The Citadel

The world was broken, fractured…dying, for man grew arrogant. Those with power grew stronger and stronger.

Although some were good and had the best of intentions, most were malicious, 'evil.'

Even with the strength they gained, it was not enough.

It was never enough.

Their greed, their ambition, their lust for power…they squashed the weak and innocent.

Doing anything they can to satisfy their desires.

The tortured screamed for salvation, for hope, for anyone to save them.

And the torturers who took pleasure in torturing laughed.

Who would save them?

Many times it has been unanswered. Many times had it been ignored, for the cruel world that is reality bared down on their shoulders.

If not the last many times, why not this time?

But then…but then…𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 answered.

From the fires of treachery and screams, from above the sky and from within the earth, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 were born.

The seven trumpets bellowed throughout the entire world.

In the forests, in the ocean, in the very earth itself-

In every tree, every branch, every leaf-

In every rock, stone, and all that lives…they all trembled.

Their very hearts and minds trembled, as though the end was coming.

Something so vast and large, they cannot hope to stop it.

And so humankind's salvation came.

Immortal, invincible, the Calamities came, and brought down the thrones of weak, arrogant humanity.

All were equal before their feet as they trampled across the earth.

Volcanoes erupted, spewing ash, fire, smoke, and ash into the air. As many fiery rocks fell from the sky, lava spewed out of the ground, burning everything in its path.

Diseases, famine, and drought slowly spread out from the oceans, rivers, and springs as they were polluted by the endless amounts of blood and bodies.

Tsunamis, polluted and many miles tall, flooded entire cities and mountains. Hurricanes of unimaginable strength pulled and destroyed everything in its path.

The sun, warm and bright, was covered by the blanket smoke and ash, bringing about almost eternal darkness.

Earthquakes of many magnitudes shook the earth, bringing down crumbling buildings. From the cracks in the earth, locusts and monsters arose, torturing those worthy…and those unworthy.

Men and women, young and old-they all fell before their grand 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵.

Consumed by their infinite power, all those beneath them were equal, and all equally fell onto their knees.

Tearing their souls from their corpses, under the authority of the Lord, the Calamities judged them one by one.

It truly was hell on earth.

Fathers dying and sons trying to avenge them, only to die in vain. Women being forced upon, and daughters being sold.

The elderly and children had no chance, for they were weak, defenseless.


Was it the Lord God Almighty's punishment, to bring down righteous and divine judgement onto the sinful and the innocent? Because of their sinful, lustful, and greedy desires?

For the injustices the powerful have wreaked over the many?

No matter how many questions asked, how many times humans cried, pleaded, beseeched, implored-time never stops.

And the pain always continues.

Day after day, month after month, and years after years, and soon, decades.

Many long years passed, and weak humanity scrambled in the dirt like tiny rats.

They screamed, despaired, and cried out so many times.

When their throats were dry, even when their bodies were malnourished and weak; they still cried out for help.

For anyone to save them.

In the end, lifeless, like a machine without desires, mankind felt the holes in their hearts tore wider.

When all was lost, they all cried out in their hearts one last time.

For a chance to be happy.

For a chance to be free.

For hope.

As though their cries were heard, from high up in the sky, from the gray, dark ash clouds that darkened the world, a ray of light pierced through it, shining onto the bleak, barren, and lifeless world.

From heaven, seven virtues were sent down, embodying all that is good and virtuous.

From earth, seven heroes rose from the ashes, bringing all the wishes and hope of humanity and those who wish for salvation.

Rising up, the seven heroes face the Seven Calamities.

Many thought it was impossible to kill them, but the heroes challenged the impossible, and rose even higher.

The heroes faced the result of the arrogance of man.

One by one, each Calamities fell, and in the process, many, many others died.

And many things were lost.

Innocent, guilty, those or those not worthy of death and torture-they were all equal before the excecutioner's axe.

Before death itself.

After many years, many decades of long wars and shedded blood, the last of the Calamities fell.

When they all finally fell, consumed by the blood of innocence and hope, the gray cloud parted ways, and the sun shined its warmth onto the rest of the world.



