Brilliant Idea!

Forget about the plan I am going to tell you a story

There were two fast friends, who were going to do an illegal task to fulfill their dreams.

One of them said "We have to play the game of twins, this is the only method we can enter inside"

His friend replied, " You know you are not the member anymore, don't say we have to cheat our third best buddy because if we told him he tells about us to the security."

"You are thinking like my way now" He replied with uplifting eyebrows in a proud voice.

You will be on your duty as your casual days, you have to give me the favor of passing the gate as the member of sanitation group members.

"How could you take your devices inside?" He inquired as it was difficult to take electronic devices without permission and if they caught you, you will be punished hard.

"I put them in the garbage bag as only we have passed through the security machine. they didn't check the garbage box."

"This is a good one but for this purpose, we have to kidnap the garbage man also."

"Left it on me. He knows he can trap one of them.'

"As I came inside, you should replace the camera's screen with the previous day's same recordings for five minutes so they can't see me going in the wrong way or other departments."

"After this, you should call our third partner Roxen, who doesn't know about this plan. He came on your call and I borrow his uniform by letting him smell chloroform so he doesn't disturb us. We will handle him in some way."

"What the hell man this does not seem like a plan you are just testing your luck?" his second friend was afraid because they have not done such type of mission before.

"You are right it's not a proper one but the basic plan is strong."

"Just keep quiet take sips of your drink and focus on my saying."

"After this, I will go to the room where they put all of their documentaries. I have to find that file in just five minutes after which I come back change my uniform and untie Roxen. " the first friend was a brave person and want to do all dangerous tasks by himself.

"I got a brilliant idea why not I kept him in the toilet so he may think he slipped and forget about everything."

"Yeah, it's a good idea if we will succeed in sniffing him the white powder we used for other thieves that let them sleep for thirty minutes.

"After this, I wore back my garbage man's uniform and hid that flash in a garbage bag so they cant check it and I will cross the security without any problem."

"This is a great story that seemed like the script of robbers."

"The characters in the story are us, me and you," Billy replied while taking a sip.

"Oh come on, don't say you are serious about this."

"I am serious What's the problem with this plan?"

'Everything will be fine then, I completed my task, you don't need to lose your job. Roxen stay calm, the agency did not notice anything false and we all live a normal life."

" Look Your plan is not bad but why I should help you?" He was a mean person so thought about his profit first.

"What do you mean by this?"

"I mean friendship zone is a separate thing and business is business you know, I am the man of money so if you want I help you. you have to give me a satisfying offer."

"Okay then let us make a deal if I become successful to bring that data out of the organization I would give you the car I get yesterday."

"That car which you parked outside? He asked excitedly as he needs a car because his previous one was not more than the garbage."

"Yeah, I am talking about this but remember if we become unsuccessful, I have to lose my life and you will also be punished to help me."

"No, I don't let you or me lose. I need that car and you need the information so we both will do for our dreams."

"Thank you so much, my friend,"

"Ah, I am not doing this for you. I am doing this for that car. it s so damn amazing."

"Who hired you?"

"I can't tell you, even If I know. I don't know, Why this organization needs his files."

"I am just doing this for a man who promised to give me a permanent job after this task."

"For the coming best days." Both of them closer their vine glasses and said cheers."

"I have never thought I do something like this. I took a vow to be loyal to this organization."

"But you are forgetting you are not their part now, so you have the right to broke your vow."

"Oh, yeah you are right I was forgotten about this, thank you to remind me how I am feeling less guilty."

"I have to go on duty."

"You have to analyze all the things properly so it's easy for us to plot the proper plan."

"Don't worry. He bowed to Billy and turn toward the exit door."

"I have forgotten to tell you about something, find that room where they kept their documentaries and a key to enter there."

: That's great, I have just twelve hours to do this all. You have told me so earlier."

"I know you can do this. "

"Oh, right you have an infinite level of confidence in me." He said and walked out of the house.

Suddenly his walky-talky ranged, he fastly received the upcoming call and heard.

" why would you tell him about our plan, we cant trust him."

"He is my old partner and doesn't tell anybody, I need his help to complete the task." dangerous

"We hope so because if he opened his mouth, we kill him on the spot."

His throat dried with fear, he took a sip and replied," okay".

He walked to the headquarters to analyze all the timings.

Billy reminds he needs to hide his identity, most of the people knew him.

He wore an oversized hood and surgical mask to hide his identity.

Rushed into the car and drove to the back gate where all the servicemen are allowed to enter.

He takes a round of the street to check the securities and possible ways to inquire properly.

While passing in front of the back door he realizes there were no such objects behind which he can manage to hide silently and if he tried to deal with security guards, system alerts, and it's hard for him to enter tomorrow.

Billy parked the car far from the gate as he doesn't want to get noticed by them. To inquire he works as an investigator.

He walked to the main street while hiding beside vehicles. There was a building in front of that back door. It was the only possible way for him to detect.

He decided to enter this building but it was a huge building and took five minutes to drive to the main gate.

It was a five-star hotel and the most luxurious too in this city. Billy never visited that hotel but its appearance looked like they never let any poor man inside.

So he decided to change his outfit.

He went to his friend who has a shop for dry cleaning. Billy was an expert robber and gets what he wants. He visited his shop.

After greeting each other, Billy asks for coffee.

His friend says he doesn't want to take it. In its reply, Billy said it's from my side. Go and get a cup of coffee for both of us.

There was a big waiting line because it was the famous coffee shop in this era.

His friend busy buying coffee and on the other side, Billy checked different suits which he thinks best to enter inside that luxury hotel.

He chose a grey suit with a black shirt and a shining grey tie.

" This is the best one" he left the money for the payment of coffee on the table and vanished.

As his friend came back he was annoyed by his habit of stealing suits from his college days.

' but I have to deliver that suit today' he shouted helplessly.

Billy reached the hotel and parked his car, he walks in style and greets the guard in good mood.

Billy was looking like a millionaire by his appearance. On the door, he was checked by a security guard he tried to make an excuse like he forgot his card inside his room. But the guard was not ready to let him in.

He was a greedy person, which makes Billy's work easier and here he managed by giving him some money.

As he stepped in he found himself in the hall full of lightning. There was a big chandelier in the center of the hall. It was an amazing scene but Billy doesn't have much time to spare so he strictly moved toward the lift.

He checked there were eight floors. he selected the topmost. As he reached there was a room for the people who sanitize the hotel twenty-four hours a day.

There was a small door that opens in the room. Billy hiddenly reached there and finally, the clear scene of the back gate was in front of him.

He sat there and started waiting for garbagemen.