Realm of Dreams

For a long time, Anna continued asking Abi questions, and the girl was happy to respond. Every response was simple to understand, and Anna finally understood.

It really was like a video game of sorts. Perhaps some of the few video games she played back at the city weren't a waste of time after all.

Then a bombshell dropped.

"This wasn't the first time I was in a strange dream. So I expect this one to last…at least a week maybe. At least this time, I'm with you," Abi said with sincerity. "I'm really, really glad you're here. It's always better to be with someone else than alone in a strange place."

"A week? Alone? You…nevermind," Anna looked at the excited girl.

She herself lived alone by herself for even more than a week, both at her home and vacation house. She was no stranger to living alone.

The real question was…how can a person as joyful and happy as Abi be used to loneliness?

Anna felt a bit sad. So she wasn't all alone in the world.

While her head drooped, Abi was the opposite.

"I don't know why, but even if you stay here for a week, it'll only last for at least a day in the real world. Isn't that cool?" Abi said excitedly, spinning around, her arms stretched wide.

Anna looked back up at her.

"That is indeed...interesting. Yes, very interesting," she slowly nodded along.

'Interesting? It wasn't just interesting, it was astonishing! Was there a time ratio between the real world and this dream? How could this be? This means if I could read a book here, then that means I'll have seven times more time to enjoy reading!'

"Instead of this beautiful place, I was at a much different place. That's how I know so much, since I keep asking the blue word thing," Abi said, nodding to herself. "Although I was alone for a while at that least I have a friend to be with now!"

Abi's smile became bigger, and Anna made a small smile in return.


As the night fell, the world around them darkened. Yet, the world was still bright and beautiful. A breathless beauty of nature, as the flora and plants were glowing beautiful shades of blue and pink. It truly was an amazing sight to see, worthy of being painted with extreme precision.

It was like they were in paradise.

Alas, Anna didn't have her sketchbook with her.

The girl herself felt excited. This would be the first time she would sleep under the twinkling stars amidst the black sky. It was a new experience, and even Anna, an introvert, felt giddy experiencing this with friends. Of course she hid it.

Anna stretched, yawned, and tried to make her position the most comfortable. The grass was a comfy cushion, and Anna laid against it as she looked up to the sky.

It was a beautiful sight to behold, untainted by the clouds that fog up the sky in her world.

Both Anna and Abi laid under the branches and leaves of the tree, the same tree where they both woke up from. As if a tacit agreement was made, the two girls were silent as they quietly looked up at the stars.

Time passed, Anna felt her eyes closed, and sleep began pulling her deeper and deeper.

The night was warm enough for her to sleep comfortably.

The two finally fell into slumber, almost side by side, naively unworried about what potential dangers await them while they slept peacefully.

Amor, laying next to them, fluttered off to the tree.

The place where the girls conveniently appeared and slept was actually the core of this world. How weird was that? Alas, such a place is safe as only those who live or enter the forest are beings who are either absolutely loyal to him, invited, or immaculate.

The creator had made that rule, because he grew tired of a...certain group of subjects of his. A truly bothersome bunch. If he were to describe them, then…they would be unteachable, prideful children with no morals.

The creator, the Seventh Calamity, made the Realm of Dreams a thousand years ago. One will be able to enter it through dreams, or through the actual forest.

The butterfly fluttered onto the tree, and landed on its trunk. Amor felt old thinking about his memories. Alas, the trip down memory lane is halted. He had tasks to do once he came back to this realm, along with bringing Anna here.

When the two girls were both awake and talking, Amor fluttered around for a bit. It seemed as if nothing had changed all that much.

However, he was only able to examine most areas of the forest. He didn't have time nor the ability to inspect what was really happening outside the forest.

This flora and fauna he collected a thousand of years ago must've grown in terms of evolution and population. Even if he died or slumbered, this realm would continue to grow without his attention.

The realm itself is self-sustaining, a cycle of life and death. Nothing is created without it being destroyed, and vice versa. Every bit of mana, or any other type of energy, that enters the place never goes out unless Amor himself wills it.

So those fools who dare covet his power can only remain here.


Amor had digressed from his thoughts. Truly, his curse of thinking dragged things for too long.

In the real world, even a thousand years ago, flora and fauna capable of harnessing dream magic almost went extinct. Time is a cruel mistress, and they had almost no chance to survive. Fortunately for them, he had collected a few of them and brought them into his realm.

Here, in a world where mana is abundant and geared towards dreams, Amor tended to them, helping them mostly grow into their full potential.

Not for an army, but for collection purposes.