If one were to describe what Anna sees before her with one word, it would be 'dreary.'

A mystical feeling full of tiredness fills the bones of those who see what she sees.

Dreary and dull, a variety of different shades of colors between black and white. Those who see this would simply feel drowsy and yawn just looking at the place.

It dulls the nerves, fills the head with thoughts of just dropping down then and there and rest.

For it is not that magic exudes tiredness, but the vastness of what lies before the mortal eyes.

A very large cavern stretched for as far as mortal eyes could possibly see, and perhaps even more.

Land that resembles islands surrounded by a sea of white-gray clouds.

Anna looked over the edge, and she was welcomed with the sight of a steep drop into a sea of said clouds.

Common sense dictates she does not enter such a place.

Even her eyes cannot pierce through its blanket; its veil.

A clear sign that this is beyond what can be seen with a 𝘨𝘪𝘧𝘵.

A 𝘨𝘪𝘧𝘵 that can see all, seeing through not just the veil between truth and lie that is naturally endowed to those blessed, but what makes up the world.

Alas, the 𝘨𝘪𝘧𝘵 can see all, naught but heaven itself.

Then, she blinked.

'Heaven…see? What was it again?'

Anna, with her free right arm, rubbed her forehead.

…what was it? What was she thinking about again?

Gift? What gift?

Trying to think what left her thoughts, of what just dissipated on the tip of her tongue, she looked around in an attempt to rile her thoughts up.

As she did so, she looked above.

Far above her head lies another blanket of white-gray 'clouds' covering the entire ceiling. Within it, she could see many stalactites of various sizes pointing downwards.

Anna could not see a single opening, an opening where even the cleverest ray of light could pierce into this dreary place.

However, the light, even if it was so dim and dreary, still somehow lit the whole cavern. Yes, there was light in this place, and it was far, far away.

From far into the distance on a particularly large 'island,' laid where the light shone-a very abnormal building.

A thin, dark gray building that almost camouflaged with the various gray shades around her.

A tall, sharp spire with edged and rugged looks around it that looked as though it was a natural stone formation piercing towards the cavern roof.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗹.

Quite possibly it was the very spire mentioned by the blue screen. That this was 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗹 she was looking for.

Yes, Anna can understand why this place was called 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗹.

Even from a distance, she could absolutely tell it was very a unique and magnificent sight to behold.

If it were naught but the source of light, it would only stand out as the tallest stalagmite, taking away its unique beauty.

On its very tip, the highest point, a soft, dull, white light exuded outwards to its surroundings. It seemed as if it was only this light that made the dark dreary world have the color gray.

Sadly, its light was very dim, so the dull realm she's in would always remain dreary.

That's perfectly what Anna liked about the place.

The atmosphere was quiet. Tranquil.


It was the perfect place for her to rest, relax, recover, and research.

If she would just lay down right then and there, it would totally be fine.

If it weren't for the fact that it was too peaceful, she would give in to the urge to simply spread out her arms and breathe in the incredibly strange fresh air that contrasts against the stale air from behind her.

WIth every breath, she felt the vibrant and bountiful mana that permeated across the entire cavern.

Perhaps this was a place that escaped the phenomenon of mana disappearing from the real world a millenia ago.

Just like the 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝘀.

Just like when she was with-

Then, the tiredness that filled her body, the dreary feeling that was gradually being absorbed into her mind abruptly disappeared, like a throwaway meaningless thought.

And with it, another pang of a headache,

She cannot differentiate where the pain came from. Was it the pain from the throbbing and pulsing sensation of a migraine, or was it because of…


Anna shook her head.

She no longer had the mood to rest.

Not now.

Not yet.

So, as if to distract herself from the pain, she looked across the entire cavern once again.

Such a mysterious place would be filled with adventure, and yet she took the time to look around.

'Even if she scoured this place with her scanning magic,' she thought.

'I wouldn't know if it even had an end at the far side unless I endure the…side effects.'

The side effects wouldn't be too bad.

A truly massive influx of information that'll probably break through everything in her head and make her go insane.

