Back to the cell

After Fifteen days, things changed a little bit. Ken's mentally became stable and felt strong, looking ready for the upcoming challenges. 

In the early morning, he was doing exercise and muttering something like he was practicing some spells. He was looking stronger than his previous days as Ken became more confident because he is feeling something different in his body.

  He knows he can play with spells as he wants. 

"Morning Ken" Hellen asked while getting out of bed.

"Good morning Hellen, after having breakfast I want to discuss something with you."

"Okay, you are sounding serious, it must be important, so give me ten minutes. I will be right back.

'It's been a long time, I am stuck there. I can't wait for something to help me. I have to get out of there.' Ken talked to himself and started meditating to cool his mind.

The food guy came inside his cell." Your breakfast subject 100".