Even when he grew older, Amor hid the fact that he enjoyed collecting rare creatures and objects of value. It was a sense of achievement, and the feeling barely filled the hole in his heart.

Just the thought of showing it to Ri-


Amor felt his body become heavier. He had digressed again.

By the time he became the calamity, unfortunately for him, several of the flora and fauna were already extinct. The only thing he could do was find their closest relatives, the ones with even the slightest hint of affinity with dreams, and bring them into his realm.

When Amor brings in creatures with affinities, he doesn't discriminate. His selfishness was almost boundless. At that, he regrets it. During his years of collecting, his collection included a few sentient species he brought in that made him feel pain.

Alas, his 'collection' is reliant on his self-sustaining realm.

A realm that was almost akin to the world the Lord God Almighty watches over. The realm in which he had deemed worthy.

The process of its actual creation was complicated, but the simplest way he made this realm is that he 'dreamed' it into creation.

The highest of dream magic can even bend and shape the laws of reality however they want.

It truly was a disgusting magic. Perhaps the Lord God Almighty also saw it too, for the world that was once filled with dreams began to repulse them.

There is always a price for having those types of powers. Even the Calamities themselves are not exempted from paying such a price.

...And it was the worst consequence there was to him. Even before he gained such power, he had lost-

'I truly hate thinking on and on. Curse this curse,' Amor thought. Looking back, it turns out, he has been reminiscing about his past much more than usual.

He couldn't help but link it to that dream. To that girl.

Now that he's finally here, it's about time for Amor to finally connect himself to the realm once more.

So once he adjusted his position, he initiated the first step and last step.

It was only one step.

The tree brightened a little, glowing, and in seconds an invisible shockwave of air blew out from the tree, spreading outwards. The flora and fauna, already glowing, glowed even brighter.

The shockwave of wind was akin to a breeze, and it quietly passed by the two sleeping girls.

In an instant, the realm recognized him as its creator and owner, and it had automatically started the process of binding itself to him.

It should've been a simple process, but-


Amor felt something obstructing most of the process of the binding. To him, the obstruction was a small, minor thing. It'll only delay the completion by an extremely infinitesimal amount of time.

'It seems someone has tried to claim this realm for their own. I wonder who this being is…' Amor thought.

Truly, a curious phenomenon.

Alas, even if such a thing didn't happen, it was expected that although connecting himself with the realm is simple, the time to fully connect himself with it will take a considerable amount of time.

If Amor would estimate how would be at least a month, even with him not actively continuing the binding. Staying on the tree is not mandatory at all, since the realm is already aware of Amor's soul.

As long as he remains within the realm, the binding shall continue unfalteringly.

To some people, a month is quite short, but anything can happen within that amount of time...

For example, the descent of the apocalypse, the calamities...or the sentient beings who lived here.

They were the ones who were most likely to obstruct the process. Probably they were the ones who even made that small obstruction earlier.

Amor felt a headache. He absolutely did not want to think about them. The beings in his care, considered his own 'people,' the people that he ruled over...

They aren't humans at all, and depending on one's point of view, they could either be considered beautiful, or absolutely vile and rotten.

He still doesn't want to meet them. If they haven't changed during the past thousand years, or even longer as this realm has a time dilation, then he'll definitely want to stay away.

'...even if there's a chance they actually did change...then maybe…'

Well, he'll probably have the time to check on them after he's done here. Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will hear his prayers once more about changing them?


The thought is futile.

The Lord Almighty can't help them, for he watches all things with love. Only they can help themselves. If they did, their path would then be meaningful to walk on.

'Once again I digressed. Damn my curse of thinking. Thou continue to haunt thee, for woe is me. Thou is thine fate for-'

All in all, after he finishes connecting to his realm, and training Anna, he can move on.

'As for the other girl…'

Amor held a strange feeling towards the girl named Abi. Not in an unpleasant way, no. It was akin to...seeing a familiar acquaintance.

'That girl is an unexpected variable. An anomaly.'

Amor can feel a slight, yet familiar energy permeating the surroundings around the girl, but he doesn't know exactly why it's familiar, but...he has an idea.

Alas for her to appear here…what a coincidence. A strange coincidence indeed.

For the entire night, as well as into the morning, he stayed on the tree, binding his soul and realm together.


The starry night sky showed a bright field of stars, each one dazzling amidst the sea of darkness.

The figure of a woman walked with her staff through a field of tall grass. The figure tiredly drags the staff, holding it to support herself as her feet drop down each step. Each step felt heavy, as if her feet were stone.