Not too bad if she says so herself.

Perhaps it'll be much better to ask the transparent screen computer thing for answers.

So, Anna thought about it, and in response the familiar blue screen appeared in her peripheral vision.


𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗹

A realm where the remnants of dreams and memories remain.

Colliding, they unroll the strings of fate, piercing through time and space.

This was a land that received the blessing of creaction from ???

How did it come to be here?


'Why are you asking me that?'

No, maybe that was a rhetorical question.

That made her remember something.

Back in the 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝘀, she didn't take this 'computer' for granted. No no no, how could something so convenient as a seemingly 'omniscient' floating screen like thing could be anything good?

She still questioned what this blue transparent screen really is to this day.

So she asked 'it' what it was again, and to her very, very utmost surprise, she didn't get an answer.

Truly, what a surprise.

She looked to her left.

Other than pillars of rocks and rugged walls, stalactites and even more clouds, Anna saw there was a very, very convenient long path along the rocky walls towards one of the 'islands' in the sea of clouds.

As she was looking at it, from the corner of her eye, the blue butterfly fluttered past her.

Seeing Amor fluttering towards it, Anna began the long trek.

If she cannot trust anything here, the one thing she can trust is Amor.

For bonds that bind their minds together, where they can feel each other from distances away, are not that simple to simply rip apart.


Step by step, Anna felt pieces of rocks and stones crunched beneath her foot.

Even imbuing her legs with the plentiful mana, she felt her legs begin to be sore.

Not just from the continuous fact that she had to make sure she's closer to the wall, holding her left hand along it, but to make sure to see if any rocks will crumble beneath her and fall into the abyss.

It happened many times.

The trial has already begun.

How lovely.

Has it been minutes?

Anna hadn't been paying attention to the time, for her eyes sometimes darted between the blue light, the entire cavern to her right, the rocky floor beneath her that is in no way a flat path, and the white-gray fog far below her.

So far, she had been waiting for something to pop out.

A rank 1 monster was what she was hoping for, but in a place where such an absurd quantity of mana remains…it'll most likely be a harder monster to kill.

She walked, and kept a look out.


And watched.

Until finally, after following an admittedly exhausting path, with Amor ahead of her, Anna finally made it to one of those 'islands.'

Much closer now, the cloud that 'surrounds' the large island parted ways, if only just for the upper part of it, she was met with the view of a wonderful forest, full of life.

A forest that is completely unwelcoming.

The dimmest of lights barely penetrated through the leaves of the canopies. Albeit the color of the foliage of nature was green, although it was dark due to the dull light shining from way far behind it, it was still noticeably green.

As Anna saw it, her eyes could barely make out something else instead of the trees. Within the shadows where all sorts of things-kind and not kind-crawl, were...buildings.

Well, not buildings to be exact.

What was left of said buildings.


Walls were crumbling, rubble laying across the ground, other manner of various things that happen around a building that has been destroyed.

Anna would admit it had a somewhat uncanny resemblance to Yume, the town that's near her home.

Her grandpa's home.

Although they were similar, there were also vast differences. Judging by how it looked, it was in no way similar to modern architecture. Actually, it wasn't like the buildings she had ever seen in pictures or books.

Even in the memories, Anna had never seen such strange buildings.

'But…whose memory was it?'

So many pictures stacked on top of one another. When she wanted to have a clearer look on one, something completely foreign, yet seemingly familiar, stacked on top of it.

The woman-no, Anna shook her head.

Other than that, it seemed as though no one had lived here in a long, long time.

Or even been there.

That did not stop her from having the idea to approach the ruins as she saw Amor fluttering ahead of her to the forest, then fluttering back to her.

Anna only watched as Amor fluttered above her head and landed right onto the hair tie, where her ponytail was tied.

Before she could even say anything, move, or even think, she heard a branch crack.

Anna's ears perked up.

Turning her head, she peered into the ruins. Between rubbles and whatnot mundane objects, a young girl scoured across the ground.

There was nothing off about the girl at first glance.

