After the discussion of half an hour they sensed Mike's absence, they started looking for him and saw him with a girl. Henry asked him to go because they were getting late for home but Mike was not ready to go because he was enjoying the company of that girl.

The girl's face was innocent and her dressing sense was cool too, her shoes were matched with Mike and then they took each other's social IDs for communication.

They went to their home again but Mike was still thinking about that girl while driving as he flattered her smile and sweet voice, he added her instantly to his contact list.

Mike sent their photos to Tina to irritate her and saw the message she sent last night and he ignored it as he was playing the game. 

In her message she told him something secret in code words, the smile on his face eventually faded away and he looked toward Henry to tell him but he was busy talking with Hellen so he decided to discuss it after reaching home.