Journey to Prua Shington!

Ken was relieved to be on a ship that was soon to sail away. It lifted a load from his shoulders as the tension and fear he had been living under began to fade at the thought of leaving this place.

He enjoyed the cool breeze, and the ship slowly started to arrow through the sea's waves. It was his first time to travel across the sea via ship.

Maybe because of this, he felt sick and his stomach started to heave and he felt sick. Ken knew he was going to puke and started finding anything he could use to vomit in.

He found a small wooden bucket at the corner of the ship and heaved into it until there was nothing left. His face turned pale, and he continuously felt like barfing because of the ship's constant movement among the waves.

He was very disturbed and trying to cope with his nausea. The fat man came to him and said.

" You are looking very good." and laughed loudly.

"Is it funny, eh?" Ken asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, it is. You are behaving like a delicate woman. Usually, women are the ones vomiting when traveling on a ship!" The fat man says while taping him on his back.

"Haha! hilarious." Ken replied, while spitting again.

"Which name I used to call you?. Little finger?." the fat man asked in a funny tone.

"Sir, you can call me Ken" Ken tried to keep his head out of the bucket but his stomach would not allow him. His stomach involuntarily expelled all of its contents.

"No, the little finger is better." The fat man replied as he tried to tease Ken.

"And what's yours? Big balloon". Ken asked and started to laugh loudly.

"I think you don't know how to joke. Btw you stupid little finger if you called me by that name I would throw you in the sea and you will drown in seconds, no one would ever find you from the depths of this sea." The fat man's voice turned a little aggressive, but he still had the same smile on his face.

"By the way, my name is Oliver. You can just call me by this name," he said while making eye contact with him and smiling at him.

"Are you serious about throwing me out of this ship?" Ken asked him with a serious expression.


They stared at each other, and after a moment, both men laughed loudly.

"Oliver, you have a talent for acting. I think we can be friends." Ken told him frankly, as he knew he was just kidding.

"Well, why not!," Oliver replied confidently.

"How is our new guest?" Ken heard a heavy voice from behind.

He turned his face toward this man, seeing a black man with a muscular body wearing brown pants and a loose white undershirt. He also wore a colorful cloth around his neck and a cap with a dolphin logo, along with a chain on his wrist.

When he opened his mouth to speak, Ken noticed that shiny golden teeth at the right side of his jaw shine brightly.

"How is your journey going on?" He asked Ken."Yeah! It's good I just felt seasick at first,'' Ken replied with a smiling face.

"This is our captain, John," Oliver said while pointing toward him.

"Nice to meet you, John". Ken replied in a pleasant mood and shook hands with him.

" You look like a nice guy. What happened to you? You are injured and your complexions also don't look good." John says while eyeing him from head to toe.

John saw a handsome man who was covered in dirt and mud. His black uniform was also in tatters, especially those places where he was injured.

"Yeah, I am tired! And my story is too long. I will tell you after getting some rest. By the way, your ship is exquisite. '' Ken replied in confusion as he thought it's better to make good excuses about his condition. Various thoughts ran through his mind.

'If they hear my story, maybe they won't believe me and I'll become distrusted; I was running from that place. After hearing this they might start worrying about him attracting trouble and decide that I have ill intentions of traveling with them.'

"Come with me," Oliver said while he took Ken to the toilet, which looked like a small wooden room with a sink and toilet seat was built in it.

Ken washed his face, cleaned the wounds, and rinsed off his hair with water as mud was stuck to his face and dirt covered his wounds. He washed them 2-3 times.

After this, he felt fresh and healthy for the first time since he got out of that hell.

When he opened the tape which covered his arm and leg, his skin looked puffy as he had not taken proper care of these wounds, causing them to be irritated and disturbed continuously.

As he came out of this short room, he saw Oliver, who was waiting for him. When he saw his wounds he said, " You need proper rest and treatment. I will send Diana to you, she will take good care of you".

'Diana, such a pleasant name. She must be a beautiful girl' Ken thought while following Oliver.

"I need some clothes, I don't even have a single shirt." Ken hopes to persuade him to give him some clothes.

"It's a ship, not a shop. Well, I will see what I can do for you.." Oliver cleared him and opened the door of a small apartment arranged for Ken.

"This is your room till we reach the destination. Take care and have a rest."

It was a small but nicely furnished room. There was a small mattress on the left side of the room. They placed a small fruit basket filled with peaches and grapes near the mattress.