If Anna had to guess her age, she would guess that maybe the girl was around eleven, or twelve years old?

It seemed like the normal, average brown-haired girl. A girl, for all intents and purposes, looked as though she was searching for something.

There was nothing truly exceptional and outstanding about her in the girl's dull-colored patched clothing.

Yet...there was something that tickled her mind.

It spoke to her of a strange familiarity.

But…whose familiarity was it?

To sate her interest and intrigue, with her staff in hand, Anna approached her.

Silently, and with soft steps, she quietly and magically stepped around and over the small rocks that can crack easily under her weight, the dead and fallen leaves and branches, and other objects with the capability to make noise upon being stepped on.

As Anna seemingly magically glided across the ground, with the borders of her dress flowing as though it was an entire stream of water that can't be grasped or held by hand or even by lifeless objects, her eyes never left the girl.

Anna perceived the brown-haired girl seemed to be of no danger to herself, and upon another analysis, the girl didn't exude anything special or magical, nor seemed to have some hidden weapon.

Moving closer to the girl, the girl in question was apparently too deep in her search, as she looked intently along the ground floor.

Within moments, Anna was right behind her.

Strangely enough, Anna didn't make a move to make the girl notice her. Instead, she intently watched the girl, trying to make out the feeling inside her chest.

'This girl seemed to be so familiar, and yet…'

Anna carried on examining the girl.

With that, many, many minutes had passed.

The wind breezed past her and the girl. Neither harsh nor warm, but rather soft yet cold, it ruffled their clothes, along with the trees and branches around them.

How would there be wind underground without an opening or a strong force?

Alas, that seemed to make the girl in question turn her head slightly, and saw a tall shadow standing in the dark shadows of the forest.



Near the dark forest within the ruins, light footsteps stepped on the dead leaves and branches.




A girl hummed to herself, sifting through the grass and rubble with her hands caked with dirt and other things.

Today, she was trying to find something.

Something that is truly magical.

Her clothes were also caked in dirt and grass-a testament to her semi-crawling across the ground. It was dull, washed so many times, and was almost as light as a feather.

Almost as though it was stretched so many times.

Even then, even when so many pieces of grass, dirt, and various other things uncomfortably clottered under her fingernails, sne still kept looking around.

As she was looking around, she suddenly saw something that stood out in her peripheral vision. So, she turned her head, and looked up.

And a shadow stood from afar in the darkness and shadows.

Under its cover, a tall, light gray-haired woman silently stood there. In her left was a menacing looking weapon-a strange spear that was entirely black, with lines of blue engravings.

Her face, hidden by a black-or was it just a darker gray?-veil, hid what should be the face.

Everything that included if the stranger was even alive, and not a realistically-made polished statue.

The girl had seen many, many statues. Many great, many fascinating, many magical, and many…scary.

And 'this' one…it scared her greatly.

It felt cold.

So, so cold.

Just like that night.

She felt her arms trembling; her legs shaking.

She felt her heart pumping, pulsing blood into her brain.

She felt her hands become sweaty as she clenched them into fists.

So, when she stared at the 'statue,' the woman seemed to look back at her.

The girl took a step back.

Then another.

Then another.

And finally, another.

Just before she was about to turn around, pivoting her foot, her feet got caught on a tree root, and she tripped, falling backwards.


Falling onto her butt, the grl shut her eyes shut as she rubbed her back..

"...ow, that hurts..."

While she kept rubbing her back, the girl's eyes widened, for the veiled woman suddenly appeared in front of her.

Looking down on the poor shaking girl, the gray-haired woman looked down on her.

As though she was simply just nothing.

The girl shook.

She trembled.

She felt the urge to let out a cry; to call for help.

But she knew no one would help her.

Not now, not before, and definitely not after.

So she closed her eyes to rest, as though she wanted everything in front of her to erase.

As though she didn't want to see what would happen next.

Many minutes passed.

If the girl hadn't had a thought that the stranger hadn't made a move to harm her nor kidnap her, therefore not being a bad person by now, then she was a monkey.

