Damn Rodent


"...the appearance and structure of the wheels."

"...and all four rims were full of eyes all around."



In the dark forest, footsteps stepped onto the ground, cracking branches and crushing leaves littered on the forest floor.

The dullest of light barely filtered through the thick foliage above, and even then there was barely even light at all in this realm.

Was it a world? Or a Realm? No one really knows.

However some are privileged to know of its name.

However, these boys, who were looking around them warily, are not yet worthy of knowing.

Jonah felt tired. Mentally exhausted.

It was different from dying over and over in that strange dream. At the time, he could see the person tormenting him. Now, he can't see them. He saw the leaves being crushed, the grass being stepped on, the branches cracking-but he can't see them stepping on them.

It doesn't help that they were surrounded, and it has been minutes since these...these ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ๐˜ด appeared.

Jonah even thought it would be fine to die and die again in his last dream then be here, trying to keep himself calm and awake.

Leaning on him, Erebus sighed.

"Man, it's a shame I don't have a flashlight...or my phone."

"Now's the time to think about that?"

"What's wrong with that? Don't tell me you're jealous you don't have a phone."

"Stop. This is a serious situation we are in," Jonah said, looking around warily. After a few moments, he hesitated.

"I'm not jealous. I juts never had a phone."

Erebus silently looked up.

"...oh. I'm...sorry to hear that."

Although it was dark, Jonah could feel as if Erebus was glancing at him with pity. He felt a twinge of annoyance. What is there to feel sad about? Does not having a phone mean someone should pity him?

Even when he was at school, before all of this happened, his classmates, who weren't even teenagers yet, had used their phones all the time. He's just not like them. That's all.

Well, it didn't matter now. Jonah felt stuffy, sweating. These invisible enemies really are testing their limits, aren't they?

'That's a new one,' Jonah tiredly thought.

He also doesn't know if he can actually do something against them. Erebus on the other hand seemed fine. His hand was on the hilt of the sword in his scabbard, and he was grinning as usual. However, Jonah did feel the swordsman was tensing up.

Jonah took a deep breath, and also tensed up, readying himself.

One second. Two seconds. Three seconds.

As time passed, Jonah gradually began to notice the invisible enemies stepped even closer to them. Jonah tightened his grip on his spear. Erebus tightened his grip on his hilt.

The invisible enemies then striked, and the two boys-


Suddenly the winds howled, raging around them-no, everywhere the two can see. Trees danced here and there, being pulled in one direction. At the sight of the world changing, Jonah heard the invisible enemies footsteps running away.

At the thought, he immediately hid behind the nearest tree.

Jonah felt a sense of relief as he found out that although the tree was quite small, it was large enough for one person to hide behind it. Also, it was quite sturdy and firmly rooted into the ground. As he thought how lucky he was, Jonah noticed someone appeared next to him and sat beside him.

"...go find your own tree."

"This one was the best and closest one!" Erebus protested.

Before Jonah could complain, he noticed Erebus was looking up. So, Jonah did the same thing. And he was shocked.

In the distance, a vortex began forming, and the winds howled even louder, their rage cutting Jonah's skin. A flash of fear appeared inside the boy as he saw a gigantic blue spear emerging from the center of the vortex.

Even Erebus looked stupefied and amazed.

To their horror, the gigantic blue spear suddenly pierced through the sky, and landed on the ground.


There was silence.

Then, the world fell into chaos.

"...oh shi-"

An explosion appeared, brightening the dark forest for a small fraction of a moment. Then, it grew darker, and the winds exponentially grew more terrible. Even from a distance, Jonah could see a large shockwave heading towards them.

"Brace for impact-!"

Then it rammed into the two.

It all went dark.


"Hey. Hey! Are you two alive?"


Jonah saw stars and heard bells ringing in his head as he came back into consciousness. Wearily looking, he noticed he's still in the same dark forest through his blurry vision. It seemed as if he didn't die after all.

Nope, it was just his eyes playing tricks on him.

