
By smelling some sort of smell, James analyzes and says" it means you are near. Take a right, there is a small tunnel near the floor."

"You have to pass through this and it takes you to the restricted era."

"Is it important to take this path?"

" Otherwise, they caught you."

"Okay, I am going. It's so small."

"Then start doing a diet after completing the mission."

"Stop embarrassing me. Now, where?" 

"Keep going, count three tunnels way out to this tunnel they opened in different rooms but our target is to reach near to the room where they keep records.

After ten minutes of crawling, he reached the third tunnel.

"Get out of here, it opens in the toilet, first make sure no one is here."

He checked and listen to no one's voice, so he kicked the opening of the tunnel and the cover fell. He silently came out, washed his face, and set his hair.