Shadow Guardian!

Ken was running toward the hut. He felt he was on the right path but the trees and landscape were the same in every direction. He was just following the direction from where he heard the sound of a bullet being fired.

Ken ran with his full strength as he tried his best to reach the right place but he was very eager to leave this place and didn't expect to return, so was confused about the exact area.

He climbed up on a tree and in one direction, he saw that hut. It was just a few minutes away. He ran toward the hut. When he came close to the hut, he heard voices other than Mr. Stephen.

There were at least 2 or 3 different voices. He slows down and started to walk cautiously.

When he reached the hut he saw that as he had expected there were 2 men other than Stephen searching for something. He recognized these men at first glance.

They were from the organization, the trained killers who won't hesitate to kill even their own families.

He started to watch them with the eyes of a lion while laying hiding behind a bush. He knows he has to kill them otherwise they will kill him along with Stephen without any mercy.

He laid down and started to crawl. Upon reaching a big thick bush, from where he could see the positions of those men. Ken saw three men standing around Mr. Stephen, questioning him, one more than he had seen before.

Mr. Stephen was lying on the floor with his left leg full of blood, he held his leg tightly with his right hands and his face was pale. It looked like he wanted to cry loudly, due to the extreme pain he was dealing with.

'Mr.Stephen...facing all this trouble because of me.' Ken was feeling guilty because Stephen was implicated in all this because of him. "Hold on Stephen. I will take you from all this mess."

The men who came for Ken wore black uniforms, bulletproof jackets, glasses, and microphones. They also wore the same bracelet and collar around the neck which was defused by Ken.

'3 vs 1 that's not fair' Ken thought as he was worried about how to face them.

"Tell us where is he? We know he was here, you helped him. Tell us which way he went." one of those black-clothed men inquired while showing him blood-stained cotton and pads, which Ken used to clean his wound.

"If you want to kill me then just do it, don't make lame excuses. I already told you more than three times that I don't know where he went." Mr. Stephen replied in an aggressive voice as he was hurt badly.

Ken slowly crept toward the tree beside the bush, got up, and made his mind start killing them one by one.

'Let's do it' Ken Took a deep breath, giving all his attention to the plan from which he is getting started. He made up his mind. He grasps the crossbow in his right hand, fixing the arrow inside.

'I have to finish it fast before more of them reach here while searching for me. If I miss this shot, he will shoot Stephen.'

He analyzed which one of them is the most careless. The man standing in front of Mr.Stephen was very overconfident that he was going to take the life of Mr.Stephen. He placed his gun on Stephen's head.

Ken aimed at him and pulled the trigger. The arrow speedily struck his neck and within second blood started flowing out of his mouth. His gun fell. He looked toward the sky and fell. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was full of blood.

After he killed one of them he immediately sat down and moved to change his position, he speedily started crawling toward the bush behind this tree. As he began to crawl they started firing non-stop immediately.

They fired nearly 20 bullets near the tree, many bullets were buried in the trunk of the tree but Ken had already reached behind the bush safely. One of them came forward to see if Ken was alive or not?

Ken had already reloaded his bow, when this man came near to the bush Ken impulsively fired and this bolt crushed his left eye and went deep into his skull, blood was flowing out of his eyes and skull, it made a wide hole in his skull.

While Ken was dealing with the second man, Mr. Stephen who was laying on the floor, looked towards the dead man beside him and then towards where the other man went to look. Suddenly a thought flashed past in his mind. 'He came back for me, I have to help him'

Stephen saw his hunting rifle on the floor near the feet of the third man who stayed there. He started crawling toward him but his leg was hurt badly and blood was continuously flowing from it. He tried to pick his gun.

The man standing there took Stephen as an old helpless man and was more worried about the sudden intruder who killed their partner. In this situation, he forgot about Stephen.

Stephen held the gun and aimed it at him.

Hearing the noise from his side, the man suddenly turned back and fired on Stephen's shoulder. Stephen still underestimated their professionalism.

Stephen impulsively pulled the trigger and the shrapnels hit the agent's leg.

"You bastard!" Stephen cried loudly as he was in pain and had an additional bullet in his body.

After this, the man who was killed by Stephen fell and his gun dropped down at a distance.

"I never thought that it works with such perfection, oh poor man" Ken muttered as he got out of the bush and looked at the man with an arrow sticking out of his head.

Suddenly Ken heard the sound of different shots being fired and ran toward Mr.Stephen with vigilance.

