They were busy in doing discussion but Jojo's reaction enforce Hellen to reply aggressively, while looking in her eyes she replied"Yeah it is but don't be greedy, you knew very well how that greed affected you hundred of years ago," 

"Whatever" the dummy replied offendedly while rolling its eyes.

"There is a game show in the bank tonight at 8:15 pm. We should go there and check the security systems or the other places such as corners, camera locations, rooms, air ducts, or anything that would help us.

"We will go there tonight at different times and scattered there, trying not to face cameras or come in someone's sight,"  James replied excitedly.

"Are we going to the party?" Dummy asked joyfully.

"Not you."Everyone replied furiously. She made an annoying face and sat at the corner of that laboratory.

"We need dresses for this purpose" 

"And the necklaces too," Mike said.

"But why?" James asked.