Hellen was afraid this is the reason she didn't think about what is going to happened next when she admit suicide during vibes.

She will be alive in real life or not? Or what happened if she die there too.

When she was falling she got goosebumps due to fear and felt a force pulling her downward, in this moment she felt air around her and touching her body slightly.

If she was not going to die it was the best moment of her life as she was actually feeling that moment stolen from her fears.

She closed her eyes and got ready to die. She was afraid to die at the start but she realized if she did all this end.

The pain, fear, tragedies, bad fortune got to end with her. 

The wit was end and she striked with the ground and felt the pain.her body in real life bounced like she striked with the floor and this get back her to the real life.