
Skull was known as the strongest organization of the underground mafia. They were involved in millions of black businesses and were enough rich to buy the police, judges, and all the powers in the world.

They believe that everything can be bought with money, lives, trust loyalty, power, and justice too. They found weaknesses of people struck them and use them for their works.

They are handling a lot of illegal businesses around the world to earn limitless black money and then use it to buy their resources, they were doing all this for a special purpose.

These all types of business were to cover and distract people and other parties from their actual point of research.

People believe no one can saw their real boss as he doesn't like to be identified and always hid under a lot of people, no one can approach him, listen to his voice, or identifies his face. He was a big mystery for everyone who works with him or the people don't know him much.

He doesn't even meet his assistant too. They communicate on call which is connected with a voice changer device.

Billy's wife was very happy because of his success. Her wife has slept and he was also trying to sleep but he couldn't sleep as he was curious about, what is inside that box?

His curiosity was increasing even he tried his best to control himself but can't so Billy decided to open it right now and handle on his own what happened next.

He waved his hand in front of his wife to check whether she is sleeping or not. She was in a deep sleep.

Billy crawled down from his bed and started taking silent steps toward the dining room. The box was laying there on the dining table.

' You know you can't explain all the things to her so check this before she got up,' he murmured.

He took this box and walked out by the back door. He placed it on a bench and started opening its ceiled tape. As he removed it the box tear into pieces with little effort.

Inside it was a glass doom in which a lot of money was locked.

It was locked and Billy tried his best to open it but failed each time. He was very confused about this, he doesn't know about the purpose of that glass doom.

Suddenly a ringing bell sound echoing in this garden loudly as it was nighttime. He started chasing that sound as he cants get a clear vision of anything around in dark, reached a shoot on which this satellite walky-talky was hanging.

He had a lot of questions in his brain but want to know everything". How could you know my address? and how you know I am there in this garden ?."

" I can see you. " Paul replied calmly.

Billy shocked for a second and asked" what is in this doom, How can I open it?

"This is a secret, you will be capable to open it after you have done your work."

" Which type of work, you are talking about? He inquired.

" Not much difficult. You just have to give us the information that we want from you."

"I had already told you everything that happened to me."

"Not everything we need details of every single moment that might help us. Wait… I will guide you further tomorrow but now you should get inside and hide this doom. Your wife woke up and looking for you."

"How did you knew that? a beep ranged and the call disconnected.

He ran inside and hid the doom inside the dining table and satellite phone also. Her wife came and in curiosity sked " Honey what are you doing there at this time?"

While coming near to her he tells" I was not feeling good just came to breathe in fresh air" and kissed her softly.

"Okay, but if you want to share something you should talk to m,e baby." She hugged her and dabbed on his back.

"Yeah I know, I can share with you definitely but now it's time to sleep. I have to wake up early and want to do breakfast freshly by the hands of my sweet wife."

She notices his awkward behavior but doesn't show him. Angela know he was hiding something from her

He hugged her wife and slept. He was very happy that he is going to be rich and all of his dreams come true that he was seen with his family.

On the other side, Robinson was investigating Paul and his way of work. He trusted on him but his way of working was wild. He doesn't leave any clue of his presence and had a repute of punisher.

Paul was a guy of emotions but in anger, he kills people without any hesitation.

Robinson hired a man for the reconnaissance of Paul. He was keeping an eye on paul but don't know he was sharp enough to detect him.

Paul was setting a strategy with his self-made living weapon while this detective was trying to look inside through a window. Paul saw his reflection in vine glass.

Hel doesn't know him this is the reason why he doesn't try to make a quick decision, he behaved like he doesn't know that detective was gazing at him.

He slowly walked back toward the window and hurriedly...Gripped him by the collar, he grasped him inside the room and asked" who sends you there, whom you are working for?.

"I can't tell you the details otherwise he kills me."

"If you don't tell I will kill you," he said while knocking his jaw.

"I am working for Mr. Robinson."

Paul gives a sign to the man he called his living weapon to go ahead and start working.

He put a folk in the detective's eye to punish him for putting his nose in Paul's matters.

The detective's eye was destroyed and he fainted due to pain.

He put him in the car and directly called Robinson.

Robinson's PA was a clever woman and handle all of his financial and other matters records she was very skillful. On the first ring attended the call.

"Mr. Robinson is busy at this time if you have any special message you can tell me."

"I know he is there in front of you, give him the phone and told him I want to discuss know with him."

Robinson picks up the call" how could you know this every time?

"It's magic, both giggled."

"Why are you sending people behind me, you know I don't like to be chased. I am your old member don't you think you should respect my privacy."

"You have not shared your plans with me and what are you going to do next? I am trying to trust you but I don't allow you to play a stupid game that kills both of us."

"I am not playing like a fool, I can't tell you all the details at this time but the simple thing is that I know what I am doing. I am all for us."

"We are not secured from them, they are not going to protect us from our other against parties. Did you know Paul"

"Yeah I knew, as soon as I found him, they stop chasing and killing us.

"The situation is changed they already crossed their lines and killing our people at first sight, if they kill me you have to promise me, you never spare their lives and kill every single person who belonged to them."

"You should take care of your self stay hidden I don't let them kill you my friend on any condition. I am going far for more than a week. "

"Maybe our connection was not possible in that place but you have to stay alive till I came. "

"Best of luck with your journey don't come empty-handed."

"I will remember, he dropped the pity detective in front of Robinson's gate who was not in good condition and blood was flowing out of his eye.'

Robinson's guards informed him and he told them to take him to the hospital.

His assistant acted like she was sincere to him but in actual she was leaking the information of their organization to 'skull.

Paul came to his secret flat, it was an ordinary building where most of the labour staff lived on less rent. Paul was a rich man but he should be secure without luxuries in a small room.

He was extremely tired, wearing a big hat so no one can identify him he took heavy steps toward his apartment and opened the door. As he walked he saw it was as it is the left it's nine months ago.

There was a layer of dirt on the floor and all the things in his house. He untied his shoes and walked toward the kitchen which was cleaned but messy. as he opened the fridge he got an old beer bottle which was still not expired.

Paul took a big sip and walked to the TV lounge where the sofa was covered by dirt. He off his black jacket and hat, also of his pent because he doesn't want to stain that branded stuff.

He felt light and comfortable. It was a dirty and very small place as compared to his real living style but for now, the most important thing for him was to stay alive.

After finishing his beer he walked to the bedroom on which there was a single bed and a fixed cubed on the right side of the bed.

He brought a single tap and a headphone from its drawer. Fixed those headphones and turn on the tape. these were the recordings of her girlfriend he loved the most and was killed by 'skull.

John slept while listening to them.