The Rector

Two footsteps quietly, silently, and slowly moved through the dark, dim forest. Everywhere one looked, shadows and darkness waited, watching the two.

Shrubs and bushes were carefully moved aside as a white haired boy and a boy holding a sword walked around. Both of them carefully stepped around each leaf or branch, anything that could make a sound. In such a dim forest, with normal human eyes, it was immensely difficult to even spot a single thing littered on the floor.

Jonah was an unfortunate human who kept stressing his eyes as he stared at the floor while looking around him.

Although there was no movement or noises, the white haired boy had to make sure he would not get jumped on. The swordsman, meanwhile, was doing the same, but instead in a more relaxed pose.

'What a shady bastard,' Jonah thought.

The more he was with him, the more that thought grew. The guy must've held back in that fight too, and he hadn't seen that dark stuff wrapped around that swordsman since they met.

'Erebus must be a fake name too,' he also thought.

Heck, maybe him saying he was also a [Descendant of a Hero] was meant to get close to him. Then, he'll backstab him or something.

How cliche will that be? Unfortunately for him, even if Jonah was naive and new to...well, everything, he'll make sure that'll never happen.

After all, Chaya is waiting for him.

At the thought of his little sister, the boy's adrenaline exponentially grew.

'One day, I'll walk out of this dream, and come back to you-'

"Hey, Jonah. Earth to Jonah, you read? Dude."

"Hm? Yeah, What's up?"

"The ceiling. Or rather, in this case...dark clouds?"


Jonah gave him a deadpanned look. Erebus coughed into his hand.

"Sorry. Seriously, do you hear anything?"

He looked around, and he didn't hear anything. Was this one of his jokes again?

"Anything? I don't-"

Then there it was.

Something faint. Something so faint, it had to be entirely quiet so someone can hear it. It's as if it blended with the background.

As if reacting to Jonah's thoughts, white fog immediately rushed towards them. Before the two could react, it engulfed them.

"What the-!"

"Stay together!"

"Both Jonah and Erebus put their backs against each other, just like earlier.

The music grew louder.

Hey the music.


It's louder. It's as if its us?"

"Oh shi-"

Then something appeared in the fog. Something dark, something...unnerving.

A foreboding feeling engulfed Jonah, just like the fog did. This dark thing was large-too long for anything. Jonah and Erebus could only watch as it seemed to slowly approach them, its height growing taller, and width growing wider. Just before Erebus and Jonah booked it, it stopped meters away.

Just as it stopped, the fog faded away, and revealed...

A building.

A very large building.

Although the fog faded away for the most part, some of it still remained, floating around everywhere, just enough where he doesn't really have to watch his step.

Still, this building was unnervingly imposing. It's dark, gray cobblestone walls exuded a cold feeling of...well, something off. Off and unusual. For some reason, Jonah felt this building resembled something. It was on the tip of his tongue, and yet he can't even speak it.

'How did a building this big come close to us? We didn't even move at all!'

As Jonah stared down at the building, he then heard it once more.

The music.

A ringing sound. The toll of a bell. It rang, and the world and the very air they breathed in shook and vibrated around them. As it did, Jonah felt something flickering in him. It was nostalgic. A nostalgic sound. The sound was akin to an organ playing in a church.

Yes, Jonah remembers now.


Although it was just the sound of music, it felt as if it was speaking to him. As if it was singing.



It was...singing?

Then Jonah felt the world form his eyes tilt over. He nearly doubled over. In an instant, he instinctively placed his makeshift spear against the ground, holding it up. Even so, the headache in his head grew, and his vision changed. Jonah instinctively pressed his palm against his forehead, each pulsing pain growing stronger and stronger.

' was singing. Singing a song. But what was it? YeS iT waS SiNgINg. THe SonG WaS SiNGiNG. BuT wHAt waS iT? IT wAs SO, sO NoSTaLG-'

"Get yourself together man!" a voice said, and through the darkness that was hallucinations, that someone roughly shook his shoulders. Jonah began blinking, and rubbed his eyes furiously.

"What, what happened?"

"You got caught in the music, that's what," Erebus said, and that was the most exasperated tone Jonah had heard from him. Said exasperated bot and himself looked at the building. They couldn't help it. It gave off such a great aura of unease and foreboding, it naturally pulled their eyes towards it

"Dang, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing here. Well, it is to be expected after all. This is '𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗹' after all. A place full of remnant dreams and memories of the past.

