It Will Be Fun!

The house where he lived happily with his family was completely burnt. Billy was thinking about the precious moments he spent with his family, the smell of smoke and ashes making it difficult for him to breathe but he wanted to come and for the last time felt the presence of his family

Billy felt shattered due to the pain and didn't know what to do next, sitting hopelessly bends toward the ground thinking that his family paid for his greed and that thought pinching his heart deep inside. He felt the strain in his chest.

Mr.Peter who was Billy's neighbor saw a man entering Billy's house so came to check."There is no one there Billy is in hospital" He said while opening the door.

"Billy, that's you. I am sorry for your family. "Mr. Peter said while stepping inside. He saw Billy in the wheelchair and then observed his condition. The pain in his white eyes gave the reflection of his grief.