Shaking his head, Jonah heard a moan in the darkness, and he heard the ruffling of leaves and branches as someone seemed to be trying to stand up. He rubbed his eyes, sighing, and began patting himself. Although there were bruises along his body, somehow, nothing seemed to be broken.

"If you don't want to die, you both should stop being idiots and run."

Following that, Jonah groaned as he rolled onto his stomach. Next, he struggled to push himself up, and after a moment, he managed to get his legs underneath him with much effort.

"Who...who said that...?"

Jonah wearily looked around him. The world around him seemed like a disaster happened. It was a devastation. Some trees were barely standing up, some were bending, and some were simply laying across the ground. Countless branches and leaves littered around them, and everywhere he looked, nothing was left untouched.

It was just like when-

Jonah sighed tiredly, and then felt someone's hand touching his shoulder.

"Hey, you alright bro?"

Jonah turned, and saw Erebus dusting himself. Although there were scratches, the swordsman seemed to be fine. In fact, he was grinning as usual.

It seemed as if fate was watching over the two, protecting them.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine," Jonah took the swordsman's hand off his shoulder. Erebus grinned, putting his hands behind his head.

"Great. Now then, who was talking just now?"

"Who? Who said that?" Jonah asked, looking around. If Erebus wasn't the one who was speaking, then who?

"Who said that?" the voice copied him, chuckling.

"Well now, that is a good question. Who said that?"

Laughter filled the dark forest as the two looked around, tensing up.

"Well, I'll tell you who said that. It's me of course!"

The two quickly looked around again, trying to spot anything-just anything moving! Was it those invisible enemies again?


Later, the two relaxed. If it wasn't so dark, one could've saw Erebus and Jonah wearing an exasperated look.

"...who?" Erebus said lightly, his closed eyes twitching.

"What you want me to show myself. Heh, fools, you're not worthy, for I am-!"

Then something fell from one of the standing trees nearby. Landing with a ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ถ๐˜ฅ, this something tumbled across the dirt floor. This something was quite small, akin to the size of a somewhat tall grass? It didn't really help that the forest was dark, and barely any light was filtering through the treetops, so the two weren't able to even see it clearly.

"Ack," the shadow grunted as it rolled to a stop.

Jonah couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards the poor arrogant fool. Since the voice in the forest was interrupted during this fall, then it's no coincidence that this thing appeared. This shadow thing was haughty and sounded pompous, but now it looked quite pitiful.

If only it didn't sound so prideful and full of hubris, then Jonah would try to help it.

Although he did think of that, Jonah only squinted, standing still. He was unable to make out what this shadow is, but there is no mistaking it. He made a horrible mistake.

Jonah should've made a fire or something to light up this dark forest. They can barely see anything at all!

Well, on the other hand, if they did create light, they would probably stand out like a lone shining star, surrounded by darkness.

Just basic common sense really.

Well, it didn't help that he doesn't know how to make fire, so it didn't really matter really.

That's what he thought. Erebus on the other hand simply grinned. Although he didn't take a step forward, he still gave it a once-over.

"Ah, you're a squirrel aren't you?" Erebus jokingly said, stating the obvious. Jonah looked at the said squirrel curiously, and then back at Erebus.

'Are we really in the same forest?' Jonah thought. He could barely distinguish anything that can stand out in the dark forest! How did Erebus know it was even a squirrel? Were his eyes going bad?

Although now that he thought about it, if he squinted hard enough, he was able to see a fluffy tail on the shadow.

While Jonah was thinking, Erebus was smiling.

"What a delightfully cute little rodent we happened upon. It'll be, in all respects, a shame if-"

"Crap, I thought she found me..." said the same voice, groaning. This time, it didn't echo around them, and the two were able to see it from the small shadow.

Erebus and Jonah looked at each other, and then back at the squirrel.


"Nevermind that. I just felt something strange watching me," the squirrel said, dusting itself as it got up. After patting himself, he looked up at the two tall humans standing a few meters away from him.

"Anyways, greetings you little twat-stains."

Once again, Erebus and Jonah looked at each other, and then they looked back quietly.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Someone dropped you when you were a baby or something?