"...'𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗹?'"

"Well yeah, that's what this dreamscape thing realm place is called. Anyways, are you really alright? Those organs packed a powerful punch, I tell you what. Even I was almost pulled in."

"Those were organs? Ah, yes, pipe organs. The huge instruments that are usually in a church?"

"Yeah, the ones at-oh dear."

At that, Erebus's face contorted. Before Jonah could ask, they both heard something else from the musical organs. It was the sound of a choir singing. Their soft, yet powerful voice welcomed them. The air around them vibrated, and the organs joined in, and the vibration shook their world.

For the first time, Jonah saw Erebus's face become pale, even though he couldn't really tell.

"...oh crap. Oh crap. Oh dear g-God. We're at a church."

"...what's so bad about that-nevermind. Don't mention it."

After what had just happened, Jonah will never feel the same towards a church again.

'But...what is this church?' Jonah thought.

'I thought I should've expected everything in this dream. Illusions, giant monster things, a talking squirrel...but not a church. Even then, being in a dream where the entire world is dim, barely any light, and there seemed to be too many enemies that are out to get me...I think I should expect that this church is bad news...'

Jonah sneakily glanced at Erebus, who was still staring down the church. It's singing and music became much quieter, but it's still there.

'Even Erebus attacked me first. This place must worship some evil god or false deity. That's the only way to explain it.'


Then, he tapped Erebus's shoulder.

"Hey, what's bad about this church?"

"You said...what's bad about this church? Are you-no, nevermind. Sorry, you're different."

Erebus shrugged, and Jonah eyed him. He had a feeling that was an insult.

"...why did you say that in a bad way?"

"Anyways, this church is...hmm..."


"Well, first off, we can measure its danger by its size."

"We can?"

"Yes. Usually."

Jonah raised his eyebrow. That last bit seemed hesitant, but Erebus merrily continued to chatter.

"If it's a chapel, it should be fine. Those types of buildings doesn't have anyone of importance. If there are people, we can handle 'em fine, no sweat. However, if it's a church..."

Erebus squinted his eyes even more. How he does that, Jonah doesn't know. He already accepted the fact that he cannot comprehend the perplexity of someone who can walk around trees and dodge shrubs, branches, and leaves with his eyes closed.

"...we'll meet someone 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭."


"'re saying that someone is really strong, and he will definitely hurt us." Jonah dryly stated.

"I know, right? Very surprising," Erebus said deadpanned, and then put his thinking face on, rubbing his chin. "Well, this person could be a priest, so maybe he could 𝘯𝘰𝘵 hurt us, but seeing this place is really, really off..."

Erebus shrugged.

"It's pretty much a guarantee that someone's out to get us. Think about where we are at first. You think just anyone here can be a good person? A good, kind person? It could be a monster for all we know."

'Like you?' Jonah thought, but he kept that thought in his mind. Still, Jonah sighed and readied himself for a confrontation.

"Yeah, I know, I know. You don't need to go on a rant."

Erebus grinned, and he put his left hand on the hilt of his sword.

Then, they both faced the church doors. After a few moments of silence, one of the two opened his mouth.

"Hey...why are we even staying here? It's not like we're forced to enter, right? Can't we could, ya'know, leave," Jonah said, trailing off. The swordsman's face became blank.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

The two simply nodded and swiftly turned around. Like that, their encounter with the church came to a simple, yet peaceful end.

Of course, fate wouldn't let the two off lightly.

With a long, loud creak, the two doors opened. The two instinctively looked back, and saw a dim hall, with the smallest light of orange slightly illuminating the walls. Candles were placed all around the room, but it was still too dim to be able to make out the many pews-vertically long chairs where multiple people could sit while worshiping their god.

Further down the hall, at the very back, was a statue. Only the bottom of the statue, which was just stone, was able to be seen due to the glow of candles beneath it. What caught the two boy's eyes, however, was below the statue.

There, a ragged cloaked figure was revealed, kneeling before the statue. Before the two can even move, something stopped them.

"Welcome, travelers, to the church of our Lord Father, the God Almighty," a raspy, croaky voice whispered. As it did, it echoed throughout the walls of the church.