This whole time, the strange veiled woman had been standing, simply watching her.

Neither hand a finger twitched, nor had her body even shifted the slightest.

Only the cold wind ruffled the woman's gray hair and long black dress. Near the end of the black dress, two slits emerged, barely showing her pale thighs. The entire dress was patterned and lined with a beautiful blue color.

This was definitely not a statue.

The girl opened her mouth, but she felt something got caught in her throat.

Her lips felt dry, and she tried to moisten them.

She dug her fingernails into her hands, and she felt a sharp sense of pain.

As the pain pulsed from her the palm of her hands, she took a deep breath.

Slowly, she stood up.

As she was doing so, her knee suddenly shook, and she stumbled.

The girl quickly stood up again.

As she stood up almost ramrod straight, she realized she was just half of the strange woman's height.

The back of her neck ached as she looked upwards at the black veil that covered where the face should be.

First, greetings must be important.

So the girl kept moistening her lips as she barely curtsied in greeting.

"Uh…hello miss…I mean madam. Um...I've-I have never met one such as yourself before...?"


The stranger never moved.

The girl felt her leg, already trembling, shook even harder.


The stranger in question, Anna, unmoving as a statue, without a hint of movement, watched the girl stumble around, stuttering.

The reason why she was immobile, static, was because the blue screen had appeared in front of her unannounced.


𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: ???

𝘛𝘢𝘴𝘬: Help the girl.

-A mysterious girl appeared in such a place.

What is she?

She may be able to help you.


Anna closed her eyes.

So that's how it is.

The legendary long chain quest.

More, more pain.



Even as Anna's eyes roamed up and down the girl's body, to the girl, it was unnoticeable for the face was covered by the black veil.

No amount of squinting wouldn't help her see past that veil.

Waiting a full minute, the girl, seeing that this stranger wasn't moving, apparently pulled herself.

She stood up straight, square her shoulders, took a long, deep breath, and took a tentative step forward.

A tiny tentative step forward.

Not even as much as a single inch.


The girl apparently became even more braver, for she stepped a little closer.

Closer and closer she slowly walked, until she was standing a few feet away from her.

She stretched her neck back further, but the veil still covered most of the face.

"Um...madam?" the girl slowly asked. Even when she gripped her fists tightly and spoke as calmly and slowly as possible, she couldn't hide the trembling undertone in her voice.

"Are you…are you o-okay?"

Suddenly, Anna turned towards her.

The girl nearly screeched as she was like a deer caught in the headlight.

In the next moment, she immediately turned around. Before she began running, she was immediately stopped with a question.

"What is your name?" a cold voice that was neither familiar or unfamiliar came out from Anna's mouth.

She felt the urge to cover her mouth.

Was her voice always like this?

In the end, the girl halted her footsteps. Trembling like a frozen rat, she slowly turned around. Shaking, she looked up at the veil that covered the gray-haired woman's face.

The girl opened her mouth. Then she closed it.

Then she opened it.

And then she closed it.

Then she licked her lips, and with a little bit of coughing, she spoke-

"My…my name?''s..."

If Anna's stare became 'more intense,' then it must be the reason why the girl began to tremble even more tremendously.

Eyes were like a placid lake, empty as nothing. Motionless like a statue, frozen like ice. The 'statue' looked at the girl shrinking into herself.

The girl became substantially more nervous. Fidgeting, she grabbed her left wrist tightly.

"My name…"

She trailed off, and Anna saw how the girl dug her fingernails into her skin.

She only waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Till the girl slowly, but surely, took a deep, shuddering breath.

She balled up her hands into fists, and she shook her head, her brown shoulder-length hair saying side to side.

Standing up somehow even taller than she did before, with her back arching a slight bit backwards, she looked up at the veil.

Not just at the veil, but through the veil, and right at the eyes.

"My name is…is…is…" she licked her lips and shook her head again somberly. Anna thought she wouldn't be able to muster the confidence when the girl then sighed in a somewhat tired ly and somberly.

Then, she said-

"Sorry, it's…Abi-Abilene. Just Abilene."