"Yikes...this little rodent has a bad mouth, we need some soap to wash it out..."

"๐˜ˆ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ," Jonah coughed.

"I just...never seen a talking squirrel before. What's your name anyways?"

The squirrel tilted his head, and then nodded.

"My name? It's...-" the squirrel then bowed in a gentlemanly manner.

"-none of your beeswax. What are your names?"

Jonah only looked at the rodent wordlessly, and he began thinking about how much he really wanted to wash that squirrel's mouth with a soap. His companion had similar ideas.

"So you are a rat after all. A dirt rat that needs a good washing," said Erebus, smiling at the squirrel. This time, the corners of his mouth grew even wider.

The squirrel didn't seem to notice, and instead looked offended by that. How did Jonah notice it was offended, well, he doesn't know. Erebus once again appears to be of the same mind as he seemed to intently observe the little bugger with a growing smile. His normal face was always grinning, but now he was grinning even more.

"You damned twat, did you seriously just shortened my prestigious name? I'll have you know that in all the realms my name is quite famous."

"You mean infamous."

"Same thing, same thing," the squirrel waved its forelimb offhandedly, then stopped.

"Oh...ohohohoho...you're quite the clever little boy, aren't you, you little twat. No, you're not clever. It's my accursed mouth's fault."

Erebus's grin grew larger, and Jonah smiled.

"So you do admit you need a good soap washing?"

"Nah, mate. I'm fine. Anyways, it was quite rude of me to not introduce myself. So...๐˜ข๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ."

The squirrel once again bowed.

"I'm the squirrel who curses, in case you didn't notice."

"...yeah, we noticed."

"Lovely. At least you're both not deft nincompoops after all."

"...you really need to check your mouth," Jonah muttered under his breath.

The squirrel immediately looked his way.

"Ye've got a face lit a melted welly."


"I said you look frickin' miserable mate."

"...yeah, I guess I am," Jonah said, taking a second to give an overview of himself. After that wind and how he ran through bushes and leaves, he does look pretty miserable himself.

"...you're an idiot, ya'know," the squirrel suddenly said, looking at him up and down.

"Sure," Jonah shrugged.

"Anyways, why are you here?"

In response to his words, the squirrel took a moment to size him up again, this time with a weird feeling.

"Why else would I stand here, you deranged fool? Also, that's the thing that's important? Not that I called you a fool or an idiot?"

"I don't really care about that though," Jonah said, simply shrugging.

The squirrel wore a deadpanned look. Once again, Jonah can't even understand how he can tell each time its face looked different.

"...you're really built differently, are you? Fine fine, I guess I'll tell you...now, ๐˜ข๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ-"

"Hey, I wanna know something," Erebus suddenly said.

"Why do you talk like that?"

"Eh?" the squirrel looked at him.

"You got a problem mate?"

"Well, I'm just curious, that's all..." Erebus' face morphed into a peculiar expression as he said that.

"You are? Well that ain't my problem. Go shat yourself you stupid oaf."

"What did you say you little rat?"

"Lick my arse you wee little wankstain."

"๐˜š๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ...we aren't getting anywhere," Erebus said, shrugging powerlessly. Jonah looked at him, vetted and ill humored

'You were the one who said started it...' he thought tiredly. They weren't getting anywhere at all.

Erebus seemed to regret it, but then he instantly became curious again.

"But I still want to know. Why do you even talk like that? You keep switching between multiple accents."

The squirrel seemed to be tired of the constant bantering too, as it looked like it sagged to the floor.

"Fine, if you want to know, well...hmm. That's simple enough. It's because I like to, of course," the squirrel replied. Subsequently after, it seemed to begin thinking as it rubbed its nose..

"Ya know what? Maybe I can stop. What's the point of cursing at others if people don't understand you're cursing at them?"

The squirrel sounded so righteous, Jonah didn't know how to refute that. Erebus on the other hand seemed to understand as he smiled and gave it a thumbs up. The squirrel also gave a thumbs up with his tiny forelimb.

