Rebirth of a strange Creature!

Tina, Henry, Hellen, and Mike all were surrounded by different tragedies. They are struggling for freedom at different points. 

In these moments of terrifying changes, they stole some moments to run through them.

Hellen woke up while dozing. She was in a good mood.

Hellen doesn't know why she is happy and butterflies were tickling in her stomach.

She was getting good vibes from the coming future. It was not about visualizing good things, it's about the feelings which were hitting her too well.

"Where are you, Tina?"Hellen shouted.

"Come on stop yelling. I am still sleeping don't want to wake up so early." Tina replied while putting a cushion on her head to cover her ears as Hellen's voice was irritating her.

Hellen checked her wristwatch and got it in the afternoon. It's nearly 3:00.

"It's 3:00 pm. Good afternoon "

"What? We were sleeping late? Damn!! I have to go." Tina was shocked after hearing this.