Erebus and Jonah silently looked at each other. After Jonah made some random movements with his eyes and head to the swordsman, Erebus just sighed, and looked at the cloaked figure.

"Oh...mighty religious figure person. Are you a person? Pastor? Priest? I don't know. Man, I can't do this stuff. Jonah why don't you-"

The talking boy stopped as the other boy formed an 'X' symbol across his chest. Erebus sighed, looking helpless while scratching the back of his head.

"Dang. Well then. 𝘒𝘶𝘩𝘶𝘮. My apologies, mister...priest? Whatever. Anyways, with your permission, may we leave?"

"...yes, you may."

The two turned around to leave immediately. As they quickly walked away, they heard a voice from behind them once more.

"But you may never regain one of the virtues of a hero..."

Jonah heard Erebus footsteps halted, and he turned around.

For the first time ever, Jonah saw Erebus's face changed greatly. From his easygoing smile, to a deathly still face. There was no smile on hsi face, and his eyes slightly opened. Before Jonah was able to even discern any more things, Erebus immediately changed back to his easygoing smile and closed eyes as he turned around to the cloaked figure.

"Please, tell me more."

"Come inside this church noble travelers. It's not safe outside for even the most mighty of magicians and warriors. Do not be shy, for our God, The Lord Almighty, is watching over you kindly."

Erebus was about to walk in before Jonah placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Dude. Bro. You think this is wise? I mean, look at this place. It screams of danger. There is no other place that is as obvious as this place in my whole life."

"...I have to, Jonah. This is the entire reason I'm here, bothering to travel across the land and sea."

'Is this the first time I've heard Erebus speak seriously?' Jonah thought.

"What do you-"

"Also, more adventure, right? You could maybe find ways to get stronger here too. Don't you wanna impress that beautiful-eyed girl of yours? Or rather, be victorious in a duel with her or something and ask her hand in marriage."

Jonah made a disgusted face.

"Dude, what are you-"

"C'mon, it'll be fun," Erebus grinned as he entered the church. "Plus don't you want to get stronger to protect the people and things you love? This could be your chance after all."

"Wait, Erebus you-fine. Whatever."

Giving an exhausting sigh, Jonah followed after him.

As the two entered the church, and the doors behind them creaked slowly, and shut themselves with a snap.


Jonah immediately knew he wouldn't make it out unscathed as the doors behind him closed shut.

If the outside of the church gave off a foreboding feeling, now the feeling had grown ten times the amount, and it engulfed him. Every breath was a gasp for air, and the suffocating feeling it placed on him made his breath more and more ragged. This place felt as if they had entered a dragon's nest.

With the dragon in it.

Of course it was a figure of speech. The proper figure of speech would be 'jumping out of the frying pan, and straight into the fire. Jonah had never seen a real dragon before, and who can say that dragons even exist?

They don't.



So, Jonah was as tense as possible, trying to see if anything was off. At the first sound of something, or he felt something bad, he would immediately go feral. If it weren't for the dim halls of the church, and the light from the candles giving off a soft glow that barely even reached the middle, one would see a vein almost bursting from him.

Erebus, on the other hand, looked as easygoing and trigger happy as ever.

"So, what is this church Mr. Prest? I mean, it is an honor to be welcomed into a place of"

"Please, honored traveler, the honor is all mine," the kneeling cloaked figure whispered. "This place is a place of power, this church, is where the believers of the one true god, our Lord God Almighty, pray in reverence towards him. To be his supplicants. To give their heart and soul to his everlasting glory."

"Oh, that's good," Erebus said understandingly. Jonah was the complete opposite.

"The Lord Almighty? Didn't that squirrel say the same thing when he was cursing?" Jonah whispered to Erebus, but he kept his eyes on the cloaked figure.

Erebus nodded along, even as the kneeling figure continued whispering, some unknown power carrying his voice to them.

"Honored travelers, the title given to me is known as "The Rector," but you both can call me 'Rector.' As for what religion I believe in...?" The Rector chuckled. To the two, it sounded as if he was coughing and rasping for air,

"Of course, the only one that exists. The Church of the Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. May he always-"

'Well, this is bad,' Jonah and Erebus simultaneously thought as the cloaked figure trailed on and on about his god's famed actions.

Jonah read the books, and he knows what "The Rector" is really called. Or at least he thought so.

'He's a fanatic. Worse, a religious, fanatic believer.'