Jonah then noticed it only had four fingers. How did it give a thumbs up, he'll never know. Besides, does it even have a thumb?

"Alright, we have an understanding now, right? Now, the reason I'm here. It's because I need you two to do something."

"...what do you need us to do?" Jonah sighed.

"And what do we get out of it?" Erebus added.

"Before I tell you guys what, I guess I can give you the backstory..."

The squirrel coughed.

"๐˜’๐˜ถ๐˜ฉ๐˜ถ๐˜ฎ. So, I usually spend my time here, in these woods, listlessly eating my nuts. It was a peaceful life, and I was happy...but now someone scary came here."

"Someone...scary?" Erebus asked. "Please, elaborate."

"Yeah it's just one," the squirrel said, nodding.

"Actually, there were two people that were extremely scary. Well, one of them is an psychopathic oaf, yes, but he's easy to run away from. It's the other person that's scary..."

"Who is this scary person?" Jonah asked, perplexed.

The squirrel shivered, rubbing its nose.

"I don't want to talk about her. All I can tell you is that the reason this shockwave happened is because she was the one who caused it."


"...interesting..." Erebus raised his eyebrow. "Well, who is this...woman?"

"...I don't know. Wait, I do know. I just don't want to even think about her..." the squirrel shivered.

Erebus and Jonah looked at each other. After hesitating, Jonah leaned over to whisper to Erebus.

"It looks like it's traumatized..."

"Yeah, but why is it so scared though...?" Erebus whispered back, perplexed.

"No, the real question is, how did he get into this problem."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jonah asked confusedly.

"Think about it man, he wants us to do 'something,' and this woman is the reason why he's asking us to do 'something.' He must've done 'something' wrong, incurring her wrath. Or something," Erebus shrugged once again.

'That's a lot of 'somethings,'' Jonah thought.

Then, the two heard another voice, interrupting them.

"Ahem. ๐˜ˆ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ. Are you deft mates? I'm sorry to 'hear' that-pun intended by the way."

The two looked back at the squirrel, exasperated once more.

"Yeah we're alive and we can hear-blah blah blah. Moving on, I want to know...how did she find you?" Erebus said.

"How did she find me? Me? Well...uh..."

The two boys both raised an eyebrow as it began stuttering.

"...well. Uh, You see...I guess you can say I got a little wee too...impatient."

The two didn't believe the damn rat for a second.

"Impatient? For what?" Erebus asked curiously.

At this moment, Jonah couldn't help but think it was wonderful for someone to ask the questions. Now he didn't have to embarrass himself over asking the wrong questions, not to mention it was bothersome at times. It's a good price to pay for being joked with most of the time by some shady person.

At least that's how he thinks.

"Well, these two scary people were battling it out. The woman one sidedly smacked the other guy down. Next, she then cut off his remaining limb that was still intact after that huge spell. Finally, she...she tortured him."

Saying that, the squirrel shivered even more.

"After that, she left, and I thought I may have a chance to scavenge for something good. This is the first time I can get something out of one of those guys, and he was fading fast! However, before I could even grab anything worth nothing, that scary woman noticed me."

"Ah, I see," Erebus nodded his head sagely. Jonah became more curious.

'This woman sounds really scary...' he thought as the squirrel kept complaining.

"Even with my abilities, I think she'll find me quickly if I don't book it. And even if I book it...she may well find me soon enough."

The squirrel put its arms on the top of his head, shaking.

"Also, I noticed she knows how to use runes. Runes! Especially the old ways! Oh Lord Almighty what do I do, what do I do?"

It got up, and the squirrel began pacing back and forth on two legs, uncannily like how a human would when full of anxiety.

"Has she spent these one thousand winters learning other magics? What kind of monster is that!? Oh dear Lord Almighty, it really would be the end of me! I've heard the stories, but I never really wanted to find out if it's true! I swear! Unfortunately for me, I...I walked right into those answers."

The squirrel then laid on the floor, exhausted.

"So you're scared then?" Erebus stated.

However, to the two's utmost surprise, the squirrel admitted.