Alas, even if she was tired, she kept pushing herself forward. She needed to.

For her purpose.

So she continued walking. And walking.

And walking.

She continued dragging herself forward with each step. Then, she felt something, and she looked up.

A forest appeared, in all its majesty. Even after so long, it was still illusive, but she felt the day she entered it was close.

Very close.

So, she dragged herself forward.

There was no need to hurry. All things come to pass, and if fate allows was only a matter of time. Alas, she herself has learned that lesson well.

Too well.

The illusive forest began to become real.


Slowly opening her eyes, a girl yawned and stretched. Rubbing her eyes, she looked up and gasped. The girl quickly looked left and right. The familiar bed, walls, and room were gone.As she was hurriedly inhaling air, she remembered where she was.

'Is this still a dream?'

Anna sighed, falling back down onto the grass and looked up at the slightly foggy world around her. Although the tree leaves and branches are covered by it, she can still see.

'Looks like what Abi said was right…'

Speaking of Abi...

Anna turned her head. The girl in question was sitting up from where she was sleeping. However, before Anna called out to her, she felt…cold. There was something amiss about Abi. It was a strange feeling that almost made her shiver, but Anna kept watching as the girl continued looking at the forest silently.

Anna almost didn't want to disturb her, but alas, she was still curious. Hesitantly curious.

"...Abi? Earth to Abi, are you there?"


Abi suddenly glanced at her and blinked.

Then, she smiled brightly.

"Oh! Good morning Anna, you just woke up?"

Anna blinked at the delayed reaction.

"Yeah I just woke up. Also, good morning to you-wait!" Anna sat up with a start.

"What are we supposed to eat?"

Abi blinked and began humming.

"Hmm…well I don't know! First, check on your status to see if you're hungry or not."

Anna blanked at that.


"Did you forget you can open the status screen? Perhaps you have what people call amnesia...?" Abi closed her eyes and rubbed her chin. The girl looked to be deep in thought, contemplating…thinking…

"No. I was just still surprised," Anna said deadpanned. This made Abi giggle.

"You have those blue floating words to help you of course!"

"...oh yeah..."

Anna looked up to the gray sky. An auspicious, windy day. A dull, dreary day.

A wonderful day to feel depressed and go insane.

She forgot about that. Who would remember that they would be able to ask the air, or think 'to' it and suddenly appear blue floating words that will answer her questions?

Certainly not any normal people in her world.

" do I ask the 'blue floating words' to help me?" Anna asked. This time, she felt more hesitant. It felt embarrassing to not know anything, and asking to make sure if she's right or not.

She'd rather asked with a bit of embarrassment than to be actually embarrassed.

Abi didn't seem to mind or notice.

"Usually I just think of a problem, and it'll give you a task and also guide you. For example, I want food, and the words showed me a lot of ways to get food, like how to forage, fishing, or even grow them!"

"That is really helpful..." Anna said, blinking.

She can imagine a world where all their answers come from a blue floating screen thing. Whenever you ask a question, boom, it appears in front of you with the answers.

A world like that would be so much happier.

Too bad this is a dream.

So Anna gripped her fists tightly, and hesitantly forwarded her nothing.

'Where are we?'

If she were to explain it, then the feeling was akin to asking herself a question, but it wasn't really directed towards herself.

Or was it?

Truly an experience that is extremely foreign. Just a second later, to her very utmost surprise, something did answer her. The same blue transparent screen abruptly appeared in front of her once more.


𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝘀

A realm separate from the main world, a place of magic and illusion. A place mostly inhabited by creatures of dreams.

To those living here, it is worthy of the title 'paradise.'


'Creatures? As in...monsters?' Anna shivered slightly.

If there are monsters here...she doesn't know what to do. How will she keep herself and Abi safe? Were they just lucky that there was no attack during the past day?

Of course the blue screen can probably help with her.

So Anna then asked about this forest, and what lives here.

The answer came to her like before.


This forest is protected by a being akin to the god of this realm, and only those who dwell within it, or enter it, will have either absolute loyalty or devotion towards this godlike being.

If another being doesn't fulfill the conditions, then it is because this being allowed it.


'A god?! No, I can't be sidetracked.'

Anna shook her head, and continued asking.

'What sort of creatures exist in this realm?'


Many creatures with the affinity of 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴 survive in this realm, such as your bonded companion, one of the Dream Butterflies, and the fae.


Anna's eyes slowly widened open, and she quickly looked around for Amor. Her efforts proved futile, as her butterfly friend was not anywhere to be seen.

She turned back to the screen, still dumbfounded.