Upon reaching, he saw two men on the ground, one was killed by him and another one was laying on the ground, missing a part of his leg.

Ken kicked out the guns near to them and sat near Mr.Stephen. Mr. Stephen had received two bullets, one on his left leg and the other on his right shoulder.

"Why did you do this?" Ken asked in anger.

"I tried to help you," Stephen replied in a low voice. "Ah! It's hurting." Stephen groaned in pain. "At least I fucked him up too," Stephen says with a smile on his face.

"Let me help you."Ken tried to lift him by giving him support.

"No! don't, I have already lost most of my blood. Even if you stop it I can't live more than an hour. You should not waste your time, get away from here"

"It will not take much time, I will take bullets out of these wounds. You need a blood transfusion. I will see if my blood matches yours." Ken replied while analyzing his wounds.

"Oh! My boy, try to understand. We have no proper equipment to make it possible. I have already spent 3 score years and 10. What did you think? How much more can I live?" Stephen tried to convince Ken in a hopeless tone.

"But sir, this all was done just because of me. I am responsible for all this shit." Ken was very guilty about this situation."

"Well, you are right. It would have been better if I hadn't help you and kicked you out of my hut". Stephen replied in a funny tone. Both laughed.

The third man who was on the ground tried to move. Ken sat beside him pulled his hair and asked "what do they want from me?" They want to kill you asshole." This man replied with anger and spat on his face.

"Ok! As you wish, bastard" Ken got up to clean his face. He picked up the gun that he had kicked earlier and shot him at the center of his head. Blood started flowing from his mouth with a burp.

"Well! Now what?" Ken politely asked Stephen.

" Leave me here to die, You have a long way to cover. More from them will be coming toward you, you have to leave now." Stephen replied as he was very satisfied by this type of end.

He pretends like that because he knows he has no way other than to wait for death to come.

" I will never forget what you have done for me," Ken said while he starts turning toward the jungle.

"Hey! Would you like to do a favor for this old man who is going to die?" Stephen asked Ken with a smile on his face.

"Why not! Sir, tell me what should I do?" Ken replied while thinking.'It must be very important to him'

" Please bring my wine bottle, it is inside my bag. '' Stephen told Ken with a loud laugh.

"Wine? Seriously? You want to be drunk in the last moments of your life?" Ken asked as he was very shocked that wine was Stephen's last wish, he came inside the hut and looked for the bag. He opened it and saw Stephen's things.

There was a small knife, lighter, a red cap, a silver bottle, and a wallet inside it. He took this bag to Stephen.

"Oh thanks for your favor, " Stephen replied cheerfully while holding this wine bottle in his hand. He opened its cap and took a large sip.

"Ah! Its taste is amazing, I want to die in less pain and in the last moments I would like to remember the most beautiful moments of my life." Stephen says while taking the bottle's mouth away from his lips.

"Take anything from this bag you would like, all of these things are useless for my next journey" Stephen replied while taking a sip.

" Thank you so much, sir" Ken saw Stephen with a smiling face and took a lighter and knife from this.

"May I do something else for you?" Ken asked as he wanted to make Stephen comfortable. Stephen pulled his green wallet out of his bag and takes a picture out of it.

It was a picture that was folded in half and had an image of a small girl of nearly 14 years with braided hair and a cute appearance sitting beside Stephen. She wore a red frock and white shoes.

"This is my granddaughter. This picture is five years old now and she must have become prettier like an angel now. I am only worried about her. She is very young to survive alone. I was her only family member who was left. Even though I was not with her, I was still able to take care of her. I came here for hunting but after meeting you I can't go back. Her parents died in an accident and now I am going to meet my son." Stephen says while thrusting this picture into Ken's hand.

" This is the address," Stephen continued while turning the picture around. The address was written on the backside of the picture."

"You have to tell her that her grandfather loves her a lot, you have to protect her from other difficulties." He said while holding Ken's hand.

"I am giving you my word sir, I will give your message to her and if she ever needs me I will be there for her. You gave your life for me, this is the least I can do for you," Ken says while making eye contact with Stephen.

"I think I can trust you, now I will die peacefully along with this wine". Stephen replied while sitting with the support of the wall. Ken gave him a slight bow.

"Go! run fast and never look back."Stephen pointed toward the jungle while taking a sip from the wine bottle.

"Goodbye! Mr.Stephen" Ken called while turning toward the jungle. He got up and started running again.


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