Hellen's feet touch the ground and this feeling runs an anxiety current in her whole body. This is the sign of her nervous activity still present in her legs.

She forgets about trying and improving. The doctor says she had a twenty percent chance to recover and if you have belief in yourself then this twenty-person is enough to fight with this problem.

Hellen knows Tina is heard for helping her but Hellen wants to do most of all by herself. She didn't want to be a burden.

Hellen was trying to help her but she was trying to do it by herself.

"You are stubborn," Tina said while laughing as she was happy with her unstoppable behaviour.

"Yeah I know it's just one more step. Look! I have done it. "Hellen replied in excitement.

"Come on! We have to do our work forty minutes after this darkness begins and in this favour, we will be lost somewhere far."Said while giving her the support on her shoulder.