There was a calendar hanging on the wall in front of the mattress and a sculpture of a mermaid in the other corner.

He also saw a big hook hanging on the wall. It was a small place, but fine for Ken. He felt so glad that he could finally sleep on a real soft mattress. He immediately lay down and felt relaxed and comfortable. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it? Oliver, is that you?" Ken asked in a questioning tone.

"I am not Oliver. I came here to treat your wounds." Ken heard a melodious woman's voice. He quickly ran toward the door to open it.

A girl with frizzy maroon hair, bright sky-blue eyes, and a fair complexion.

She was an attractive and adorable woman waiting at his door. She wore a white ribbon on her head and pearl earrings in her small ears with a shining gold bracelet on her wrist. Her name was written on it, DIANA.

She was a girl of nearly 25, wearing a black short skirt and a white shirt with a black jacket on top. She was charming, attractive and could easily melt the heart of anyone. The smile on her face emphasized her charm.

Ken started staring at her and couldn't even pretend like he was not interested. Diana sat near Ken on the floor, checked his fever, and looked at his wounds.

She cleaned all the scratches and bloodstains near the wounds with the help of alcoholic wipes. After that she covered each wound efficiently with the help of flexible tape and applied small sticky adhesives on the scratches she saw on his forehead and face. She then lifted his hairs with her right hand to check if any wounds were hidden under them.

'Are there any scratches which I can't see? I mean, on your covered body parts?" the girl asked politely in a hesitant manner and without making eye contact.

"Yes, give me a second". He took off his shirt and showed a deep cut on the right side of his chest. It happened while he had tried to escape that trap in the jungle.

She started cleaning it and applied alcohol. When she saw his chest's scars, she felt he was not an ordinary man. His body was harder than any man on this ship. She looked inside his eyes for a moment and completed her work.

The caring behavior of Diana and the professional way she managed and treated his wound impressed Ken.

When she was about to go, Ken asked. "What do you do on this ship?"

"This is my home". She told him politely. She moved her hand to his chest and asked about the scars and signs of bullets and knives on his body. "What are these signs?"

Ken did not reply and just smiled. It was clear that he was not going to answer that.

"Ok! I have to go now, you should take care of yourself and don't move if there is no need," she said while collecting her stuff.

When she was getting up and was ready to leave, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Oliver sends some clothes for this new guest". A boy spoke with his high-pitched voice and came in to give these clothes to Ken.

Ken looked at the clothes and then towards his wound. A helpless smile crept up on his face.

"I can't wear it on my own. Lady! Can you please help me? " and lifted his arm with his other hand to wear the shirt.

"huh..., of course". She replied in hesitation and started helping him to put on his shirt. After this, both stared at the pants for a moment as it was an uncomfortable moment for both of them.

"Can you help me wear this too?". He asked in a confused voice.

"Yeah! Get up and turn your face away from me." she said while giving him support and helping him to stand on this moving ship.

He got up and turned his face around. She grasps his pants with both of her hands and drags them down, leaving him partially nude.

She helped him to put on the pants like a baby boy by holding his feet one by one and placing them slowly inside the pants. Then she lifted them to his legs and knotted the black belt on his waist."Is it fine?" she asked in a frivolous tone. After this, she smiled and moved near the door.

"Yess it is" Ken replied while making eye contact with her.

After letting out a small chuckle, she went out of his room and closed the door.

'She is so cute. I think she likes me.' He lay down on his bed and started staring at the roof.

Everything looks fine and I hope it remains so. Maybe I can get there safely.' He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He was exhausted and needed a long sleep. His eyelids were heavy because of tiredness, but he kept his crossbow with him near his pillow. His mind was wary, and he made himself ready for any event.

He was sleeping peacefully, and suddenly there was a knock at his door. In his dream he was wandering in a horrible place so woke up fearful and asked loudly. "Who is there?" while gripping his crossbow in his hand.

Oliver came in and replied with a smile face. "Calm down, everything is fine. It's just me," while sitting down near him.

" I came to invite you for today's fish party late at night," Oliver said while looking toward Ken with a smile.

"fish party! Sure, I will come." Ken replied in a merry mood.

"Okay then come on the deck if you would like to enjoy delicious seafood.'' Oliver trilled while licking his lips.

"Of course, I will join you." Ken replied happily.


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