Yes Captain!

The time was slowing down, things were moving at least Henry was covering Mike who was afraid of the situation.

Bullets rained around them and Henry was trying his best to give cover but we all knew he was not enough to take care of both of them, Hellen and Mike.

She was feeling like a burden on the team even if they ran out of the scene they couldn't leave her back to die as she was not able to run before them.

As her eyes were closed she was not able to see the whole scenario but can feel the movements and hear the lowest frequency because my whole focus is on hearing. 

whenever your one sense from five is blocked, other will started working advanced.

Hellen heard a woman's voice. She was shouting with pain" You ass holes."

After this, she heard a big blast and then the destruction of the wall. its sound was too loud looked like she attacked the building with the rocket.