"Yes, hahaha, laugh all you want. Yes I'm scared. I've never seen someone whose this scary besides the angels and the Ca-"

The squirrel stopped, and it sagged even deeper against the ground.

"...nevermind, just forget it," the squirrel sighed.

"So, now that's all out of the way, I want you two to serve as my shields."

Jonah's only response was looking at it with a deadpan stare.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

The squirrel made it sound as if this woman was the worst nightmare he could ever face. Other than losing his little sister of course. Otherwise, common sense says it's insane to even think about confronting her. Erebus was in agreement with him as he took a step forward.

"Why should we? That's stupid. Also, like I said earlier, what do we get out of it?"

"Well...I can-hmm...I can give you my-no, that's not an option..."

While the squirrel was muttering to itself, Erebus shook his head.

"Anyways, It was an interesting story and your plan seems full of holes...for a little bitc-!"


The damn squirrel quickly moved out of the way as Erebus's sword smashed into the ground, cracks forming around it.

Jonah took a look at the cracks on the ground, even while Erebus took a step back.

'Was he holding ba-'

"Damn, you're a quick one," the swordsman sighed, shrugging his shoulders again as if he was powerless to do anything about that.

"Heh, you twat, if you're trying to sneak attack on me like that, it'll be one hundred years before you can even touch me," the squirrel said, standing a bit farther away.

There was an underlying feeling that somehow told Jonah that it was sneering.

"Now let's forget about that now dear fellows. Let's make a deal, yeah?" the squirrel suddenly said, looking at the two with a much more serious air.

"What deal?"

"If you ever meet that woman, just put in a good word for me."

"...we'll still probably die regardless, yeah?" Erebus asked, grinning as he sheathed his sword back into his scabbard. He looked to be not surprised nor saddened by the fact the squirrel dodged his attack.

The squirrel ignored Erebus as it turned its head away, its hauteur apparent. Instead, it faced the other boy, who was standing aside.

"Hey, idiot."

Jonah scratched the back of his head, nonplussed.

"It's kinda annoying if you keep saying that. My name is not 'idiot,' it's Jonah."

"Well it is now mate. You mad bro?"

The white haired boy looked at it once again with a deadpan stare. The squirrel rubbed its nose.

"๐˜ˆ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ, sorry about that. It just came out of my mouth. Anyways, you wanna help me out?"

"Hell. No."

'Is this squirrel insane?' Jonah eyed the squirrel once more. It has to be, right? No one in their right minds will accept a deal like that.

No one!

"Hey, little rat, no one would accept an offer like that. It's tantamount to suicide."

The squirrel looked at Erebus with a look.

"Suck my nut sacks."

Erebus instantly drew his sword and slashed at him. Unfortunately for him, the little rat proved it was too quick, and quickly reappeared on one of the tree branches nearby.

Appearing on the tree branch, the squirrel rubbed its nose.

"By nutsacks, I mean the acorns and nuts I carry in my bag. What else did you think? Did your thoughts wander off into somewhere dirty?"


Seeing there was no response, the squirrel rubbed its nose again.

"In case you didn't get the joke mates, it was a joke."

"Welp, if you're not going to accept the deal, then I guess that's that. Well then, heeheeheehee..."

The squirrel snickered and turned around-


"Hahahaha-well anyways I gotta go! See ya idiots later!"

Without a moment for the two to react, the squirrel disappeared. Out of thin air, it just vanished, like a brief flash of light.

Erebus and Jonah only stared at the spot where the squirrel vanished from.

"...did that damn rodent just-?"

"Yes, it did."

"...well, it seems like someone needs a good spanking," Erebus sighed, shaking his head,

Jonah smiled slightly at that.

"On that I can agree."

"Still, I kinda did like that squirrel," Erebus said, tapping the hilt of his sword.

"You just tried to kill it though."

"Eh, it's too quick for me. The squirrel did say it somehow managed to escape the scary woman. It must've had some skills to be able to do that."

Somehow, Jonah felt it was alright to travel with this strange companion of his. This strange dream won't be boring at least.