only Emilie's character, Jacelyn had been confirmed. In terms of the other characters, the teachers had already decided on the most suited candidate for the role. However, the only character that was undecided was the main male lead.

"After watching the students that audition for Raymond, I still don't feel like any of them were able to portray the emotions that we want to show to the audience." Mrs Circa said truthfully. Her face had a complicated expression.

"I agree with Cecelia. All of them this time did not leave much of an impression." Mr Kane rubbed his chin. He chose to side with the female drama teacher.

"Then what should we do? All we can hope for is that we can train the most promising student to be able to express two different sides of the character effectively." Mr Bialik suggested.

In the screen play, Robert was part of the football squad and they were essentially tyrants in the school. Robert, however, never truly liked this side that he was portraying in school as he hated bullying. The male lead eventually decided to quit and he had to showcase a different side of himself. This was where the male and female lead got closer, but both of them were bullied at this time.

"Hey Samuel," Mr Kane said Mr Bialik's first name, "How about we choose this boy to be the male lead?"