Her bonded companion...did it mean Amor?! So he's a Dream Butterfly? What is that? Magic?!

No, that's not important right now. There was another thing that piqued her interest.

'Fae? You mean fairies?'

In her mind, fairies are beautiful creatures who give money in exchange for teeth, just like the tooth fairy.

Unfortunately, they were way different than her initial thought...and it was way worse as Anna read the response.


The '𝘧𝘢𝘦' are said to be creatures of myth, distinctively different from humans. They come in many sizes and forms, as they may have body parts akin to butterfly-like wings or long ears like the famed elves.

In terms of beauty, the fae are usually more beautiful than normal humans. They're also more talented than ordinary humans in terms of strength or magic.

In short, they are said to be far superior to normal humans. With their naturally gifted abilities and talents, it is inevitable that most have a natural sense of superiority, however innocent they may be. With such a feeling, it is inevitable that there would be a vast difference in culture

A human shouldn't see the majority of the fae as normal humans, for they are also different.


Any thoughts of meeting the fairies vanished. However, Anna squinted at the screen. It felt as if the blue words were insinuating that she herself is naive at the last part. She might be reading too much into it.

Even if there is some merit to what it was saving.

The girl closed her eyes and began contemplating. If what the words say were true, then she must keep a careful lookout, just in case...and a way to permanently stay out of this realm.

Abi said that she's been in a different place before, and so it wouldn't be out of line to think that the same would happen to herself.

The mythical fae aside, there was one last thing Anna wanted to ask. She directed her internal question to the air? She still doesn't really get it.

''What is Amor?'

By now, Anna knows for a fact that it's not a normal butterfly at all. Amor has been with her since the day he was born, and she's been experiencing various anomalous activities since.


She did have dreams before she found Amor's egg, but it's recent enough to put two and two together.

'I'm not stupid,' Anna thought to herself.


While Anna was muttering in denial, the blue transparent screen didn't appear instantly like her previous questions. For seconds she patiently waited...

As even more seconds continued to pass, when she thought that her question wasn't worded properly or worked, the screen finally popped up once more.


𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝗕𝘂𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗹𝘆

-Born with the rare affinity of dreams, these butterflies are said to be guides for those fates and worthy.

Even the ??? said to have blessed them.

They once existed in the world of reality, but as time passed, and the mana in the world changed, its population also decreased...until none was ever seen again.

These butterflies are rare creatures that once existed, but due to energy that is called mana changing, falling, they died out. Only the most distant of relatives can be found, but even they cannot amount to who their ancestors once were.

However, they once again appeared for a short moment when the 𝙎###𝙣## 𝘾###𝙢### descended upon the world. It is said that the butterflies themselves are the will of the lord of this realm, the godlike being here.

The 𝙎###𝙣## 𝘾###𝙢###.

Now they dwell within the 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴, where mana and dreams still exists in abundance.


The will of...lord of this realm?' Anna thought.

If she was here, then that means Amor must've brought her here for a reason...but what is it? Was the lord of this realm

She didn't really understand, but...

But something she noticed peaked her interest.

'What is that blurred out word?'

Anna sent the intent of her question to the blue words...and waited.

The blue word screen thing didn't pop up, nor respond. She continued to wait, but even as many minutes passed, she stared blankly into the distance.

The blue screen did not appear

'Is there something wrong with my question then?'

"Do you know the blur words? The blue words won't tell me anything about it," Anna asked, turning to look at Abi. She was preoccupied with staring into the distance until Anna asked.

The girl in response turned to look at her. She put her long sleeve over her mouth, mumbling.

"Oh, that? Some of the things I asked the blue word things about what those blurred out words are, but it never really gave me a straight answer. It's really confusing," Abi mumbled, putting her very long sleeve over her mouth.

"I see."

Just as Anna began contemplating, a blue flash appeared, and a blue glowing thing fluttering past her.


Amor didn't seem to hear nor notice her, but instead fluttered down from the hill and over the sea of wheat.

The butterfly fluttered off closer and closer into the forest.

Before Anna had a chance to think, someone thought first.

"Let's follow him Anna!" Abi immediately got up and chased after the butterfly, almost stumbling down the hill.

Anna felt dismayed.

What if there's still danger in the woods? They don't have a lot of information about this place!

"Wait, we don't know if it's dangerous-" Anna stopped, sighed, and trailed after Abi. She got up with a huff, dusting her back and pants.

Might as well go see what Amor is doing.

Whatever Amor's doing, it must be something strange, and if the blue words are to be trusted...then perhaps there is no danger as long as she stays within this forest.

For now.